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Word family
Related topics: Performing, Computers
di·splay1 /dɪˈspleɪ/ ●●● S3 W2 AWL noun [countableC]  
1 ATTRACTIVE ARRANGEMENTobjects 物体AVSHOW/LET somebody SEE something an arrangement of things for people to look at or buy 展览,陈列,展示
display of
 a superb display of African masks
 a dazzling display (=very good display) of flowers
 The window display caught her eye.
 display cases containing old photographs
2 PERFORMANCEentertainment 娱乐APSHOW/LET somebody SEE something a public performance of something that is intended to entertain people 表演
 a fireworks display
display of
 a display of juggling
3 on display AVSHOW/LET somebody SEE something
a) something that is on display is in a public place where people can look at it 展出,陈列 SYN on show
 Mapplethorpe’s photographs were first put on display in New York.
be/go on display
 One of the world’s oldest cars has gone on display in Brighton today.
b) if a quality, feeling, or skill is on display, it is very clear and easy to notice 明显的,显而易见的
 The musical talent on display is extremely impressive.
Examples from the Corpus
4 display of affection/emotion/aggression etc SHOW A FEELING OR ATTITUDEan occasion when someone clearly shows a particular feeling, attitude, or quality 爱意/情绪/攻击性等的流露
 Unprovoked displays of aggression cannot be tolerated.
Examples from the Corpus
5 EQUIPMENTon equipment 设备上TCTD a part of a piece of equipment that shows information, for example a computer screen 显示器
 This time the display flashed a red warning signal.
a fine/magnificent/spectacular/dazzling display (=a very good one)
The museum has a magnificent display of silver.
a window display (=in the window of a shop)
I stopped to look at something in the window display.
a special display
There was a special display of local photographs.
a floral display (=of flowers)
The village has won an award for its floral displays.
create a display
She created an award-winning display at the national garden show.
display + NOUN
a display case/cabinet (=small cupboard with a glass front)
There was a display case full of medals.
a display board
Some schools have a display board with photographs of all the staff.
a display stand (=table with shelves etc used for showing things to the public)
A lot of companies had impressive display stands in the conference hall.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Computers
display2 ●●● W2 AWL verb  
1 SHOW/LET somebody SEE something[transitiveT] to show something to people, or put it in a place where people can see it easily 展示,陈列
 shop windows displaying the latest fashions
 All the exam results will be displayed on the noticeboard.
2 SHOW A FEELING OR ATTITUDE[transitiveT] to clearly show a feeling, attitude, or quality by what you do or say 显示,显露〔某种情感、态度或特质〕
 She displayed no emotion on the witness stand.
 ten piano pieces, each written to display the talents of individual players
3 TDTC[transitiveT] if a computer or something similar displays information, it shows it on its screen 显示〔信息〕
 I pressed ‘return’ and an error message was displayed.
4. [intransitiveI] if a male bird or animal displays, it behaves in a particular way as a signal to other birds or animals, especially to attract a female 〔尤指雄性动物为吸引雌性而〕炫耀,夸示
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
displaydi·splay1 /dɪˈspleɪ/ noun
1[countableC, uncountableU]MARKETING an attractive arrangement of objects for people to look at or buy, for example in a shop
enormous shops with beautiful window displays
the wide range of goods on display
island display
2[uncountableU]MARKETING printing or page design to attract people’s attention, used especially in advertisements
big display adverts with prominent slogans
3[countableC]COMPUTING the text or pictures you see on a computer screen, or the style, colour, brightness etc of this
the use of different kinds of devices to control a display on the computer monitor
Select ‘Display’ and a dialogue box will appear with a choice of screen display options.
displaydisplay2 verb [transitiveT]
1to arrange objects in an attractive way for people to look at or buy, for example in a shop
The clothes were beautifully displayed.
2COMPUTING if a computer displays information, it shows it on its screen
If you try to open a document that is already open, the software will display an error message.
Origin display2
(1500-1600) Anglo-French despleier, from Latin displicare to unfold
di·splay1 nounn COLLOCATIONS1display2 verb
LDOCE Online


1arrangement of things佈置ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISPLAY | DISPLAY + VERB | DISPLAY + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEattractive, beautiful, colourful/colorful, dazzling, excellent, fine, good, interesting, stunning吸引人的/好看的/五彩繽紛的/令人眼花繚亂的/極好的/出色的/不錯的/有意思的/絕妙的展覽eye-catching, prominent吸引眼球的/醒目的展覽There was a prominent display of her photographs in the living room.客廳裏醒目地掛着她的照片。special特展public公開展覽permanent, temporary永久/臨時展出static靜態展出The jewels are normally kept on static display in the museum.博物館裏珠寶通常是在固定位置展出的。audio-visual, interactive, visual視聽/交互/視覺展示An audio-visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like aboard a sailing ship.視聽展覽讓參觀者得以瞭解在航行中的船上生活是什麼樣子。floral (especially BrE) 花卉陳列a beautiful floral display in the park擺放在公園裏的美麗花卉in-store, wall, window店內/牆壁/櫥窗陳列museum, shop, store (especially NAmE) 博物館陳列;商店陳列VERB + DISPLAYhave有展覽The museum has a fine display of old medical instruments.博物館有一個不錯的古代醫療器械展。feature以展覽⋯為特色The show featured a display of some of Mack's costume designs.這個展覽以展出麥克的一些服裝設計為特色。arrange, create, mount (especially BrE) 佈置展覽;創辦展覽;進行展出We plan to mount a display of the children's work in the lobby area.我們計劃在門廳區展出孩子們的作品。go on繼續展覽Examples of her work will go on permanent display in the new museum.她的一些作品將在新博物館永久陳列。put sth on展出⋯The birds were put on display at the zoological society.這些鳥將在動物協會展出。see, view觀看/參觀展覽People waited for hours to see the display.人們為了觀看展出等了好幾個小時。DISPLAY + VERBillustrate sth, show sth展覽展示⋯The display illustrates the traditional industries of the town.這次展覽展示了該鎮的傳統行業。feature sth, include sth展覽以⋯為特色/包括⋯The display includes examples of her work in progress.展出中包括她正在創作中的一些作品的實例。DISPLAY + NOUNboard, cabinet, case, rack, shelf, stand展板;陳列櫃;陳列架;展台a glass-fronted display cabinet正面裝有玻璃的陳列櫃window (especially NAmE) 櫥窗the display windows of a department store百貨商店的櫥窗area, space展區The spacious lobby also functions as a display area.寬敞的門廳同時也是一個展區。PREPOSITIONon display在展覽Designs for the new museum are on public display in the library.新博物館的設計方案正在圖書館公開展覽。On display are necklaces and bracelets made from amber.展品中有用琥珀做的項鏈和手鐲。display of⋯的陳列a display of Roman coins古羅馬硬幣展 note at art


