Word familynounupsetupbreakupbringingupbuildingupbuoyanceupburstupcastupcomeup-countryupdoupflowupgangupgradabilityupgradationupgradeupgrowingupgrowthupgushupheavalupholderupholdingupkeepuplifterupliftinguplighteruplinkuplinkingupmakeupmakerupmakingupmanshipuprestuprightnessuprisalupriseuprisingupristuproaruprootaluprooteruprootinguprushupsetterupshotupsittingupstartupstrokeupsurgenceupswinguptakeuptalkuptickuptimeuptowneruptrendupturnupturningupvaluationupwellingupwrapupfillingupgraderupheapingupsweepadjectiveupsetupsettingupblownupburningupburstingupcoastupcomingupgradableupgrownupgushinguphanduphilluplighteduplockeduplyingupmarketuppiledupraisedupreareduprightupriverupscaleupstandingupstaringupstateupsweptup-tempouptightuptornuptrilledupturnedupcurvedupdrawnupflashingupflungupgoinguptiltedverbupsetupbearupbindupblowupbraidupbrastupbrayupbroughtupbuildupcatchupcheerupchuckupcoilupdateupfollowupgatherupgrowuphaudupheaveuphoardupholdupjetupknituplayupleadupleanupliftuploaduplockuplookupraiseuprateuprearuprolluprootuproseuprystupsellupshootupskillupspeakupspearupspringupstandupstareupstayupsurgeupswayuptearupthrowupthrustupthunderuptieuptrainupvalueupwindupwroughtupboilupclimbupcloseupcurlupdragupdrawupfillupfurlupgazeupgouphangupheapuphoistuphurlupleapuprouseuprunupsendupswelluptiltupwaftupwellupwhirladverbupbyupfielduphillwardupliftinglyuprighteouslyuprightlyupstageupstairsupstreamuptown
upset stomach• Wainwright will play despite having returned from representing the Barbarians in the Hong Kong Sevens suffering from an upset stomach.• He missed the 2-2 draw with Boro because of an upset stomach. and reserve Iain Jenkins is standing-by.• Backache, headache, insomnia, upset stomach, irritability.
upset [not before noun] unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened
Miss Hurley is too upset to speak to anyone at the moment.
She’s still deeply upset about her uncle’s death.
He’s upset that he didn’t get an invitation to their wedding.
Bill felt deeply hurt when he realized she had lied to him.
Gretta was really hurt that none of her friends came to visit her in the hospital.
Jackson was said to be ‘deeply hurt’ by the newspaper reports about him.
He had a hurt expression on his face.
distressed very upset
Priests have been counselling distressed relatives of the victims.
She was visibly distressed after hearing of her husband’s accident.
Matilda was too distressed to speak.
distraught written so upset and worried that you are unable to do normal things, and nothing can make you feel calm
Benson was so distraught over the breakup of his marriage that he felt like committing suicide.
The distraught parents of the missing baby have made a public appeal for her return.
in a (terrible) stateBritish EnglishBrE informal so upset that you cannot stop crying
She called me one night in a terrible state, saying she wanted to die.
I could see that she was in a bit of a state.
be worked up informal to be very upset or angry, so that you think things are worse than they really are
I was too worked up to sleep.
It’s not worth getting worked up about. Anyone can make a mistake.
Examples from the Corpus
upset• Orton wrote to Williams hoping he wasn't too upset.• She had already started to retreat into eating when she felt upset.• Snowy said she didn't mind, but Jane still felt upset.• The monster after committing this atrocity felt upset.• We'd better not tell Mum about what's happened. She'll only get upset.• Liz is very upset about her uncle's death.• She's still upset about her uncle's death.• Now Snyde's about to take over the control of copying and the Copy Master is upset about it.• Don't be upset. I'm sure she didn't mean to be unkind.• The organizers were upset that so few people visited the exhibition.• "What's the matter with Rod?" "I think he's still upset that we forgot his birthday."• Miss Hurley is too upset to speak to anyone at the moment.• Evidence of identification was given by the collegechaplain who said he was too upset to talk about the death.• The children were very upset when we told them that we wouldn't be going to Disneyland.
up·set2 /ʌpˈset/ ●●●S2 verb (past tensepst and past participleppupset, present participle upsetting) [transitiveT]
1make SB unhappy 使某人生气UPSET to make someone feel unhappy or worried 使生气;使心烦意乱
Don’t do anything that would upset him.
nit upsets somebody that/when/to do
nIt upsets me to see you cry.
2change STH 改变某事DISTURB to change a plan or situation in a way that causes problems 打乱,搅乱〔计划、形势等〕
The chemicals upset the balance of the environment.
3make STH fall 打翻某物FALL to push something over without intending to 打翻,弄翻
He upset a bowl of soup.
4defeat 打败 to defeat an opponent who is considered to be much better than you 〔出人意料地〕打败〔实力远超自己的对手〕
Jones upset the 40th-ranked American, Cunningham.
琼斯出人意料地打败了排名第 40 位的美国选手坎宁安。
5.upset the apple cartSPOIL informal to completely spoil someone’s plans 彻底破坏某人的计划
Examples from the Corpus
upset the apple cart• Just when you think you have got your financeswhipped into shape something or some one comes along to upset the apple cart.• As I said, you could have upset the apple cart badly.• Our specificrole in the political milieu is to upset the apple cart, which is precisely what happened in Florida.
6upset your stomachto affect your stomach and make you feel sick 引起肠胃不适
The soup was revolting and upset my stomach.
Examples from the Corpus
upset• Football fans and coaches were outraged that their schedules were being upset.• One of the kidsupset a bottle of water on the table.• France upsetBrazil in the World Cupfinal.• Positions might have been changed and the precarious political balance upset by any intensification of the spiritualpollutioncampaign.• Her father died when she was ten, and it still upsets her to think about it.• The idea of having to change school seemed to upset him more than we thought it would.• "Why's he crying?" "I don't know - something must have upset him."• What upsets me most is the way she lied to me.• It used to upset me - really, you have no idea.• It still upsets me to think about my parents' divorce.• She was careful not to upset the bottle of nailpolish on the bed.• Recentbankfailuresthreaten to upset the entire world economy.• The closing of the plant threatens to upset the local economy.• Rowan said this latest outbreak of violence could upset the peace talks.• Young children don't like anything which upsets their dailyroutine.• I'm sorry if I upset you - I didn't mean to.• I'm sorry - I didn't mean to upset you.• Try not to upset your father. He's had a hard day.
3.stomach upsetMIan illness that affects the stomach and makes you feel sick 肠胃不适
Examples from the Corpus
stomach upset• In general, children and adults should not be given too much milk to drink if they are recovering from a stomach upset.• If you had a stomach upset you were sent to Mrs. Sutton who sold you a powder for tuppence.• JohnKing makes a late shuffle after Neil McNab goes down with a stomach upset.• Carbonmonoxide can cause headaches and stomach upsets or, at worse, be fatal.• Some even insertcaffeinesuppositories before a race in an attempt to provide a sustaineddose with no stomach upset.• Additionally, many people report stomach upsets, earinfections and rashes after coming into contact with the lake water.• The cold symptoms, the stomach upset, the fevers all pointed to flu.