American EnglishAmEDHC a small squarecloth used for washing your hands and face 〔洗脸、洗手用的〕毛巾SYN British English facecloth
Examples from the Corpus
washcloth• The woman douses back, and some one else flips at Doi-san with a washcloth.• Their bathroom was stocked with stacks of freshtowels and washcloths.• Use separatesterile, disposablewashcloths to clean up.• By the time they left, they had each used one towel, no washcloths.• Some days she took a hotbath and let hot water fall out of a saturatedwashcloth.• We walk into the bath with our tinywhite terry washcloths.• You can hear the sound of water dripping in the pail and the sound of the washcloth on skin.