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Word family
Related topics: Illness & disability
bite1 /baɪt/ ●●● S2 verb (past tensepst bit /bɪt/, past participlepp bitten /ˈbɪtn/, present participle biting)   byte, bight
1 bite.jpg WITH YOUR TEETHteeth 牙齿 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]BITE to use your teeth to cut, crush, or chew something
 The dog bit him and made his hand bleed.
bite into/through/at/down
 She bit into a croissant and took a sip of coffee.
 An adult conger eel can easily bite through a man’s leg.
 Nina pushed her fist into her mouth and bit down hard.
bite something off
 a man whose arm was bitten off by an alligator
bite your nails (=bite the nails on your fingers, especially because you are nervous) 咬指甲
 I wish I could stop biting my nails.
bite your lip (=because you are upset or not sure what to say) 〔因为难过或不知道该说什么而〕咬着嘴唇
 She paused uncertainly, biting her lip.
2 INSECT/SNAKEinsect/snake 昆虫/ [intransitiveI, transitiveT]MIHB to injure someone by making a hole in their skin 叮,蜇,咬 sting
 I think I’ve been bitten.
 The dog’s been badly bitten by fleas.
3 NOT SLIPpress hard 用力挤压 [intransitiveI]HOLDSTICK if an object bites into a surface, it presses firmly into it and does not move or slip 卡紧,咬住,紧抓住〔某个表面〕
bite into
 The hooves of the galloping horses had bitten deep into the soft earth.
 He wore boots that bit into the ice.
4 HAVE AN EFFECTEFFECT/INFLUENCEeffect 效果 [intransitiveI] to start to have an unpleasant effect 开始出现不好的效果
 The new tobacco taxes have begun to bite.
bite into
 The recession is biting into the music industry.
5 accept 接受 [intransitiveI] to believe what someone tells you, or to buy something they are selling, especially when they have persuaded you to do this 〔尤指经说服〕接受,相信
 The new camcorders were withdrawn after consumers failed to bite.
6 FISHfish [intransitiveI]HBF if a fish bites, it takes food from a hook and so gets caught 咬饵,上钩
 The fish just aren’t biting today.
7 bite your tongue SAYto stop yourself from saying what you really think, even though this is difficult 强忍住不说
 She should have bitten her tongue.
Examples from the Corpus
8 bite the dust informal to die, fail, or be defeated 死;失败;被打败
 Italy’s championship hopes eventually bit the dust.
Examples from the Corpus
9 bite the bullet informalACCEPT to start dealing with an unpleasant or dangerous situation because you cannot avoid it any longer 硬着头皮,咬紧牙关应付
 I finally bit the bullet and left.
Examples from the Corpus
10. bite off more than you can chew MORE THAN something OR somebody ELSEto try to do more than you are able to do 不自量力
Examples from the Corpus
11 he/she won’t bite spokenFRIGHTENED used to say that there is no need to be afraid of someone, especially someone in authority /她又不会咬你〔用于表示不用害怕某人,尤指有权势的人〕
Examples from the Corpus
12. what’s biting you/her etc? spokenUPSET used to ask why someone is annoyed or upset /她等有什么事不开心呢?
13. somebody/something bites spoken not polite used to say that you dislike someone or something very much or think that something is very bad 某事物/某人很讨厌
14. once bitten, twice shytwice shy once bitten used to say that if you have failed or been hurt once, you will be more careful next time 一回吃亏,两回学乖;一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳
15. bite the hand that feeds you HARM/BE BAD FORto harm someone who has helped or supported you 恩将仇报;以怨报德
Examples from the Corpus
16. be bitten by the showbiz/travel/flying etc bug INTERESTEDto develop a very strong interest in something 迷上娱乐业/旅行/飞行等
n17. Bite me! American EnglishAmE spoken informal used to show that you are offended by something someone has just said about you
18bite back phrasal verbphr v 
Examples from the Corpus
bite somebody’s head off at head1(33), → nail-biting
bite to use your teeth to cut, crush, or chew something
The dog bit me!
I sometimes bite my fingernails when I’m nervous.
He bit into the apple.
chew to keep biting something that is in your mouth 〔不停地〕嚼
Helen was chewing a piece of gum.
He was chewing on a cigar.
gnaw if an animal gnaws something, it bites it repeatedly 〔动物〕啃咬
The dog was in the yard gnawing on a bone.
nip somebody/give somebody a nip to give someone or something a small sharp bite 轻咬某人一口
When I took the hamster out of his cage, he nipped me.
nibble to take a lot of small bites from something 啃,一点点地咬
A fish nibbled at the bait.
She sat at her desk, nibbling her sandwich.
sink your teeth into somebody/something to bite someone or something with a lot of force, so that your teeth go right into them 狠狠地咬住某人/某物
The dog sank its teeth into my leg.
nHe sank his teeth into the steak.
chomp on something informal to bite something and chew it in a noisy way 大声地嚼某物
The donkey was chomping on a carrot.
nHe was chomping away on big slice of toast.
sting if an insect stings you, it makes a very small hole in your skin. You use sting about bees, wasps, and scorpions, and bite about mosquitoes, ants, spiders, and snakes 〔昆虫〕叮,刺,蜇〔蜜蜂、黄蜂、蝎子等用sting,蚊子、蚂蚁、蜘蛛、蛇等用bite
She stepped on a wasps’ nest and must have been stung at least 20 times.
Examples from the Corpus
bite2 ●●● S3 noun  
1 WITH YOUR TEETHusing teeth 用牙齿 [countableC]BITE the act of cutting or crushing something with your teeth
2 WOUNDwound 伤口 [countableC]MIBITE a small hole made where an animal or insect has bitten you 被咬[叮,蜇]的伤口
3 a bite (to eat) informalDFMEAL a small meal 简单的一餐
Examples from the Corpus
4 TASTEtaste 味道 [uncountableU]CT a pleasantly sharp taste 浓烈的味道
5 COLDcold [singular]DNCOLD a feeling of coldness 冷意,寒意
6 EFFECTIVENESSstrong effect 强烈的效果 [uncountableU]EFFECTIVE a special quality in a performance, piece of writing etc that makes its arguments very effective and likely to persuade people 〔表演、文章等的〕犀利,尖锐;感染力,说服力
7 FISHfish [countableC]DSO when a fish takes the food from a hook 吞饵;上钩
8. another/a second bite at the cherry British EnglishBrECHANCE/OPPORTUNITY a second chance to do something 第二次机会
9 jaw [countableC usually singular] technical the way that a person or animal’s top and bottom teeth touch when their mouth is closed 〔上下牙齿的〕啮合,咬合
love bite, sound bite, → somebody’s bark is worse than their bite at bark2(4)
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
bitebite /baɪt/ noun [countableC]COMPUTING
another spelling of BYTE
Origin bite1
Old English bitan


