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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To believe or accept that something is true or exists
verb /θɪŋk/
[T] to believe something based on facts or ideas 认为;以为
think (that) :

What do you think he wants? 你认为他想要什么?

think (that) :

I don't think there's a bank in the village. 我认为村里没银行。

be thought to do something :

Faulty wiring is thought to have caused the fire. 人们认为是线路故障引起了这场火灾。

 Synonyms and related words
believe in
phrasal verb [T]
[believe in someone/something] to think that someone or something exists 相信…的存在

I don't believe in miracles. 我不相信存在奇迹。

I'm beginning to think you actually believe in ghosts! 我开始认为你真的相信有鬼!

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /səˈpəʊz/
to believe that something is probably true, based on your experience, your knowledge, and any other information that you have 猜想;假设;推测

She was about 35, Dexter supposed. 达克斯特猜她大约是35岁。

The game was not as one-sided as we had supposed. 这场比赛不像我们猜想的那样一边倒。

suppose (that) :

I suppose she must be delighted about getting the job. 我料想她得到这份工作一定很高兴。

Scientists can only suppose that the illness is caused by a virus. 科学家们只能推测这种疾病是由一种病毒引发的。

be popularly/commonly/generally etc supposed (=many people believe it is true) 普遍认为;一般认为 :

Older people can learn much more quickly than is commonly supposed. 年纪大的人学东西会比一般认为的快得多。

reason to suppose (that) :

We have no reason to suppose that he's done anything illegal. 我们没有理由认为他做了违法的事。

There was good reason to suppose that she had left the country. 有充分的理由来认为她已离开了这个国家。

suppose someone to be something :

She was accompanied by a man whom we supposed to be her husband. 她由一名男子陪同,我们猜是她丈夫。

 Synonyms and related words
to think that something is true or right, although you are not very happy about this 相信,认为(令人不快之事属实或正确)
suppose (that) :

I suppose I had better get back to work. 我觉得我最好还是回去工作。

Sarah supposed that she could stay with her parents if all else failed. 萨拉觉得就算其他都失败了,她还可以和父母住在一起。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] [not usually progressive] /səˈspekt/
to believe that something is true, especially something bad 怀疑,觉得(尤指坏事)属实

Teachers should call social services if they suspect child abuse. 如果教师怀疑儿童受虐待,他们应打电话给社会福利部门。

suspect (that) :

Police suspected that she had some connection with the robbery. 警方怀疑她和这起抢劫案有关。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /əˈsjuːm/
to believe that something is true, even though no one has told you or even though you have no proof 想当然地认为;假定;以为

Everyone accepted she was telling the truth, although in fact this was quite a lot to assume. 每个人都认为她在讲真话,虽然实际上有很大程度是想当然的。

assume (that) :

I'm assuming everyone here has an email address. 我以为这里每个人都有电子邮箱地址。

I think we can safely assume that he is out of town. 我觉得我们可以很有把握地认定他出城了。

assume someone/something to be/do something :

I have always assumed her to be American. 我一直以为她是美国人。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] [not usually progressive] /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/
to accept that something is true or important 承认

Most fishermen recognize the need to limit fishing. 大多数渔民承认限制捕鱼的必要性。

The importance of Herschel's contribution is generally recognized. 赫舍尔所做贡献的重要性是大家公认的。

recognize (that) :

We recognize that there are some problems with the current system. 我们承认目前的体制还存在一些弊端。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /prɪˈzjuːm/
legal to accept that something is true unless someone proves that it is not true 推定;认定

Everyone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. 在证明有罪之前,每个人都必须被认定是无罪的。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ɪˈmædʒɪn/
[T] to have an idea that something exists or is happening, when in fact it does not exist or is not happening 臆想,幻想(不存在或未发生的事)

She always imagines the worst (=thinks the worst possible thing has happened). 她总是往最坏处想。

‘There! I heard it again!' ‘There's nothing there – you're just imagining things!' “在那儿!我又听到了!”“那儿什么也没有。你只是在瞎想!”

imagine (that) :

In these situations, you imagine everyone is laughing at you. 在这些情形下,你以为每个人都在取笑你。

 Synonyms and related words
[T] to think that something is probably true 猜想;推测

It's difficult, I imagine, to keep your interest alive after doing the job for 30 years. 我猜想要对一份干了30年的工作依然保持兴趣是很难的。

imagine (that) :

I imagine they've left already. 我推测他们会已经离开了。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ˈrekən/
[I/T] [not usually progressive] spoken to believe that something is true 考虑;认为
reckon (that) :

