en·sem·ble /ɒnˈsɒmbəl $ ɑːnˈsɑːm-/ noun 1 [countableC]APM a small group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together regularly 〔经常在一起演出的小型〕乐团,剧团,舞剧团instrumental/string/brass etc ensemble 器乐/弦乐器/铜管乐器等演奏组
ensemble of an ensemble of Mexican artistes 墨西哥艺人乐团
2. [countableC usually singular]GROUP OF THINGS a set of things that go together to form a whole 成套的东西
3 [countableC usually singular]DCC a set of clothes that are worn together 全套服装 an attractive ensemble 一套漂亮的服装
n Ensemble is usually followed by a singular verb: The jazz ensemble has played all over Europe.
In British English, you can also use a plural verb: The jazz ensemble have played all over Europe.