1act of biting/amount of food咬;咬下的一塊VERB + BITE | PREPOSITION VERB + BITEhave, swallow, take咬一口;咽一口PREPOSITIONbetween bites邊吃邊⋯She tried to talk between bites.她設法邊吃邊說。bite from從⋯上咬I took a bite from the apple.我咬了一口蘋果。bite of咬的一口⋯Can I have a bite of your sandwich?我能咬一口你的三明治嗎?bite out of從⋯上咬的一口She took a bite out of the slab of cake.她從那一大塊蛋糕上咬了一口。


2of an insect/animal昆蟲;動物ADJECTIVE | VERB + BITE | BITE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdog, insect, mosquito, snake, etc.狗咬、蟲咬、蚊子叮、蛇咬等nasty狠咬VERB + BITEget被咬I got a lot of mosquito bites last night.昨晚我被蚊子好一頓咬。BITE + NOUNmark咬痕PREPOSITIONbite from被⋯咬a bite from a poisonous snake被毒蛇咬了一口


3small amount to eat少量食物ADJECTIVE | VERB + BITE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEquick匆忙吃的一點兒東西VERB + BITEgrab, have趕着吃點兒東西We managed to grab a bite at the airport.我們設法在機場匆忙吃了點兒東西。PREPOSITIONbite of一點兒食物a quick bite of lunch匆忙吃了點兒午餐PHRASESa bite to eat少量食物We'll have a bite to eat in town.我們會在鎮上簡單吃點兒東西。


