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IELTS BNC: 268 COCA: 311


Word family
i·dea /aɪˈdɪə/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 plan/suggestion 计划/建议 [countableC]IDEA a plan or suggestion for a possible course of action, especially one that you think of suddenly 〔尤指突然想到的〕计划;建议;想法,主意
 You should talk to Ken - he’s always full of good ideas.
 I knew it was a bad idea to leave him on his own.
 It was my wife’s idea to move house.
idea for
 The idea for the book came from an old war movie.
the idea of doing something
 I had the idea of asking Katie for help.
Don’t say ‘the idea to do something’. Say the idea of doing something. However, you can say it is a good idea to do something and it was someone’s idea to do something.
不要说the idea to do something’. 而要说 the idea of doing something. 但可以说 it is a good idea to do something 以及 it was someone’s idea to do something.
2 knowledge 认识 [countableC, uncountableU]UNDERSTAND a general understanding of something, based on some knowledge about it 大致的了解
 Could you give me an idea of how bad his injuries are?
 You must have some idea (=have at least a little knowledge) of what happened to the money.
 Don’t worry if you don’t understand it right now – you’ll get the idea (=begin to understand or be able to do something).
have no idea/not have any idea
 She doesn’t have any idea where they’ve gone.
a general/rough idea (=a not very exact idea) 大致的想法
 Can you give me a rough idea of how much the repairs will cost?
not have the faintest/slightest/foggiest idea spoken
 I don’t have the faintest idea what to get Rachel for her birthday.
3 aim/intention 目的/意图 [countableC, uncountableU]PURPOSE the aim, intention, or purpose of doing something 〔做某事的〕目的,意图
 The idea is to teach children to save money.
idea of/behind
 The idea behind the outing is to encourage employees to get to know each other.
 They wanted Mike to go to law school, but he had other ideas (=had different plans).
4 how you imagine STH to be 如何想象某事物 [countableC, uncountableU]IMAGINE an image in your mind of what something is like or should be like 概念,想法
idea of
 Chefs differ in their idea of what makes a good dessert.
 I only have a vague idea of the kind of work I’ll be doing.
 It helps if you have a clear idea of what you want.
not my idea of something
 Chocolate milk and a piece of cake is not my idea of dinner.
 The very idea of kissing him made her feel physically sick.
5 belief/opinion 信念/意见 [countableC usually plural]BELIEVE someone’s opinion or belief about something 〔某人对某事的〕看法,信念
6 principle 原则 [countableC]BELIEVE a principle or belief about how something is or should be 原则,信念
7 have an idea (that) SUREto be fairly sure that something is true, without being completely sure 猜想(…),估计(…)〔指猜想确有某事,但无绝对把握〕
Examples from the Corpus
8 get the wrong idea UNTRUEto think that something is true when it is not 误解
Examples from the Corpus
9 have the right idea CORRECTto act or think in a way that will probably lead to the correct result 〔行事或思维〕方法正确,方向对头
Examples from the Corpus
10 that’s/there’s an idea spokenLIKE somebody OR something used to say that you like what someone has just suggested 好主意〔用于表示赞同某人的建议〕
11 that’s the idea spoken
Examples from the Corpus
12 bright idea a very clever idea, often used in a joking way to mean a very stupid idea or action 聪明点子,好主意〔常为反话,用于开玩笑〕
Examples from the Corpus
13 give somebody ideas/put ideas into somebody’s head to make someone think of doing something that they had not thought of doing before, especially something that they should not do 使某人产生某种念头〔尤指不该做的事〕
14 is it somebody’s idea of a joke? used when you are surprised and often rather annoyed by what someone has said or done 有某人这样开玩笑的吗?〔用于对某人的言语或行为表示惊讶和生气〕
15. what’s the big idea? spoken used when you cannot understand why someone has done something ()这是干什么?()这样做用意何在?
16 you have no idea (how/what etc) spokenVERY used when you are telling someone that something is extremely good, bad etc 你简直想不到〔用于告诉某人某事非常好、非常坏等〕
17. the idea! old-fashioned spokenAPPROVE used to express surprise or disapproval when someone has said something stupid 什么话!〔用于对方说了蠢话时,表示惊讶或贬斥〕
buck your ideas up at buck up
have an idea 有个主意
I’ve had an idea. Why don’t we walk into town?
get an idea 获得灵感
She got the idea from an article in a magazine.
give somebody an idea 令某人想到
What gave you the idea for the book?
come up with an idea (=think of an idea) 想到一个主意
He’s always coming up with interesting ideas.
hit on an idea informal (=suddenly think of an idea) 突然有了个主意
Then we hit on the idea of renting a cottage.
toy with an idea informal (=think about using an idea, but not very seriously) 不很认真地考虑
I’m toying with the idea of going back to college.
brainstorm ideas (=get a group of people to all try and think of ideas) 集思广益,头脑风暴
nWe had a meeting to brainstorm ideas for the new advertising campaign.
share/exchange ideas (=tell someone else your ideas, and learn their ideas) 分享/交流想法
nan opportunity for local business people to share ideas
an idea comes to somebody (=someone suddenly thinks of an idea) 某人突然想到一个主意
The idea came to me while I was having a bath.
a good/bad idea 好主意/坏主意
Keeping the drinks cold in the bath was a good idea.
nKnocking down this wall was a really bad idea.
a great/brilliant/excellent idea 极好的主意
What a great idea!
a bright idea (=a very good idea - often used ironically) 聪明点子〔常作嘲讽语〕
Whose bright idea was it to leave the washing out in the rain?
a clever idea 聪明点子
It seemed like a clever idea at the time.
interesting 有趣的
The idea sounded interesting, but I didn’t think it would work.
stupid/ridiculous/crazy 愚蠢的/可笑的/疯狂的
nThe idea sounded crazy to me.
nCamping in the middle of winter was a ridiculous idea!
nHe had the crazy idea of hitchhiking around South America.
original/innovative (=no one has thought of it before) 有独创性的/新颖的
nThe company is looking for people who can come up with original ideas.
a half-baked idea (=an idea that has not been carefully thought out) 考虑不周的主意
nIt’s yet another of the government’s half-baked ideas.
be full of ideas (also be bursting with ideas) (=have a lot of ideas) 有许多奇思妙想
The children were enthusiastic and full of ideas.
nfire/bounce ideas off one another (=discuss each other’s ideas and think of good new ones)
Our regular meetings are opportunities to fire ideas off each other.
idea something that you think of, especially something that you could do or suggest 主意,想法
I think that’s an excellent idea.
Let me know if you have any good ideas.
thought something that comes into your mind 想法,念头
The thought had entered my mind that he might be lying.
我心里产生了一个想法: 他可能在撒谎。
It was a worrying thought.
She was lost in her thoughts.
impression the idea that you have in your mind about what someone or something is like 印象
What was your impression of him?
inspiration a good and original idea, which makes you think of doing or creating something 灵感
Where did you get your inspiration from for the book?
nHe suddenly had a flash of inspiration.
nThe design for the house was entirely the inspiration of the architect.
brainwave British EnglishBrE, brainstorm American EnglishAmE a sudden new and clever idea, especially one that solves a problem 灵感,突然想到的妙计
I thought I’d have to sell the house, but then I had a brainwave.
concept an idea of how something is, or how something should be done 概念;观念
Concepts of beauty are different in different cultures.
the traditional concept of marriage
notion an idea about life or society, especially one that is a little silly or old-fashioned 〔尤指有点傻或过时的〕概念,观点
There is no evidence to support the notion that poverty is caused by laziness.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin idea
(1300-1400) Latin Greek, from idein to see
i·dea noun