I reckon there's something wrong with him. 我觉得他有什么地方不对劲。

be reckoned to be something :

It is generally reckoned to be the best restaurant in town. 这家饭店被普遍认为是全城最好的。

 Synonyms and related words
be a great/firm believer in something
to believe that a particular idea or activity is good or right 是某事物坚定的信奉者;深信某事物是好的(或对的)

I'm a great believer in healthy eating and exercise. 我深信健康饮食和锻炼有益。

 Synonyms and related words
More Synonyms
verb /əkˈsept/
[T] to recognize that a bad situation exists and cannot be avoided or changed 忍受;容忍

I know it's not fair, but you'll just have to accept it. 我知道这不公平,但你只能认了。

They found it hard to accept defeat. 他们发现很难接受失败。

accept that :

For a long time, he simply could not accept that she was dead. 在很长一段时间里,他就是无法接受她死了的事实。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /bɪˈliːv/
[T] to think that a fact is true 相信

Astronomers knew the Earth was round, but few people believed it. 天文学家知道地球是圆的,但是很少有人相信这一点。

believe (that) :

I don't believe that she's ever been to Hong Kong. 我不相信她曾经去过香港。

be widely/generally believed (=be believed by a lot of people) 普遍认为 :

It is widely believed that the virus originally came from monkeys. 人们普遍认为那种病毒最初来自于猴子。

find it hard/difficult to believe :

She found it hard to believe that he was a real businessman. 她觉得很难相信他是个真正的商人。

I would never have believed :

I would never have believed such a place existed if I hadn't seen it for myself. 如果不是我亲眼所见,我永远不会相信有这样一个地方。

 Synonyms and related words
to think that what someone has said is true 相信(某人的话)

The police didn't believe her story. 警察不相信她的说法。

He told me his version of events, but I didn't believe a word of it. 他告诉了我他所了解的那些事,但对他的说法我一个字儿也不信。

‘I did pay the money back!' ‘OK, OK – I believe you!' “我确实还了钱!”“好,好,我相信你。”

 Synonyms and related words
be seeing things
to believe that you see something when it is not really there 产生幻觉

There's nobody there – you must be seeing things!

 Synonyms and related words
be widely/commonly/generally held
to be believed by a lot of people 被广泛地/被通常地/被普遍地认为

It was a commonly held view in those days. 在当时,这是个很寻常的看法。

be widely/commonly/generally held (that) :

It was widely held the management was out of touch with the workers. 管理人员被广泛认为脱离了工人。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /baɪ/
[T] spoken to believe or accept something, especially something that is unlikely to be true or reasonable 相信,接受(尤指不像是真的或不合理的事)

‘It's her birthday, but I told her I had to work late.' ‘She'll never buy that!' “这是她的生日,但我告诉过她我得工作到很晚。”“她永远不会接受的。”

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /ˈkredɪt/
[usually in negatives or questions] to believe that something is true 相信
scarcely/hardly credit something :

I could scarcely credit what had happened. 我几乎不敢相信所发生的事。

credit that :

It was hard to credit that he had once been an actor. 很难相信他曾经当过演员。

would you credit it? (=it's very surprising) :

Would you credit it? – She's passed all her exams! 你相信吗?

 Synonyms and related words
delude yourself
to choose to believe something that is not true 自欺欺人
 Synonyms and related words
verb formal /ɪmˈbreɪs/
[T] to completely accept something such as a new belief, idea, or way of life 欣然接受

Most countries have enthusiastically embraced the concept of high-speed railways. 大多数国家都已经欣然接受了高速铁路的概念。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /ˈfænsi/
literary to believe or imagine that something is true 相信;想象

He sometimes fancied that he heard strange sounds. 他有时想象自己听到了奇怪的声音。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
fancy yourself
phrase British informal

fancy yourself (as) something

to believe, usually wrongly, that you have the qualities or abilities of a particular person or type of person (通常错误地)自信有…,自认为是…

She fancies herself as another Madonna.