2performing a skill表演技能ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISPLAY | DISPLAY + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEastonishing, awesome, breathtaking, brilliant, devastating, great, impressive, magnificent, outstanding, spectacular, spirited, superb, virtuoso驚人的/令人驚歎的/驚險的/精彩的/使人震驚的/盛大的/令人印象深刻的/宏大的/傑出的/壯觀的/生氣勃勃的/技藝精湛的/行家裏手的展示a virtuoso display of guitar playing技藝精湛的吉他演奏disappointing, lacklustre (BrE) , poor (especially BrE) 令人失望的/毫無生氣的/蹩腳的表演firework, fireworks焰火表演pyrotechnic焰火般的展示The sun set in a pyrotechnic display that burned up the whole sky.日落時呈現出焰火般絢爛的色彩,映紅了整個天空。aerial, aerobatic, air, flying, parachute (BrE) 空中表演;特技飛行表演;跳傘表演Hundreds of people experienced the dramatic aerial display.數百人體驗了激動人心的空中表演。the RAF Falcon parachute display team英國皇家空軍獵鷹跳傘表演隊courtship, mating, sexual示愛;求偶炫耀行為VERB + DISPLAYgive, perform, put on進行展示;舉行表演The male performs a magnificent courtship display.雄性展示了出色的求偶炫耀行為。They put on a spectacular fireworks display.他們舉辦了場面壯觀的煙花燃放。treat sb to用表演招待某人The crowd was treated to an impressive display of tennis.人們欣賞了一場令人驚歎的網球賽。see, watch觀看表演DISPLAY + NOUNteam表演隊an aerobatic display team特技飛行表演隊PREPOSITIONdisplay of⋯的表演They gave a virtuoso display of disco dancing.他們表演了精彩的迪斯科舞蹈。


3showing a particular feeling/quality展現情感或特質ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISPLAY | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVErare罕有的流露impressive, incredible, striking給人印象深刻的表現;令人難以置信的表現;引人注目的展露Members of the community closed ranks in an impressive display of unity.社區成員攜手合作,表現出的團結一致給人留下了深刻印象。open, public公開表示;當眾表露an open display of affection for her husband她對丈夫情感的公開表達outward外在表現Despite his outward display of friendliness, I sensed he was concealing something.儘管他表現得友善,我還是感覺到他有所隱瞞。conspicuous, ostentatious, overt炫耀;賣弄;誇示an ostentatious display of wealth炫富elaborate, extravagant煞費苦心的/誇大的表現He made an elaborate display of surprise.他竭力裝出一副吃驚的樣子。aggressive攻擊性的表現There may be specific events which trigger aggressive displays in your dog.可能有某些特定事件會促使你的狗表現出敵意。VERB + DISPLAYsee, witness看到/目睹⋯的流露I witnessed a rare display of affection between them.我目睹了他們之間罕見的感情流露。PREPOSITIONdisplay of⋯的表現She slammed the door behind her in a display of ill-temper.她砰的一聲摔上門,火暴脾氣顯露無遺。


4on a computer screen, etc.計算機屏幕ADJECTIVE | DISPLAY + VERB | DISPLAY + NOUN ADJECTIVEcomputer, screen計算機/屏幕顯示器data, graphical, graphics, video, visual數據顯示器;圖像顯示器;影像顯示器;直觀顯示器colour/color, monochrome彩色/單色顯示器high-resolution, low-resolution高分辨率/低分辨率顯示器a high-resolution computer display高分辨率計算機顯示器LCD, LED, liquid crystal, plasma液晶顯示器;發光二極管顯示器;等離子顯示器flat-panel, flat-screen, widescreen平板顯示器;寬屏顯示器analogue/analog, digital模擬/數字顯示器DISPLAY + VERBindicate sth, show sth顯示器顯示出⋯The LCD display shows the time in hours and minutes.液晶顯示器以小時和分鐘顯示時間。DISPLAY + NOUNdevice, panel, screen, unit顯示器;顯示面板;顯示屏display screen equipment顯示器a visual display unit視頻顯示終端system顯示系統


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBclearly, prominently清楚地展示;突出地陳列His football trophies were prominently displayed in the kitchen.他的足球獎杯陳列在廚房顯眼的位置。proudly自豪地展示openly, publicly公開/向公眾展示PREPOSITIONto向⋯展示She proudly displayed her certificate to her parents.她自豪地向父母展示了她獲得的證書。
display verb
present1 (display your work) show3 (display your knowledge)
display noun
exhibition (a window display) expression1 (a display of affection/wealth/skill) performance (a firework display) on display visible adj.

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