1use your teethADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbadly嚴重咬傷Their cat was badly bitten by a dog.他們的貓被一隻狗咬得挺厲害。off咬下He bit off a chunk of bread.他咬下一大塊麪包。PREPOSITIONatHe bit at his lower lip.他咬着下嘴唇。down on咬在⋯上She bit down on her bottom lip.她咬着下嘴唇。into咬進She bit into the apple.她咬了一口蘋果。through咬穿The dog had bitten right through its rope.那狗把拴它的繩子咬斷了。PHRASESbite sth in half, bite sth in two把⋯咬成兩半/兩部份


2have an effect影響ADVERB | VERB + BITE ADVERBdeep, hard產生深遠/嚴重影響As the recession bites harder, many small companies are going bankrupt.經濟衰退日趨嚴重,許多小公司紛紛破產。VERB + BITEbegin to, start to開始影響After two cold months, the coal shortage was beginning to bite.在兩個月的嚴寒後,煤炭短缺的影響開始顯現出來。


bite ♦︎ chew ♦︎ munch ♦︎ nibble ♦︎ gnaw ♦︎ crunchThese words all mean to use your teeth in a particular way, especially to eat food. 这些词均表示咬、嚼。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to bite / chew / munch / gnaw / crunch through sthto bite / chew / munch / nibble / gnaw at sthto bite / chew / munch / nibble / crunch on sthto chew / munch / nibble / gnaw away at sthto bite / munch / nibble / crunch an appleto chew on / gnaw / crunch a boneto bite / chew your lip / nailsto chew / munch / nibble / gnaw / crunch your way through sth bite (bit, bitten) [intransitive, transitive] to use your teeth to cut into or through sth She bit into a ripe juicy pear.她咬了一口熟透多汁的梨。Does your dog bite?你的狗咬人吗?She was bitten by the dog.她被狗咬伤了。He bit off a large chunk of bread.他咬下一大块面包。Stop biting your nails.别咬指甲了。 bite


[countable] She took a huge bite out of the chocolate bar.她咬了一大口巧克力块。The dog gave me a playful bite.狗闹着玩地咬了我一下。
chew [transitive, intransitive] to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow; to bite sth continuously, for example because you are nervous or to taste it 嚼碎;(因为紧张等)咬住,不停地啃;(为尝味道)不停地咀嚼Chew your food up well before you swallow it.把食物细嚼后再咽下。He is always chewing gum.他总是在嚼口香糖。After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow.手术后你咀嚼和吞咽可能会感到困难。The dog was chewing on a bone.那只狗在啃骨头。Rosa chewed on her lip and stared at the floor.罗莎咬着嘴唇,眼睛盯着地板。If you put sth in your mouth in order to eat it, you chew it or chew it up. If you bite sth continuously without eating it, for example your lip, you chew on it. * chew sth和chew sth up表示咀嚼以便咽下;chew on sth 表示不停地啃咬但不吃,如chew on one's lip(咬嘴唇)。 munch [intransitive, transitive] to eat sth steadily and often noisily, especially sth crisp 大声咀嚼,用力咀嚼(尤指脆的食物)She munched on an apple.她在大口啃苹果。He sat in a chair munching his toast.他坐在椅子上大嚼烤面包片。I munched my way through a huge bowl of cereal.我狼吞虎咽地吃了一大碗麦片。 nibble [transitive, intransitive] to take small bites of sth, especially food 小口咬,一点点地咬(尤指食物)We sat drinking wine and nibbling olives.我们坐下来,喝着葡萄酒嚼着橄榄。She took some cake from the tray and nibbled at it.她从盘子里拿了块蛋糕小口地吃着。 gnaw nɔː [transitive, intransitive] to keep biting sth or chewing it hard, so that it gradually disappears 咬;啃;啮The dog was gnawing a bone.那只狗在啃骨头。Rats had gnawed through the cable.老鼠把电缆咬断了。 crunch [transitive, intransitive] to crush sth noisily between your teeth when you are eating 嘎吱嘎吱地嚼;出声嚼She crunched her apple noisily.她吃苹果发出嘎嚓嘎嚓的声音。He was crunching on a piece of toast.他正嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着一片烤面包。

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