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ˈfɪɡə(r)/
[I/T] informal to believe that something is true, although you do not know for certain 认为;估计;揣测
figure (that) :

I figured that Joe would have received my letter by now. 我估计乔现在已经收到我的信了。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ˈɡæðə(r)/
[T] mainly spoken to believe that something is true, although no one has directly told you about it 猜测;推测

You're new here, I gather. 我猜你就在这里。

From what I can gather she's madly in love with him. 据我推断,她已经疯狂地爱上了他。

gather (that) :

I gather that the storm caused a power failure. 我猜想是暴风雨引起了停电。

 Synonyms and related words
get ideas
phrase mainly spoken
to start to believe things that are not true 幻想

He started to get ideas about his importance to the organization. 他开始幻想自己对该组织的重要性。

 Synonyms and related words
get the wrong idea
phrase informal
to believe something that is not true 产生误解

I'll explain everything to George. I wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea. 我会向乔治解释一切。我不想让他产生误解。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /həʊld/
[T] used for saying what people believe 认为
hold (that) :

Conventional wisdom held that he would resign. 人们依常识推断他会辞职。

One school of thought holds that very few people reach their full potential. 有一种思想流派认为,几乎没有人能充分发挥自己的潜能。

 Synonyms and related words
I expect (so)
phrase spoken
used for saying that you think something is probably true 我想(是的)

‘Will David be coming to the party?' ‘I expect so.' “戴维会不会来参加聚会?”“我想会吧。”

I expect (so) (that) :

I expect you're hungry. 我想你饿了吧。

 Synonyms and related words
kid yourself
phrase informal
to make yourself believe something that is not true 欺骗自己;自欺

Consumers may be kidding themselves about how much they'll spend. 消费者在要花多少钱这个问题上可能是在自欺。

 Synonyms and related words
run away with
phrasal verb [T]
run away with the idea/impression that to believe that something is true when it is not 错误地有某种想法/产生印象

I wouldn't want him to run away with the impression that I don't care. 我不想给他留下我不在乎的印象。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ˈswɒləʊ/
[T] informal to believe something that is unlikely to be true 相信(不太可能属实的事)

I found the film's ending a bit hard to swallow. 我发现这部影片的结尾有点令人难以置信。

 Synonyms and related words
swear by
phrasal verb [T] informal
[swear by something] to believe that something is effective 相信(某物的效用)

My father swears by whisky as a cure for a cold. 我父亲相信威士忌酒是治疗感冒的良方。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /teɪk/
to accept an explanation or something that someone says without discussing it or arguing about it (未经讨论或争论就)接受(解释等)
take someone's word for it (=believe what someone tells you) 相信某人说的话 :

You don't have to take my word for it – ask anyone. 你可以不相信我的话,去问问其他任何人吧。

take it from someone (=believe them) 相信某人 :

That's the truth, take it from me. 事实就是如此,相信我吧。

 Synonyms and related words
take in
phrasal verb [T]
to accept something as real or true 接受

He still hasn't really taken in his father's death. 他还没有真正接受父亲已死这个事实。

 Synonyms and related words
take someone at their word
to do something as a result of what someone has said, even though they may not have meant exactly what they said 对某人的话信以为真并照着去做

He said he didn't mind what we did, and we took him at his word.

 Synonyms and related words
take someone/something at face value
to accept someone or something without considering whether they really are what they claim to be 按字面意义理解某人/某事物

These threats should not be taken at face value. 这些威胁不应该按字面意思来理解。

 Synonyms and related words
take something as a given
to accept that something is true and not expect it to change 认为某事是不争的事实

We've taken it as a given that our members are honest. 我们理所当然地认为我们的成员都是诚实的。

 Synonyms and related words
take something as gospel
to believe something without doubting it at all 坚信某事

You mustn't treat what as I say as gospel.

 Synonyms and related words
take something as read
to accept that something is true without needing any more information or proof 直接视为;假定

You can take it as read that he'll say no. 你可以认定他将不会同意。

 Synonyms and related words
take something on trust
to believe that something you have heard or read is true, although there is no proof 盲目相信某事

You'll just have to take these figures on trust. 你只要相信这些数据就行了。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /trʌst/
to be confident that a fact or piece of information is true or accurate 相信(某事或某信息的真实性或准确性)

Don't trust anything Mr Davis tells you. 别相信戴维斯先生对你说的话。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [never progressive] /ˌʌndə(r)ˈstænd/
[T] formal to believe that something is true because you have heard or read it somewhere 听说;得知;获悉
understand (that) :

We understand that a major announcement is to be made tomorrow. 我们听说明天有重要消息要宣布。

be understood to do something :

Mr Lang is understood to favour more traditional teaching methods. 据悉兰先生喜欢使用更传统的教学方法。

it is understood that :

It is understood that £2.5 million has been set aside to develop the scheme. 据说已留出250万英镑来发展该计划。

 Synonyms and related words
labor under a misapprehension/delusion/misconception
to continue to believe that something is true when it is not
 Synonyms and related words

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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