archipelago• They were not dropped into the oblivion of the Gulagarchipelago or the Lubianka.• Her scissors move through the material like a swimmer doing crawl, among the archipelago of tissue paper.• Sulawesi breaks many of the rules of animal distribution in the archipelago.• Dili was the malai island of romance, the most beautifulspot in the archipelago.• They even partitioned the archipelago into three quite separatemilitarycommands.• For the rest, the archipelago could and did live off its own resources.• Cornelius observed that freckles on her left cheekmapped out the Tuamotu archipelago of south-west Polynesia.• The view however, is spectacular, taking in most of the fifteen islands of the Westmann archipelago.
(1600-1700)Archipelago“Aegean sea”((16-19 centuries)), from Italian, “main sea”, from arci- (from Latinarchi-; → ARCH-) + Greekpelagos“sea”