LDOCE Online
IELTS BNC: 268 COCA: 311


1plan/suggestion計劃;建議ADJECTIVE | VERB + IDEA | IDEA + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbright, brilliant, clever, excellent, good, great, marvellous/marvelous, nice, wonderful聰明的主意;高明的主意;極好的想法;絕妙的想法valuable, worthwhile有價值的/值得嘗試的想法exciting, interesting, stimulating激動人心的/饒有趣味的/振奮人心的想法constructive, positive富有建設性的主張;積極的想法creative, imaginative, innovative, novel, original富有創意的/想像豐富的/有創新的/新奇的/原創的構想wacky怪誕的想法big大膽的想法The latest big idea is to get women more interested in soccer.最新的大膽想法是讓女性對足球產生更大的興趣。alternative替代方案Family therapy is used as an alternative idea to medication.家庭療法被用作藥物治療的替代方案。fresh, new剛產生的想法;新想法old老觀念absurd, bad, mistaken, ridiculous, stupid荒誕的想法;餿主意;錯誤的想法;荒唐的主意;愚蠢的想法crackpot, crazy, mad, outlandish, wild近乎瘋狂的想法;瘋狂的念頭;怪異的想法;出格的想法half-baked不成熟的想法ambitious, big, grand雄心勃勃的構想;宏偉的構想He joined the company as an office assistant with big ideas.他進這家公司做辦公室助理時胸懷大志。grandiose不切實際的想法basic基本構想The basic idea is that we all meet up in London.基本設想是我們都到倫敦會合。whole整體構想I think the whole idea is ridiculous.我覺得這整個想法荒誕可笑。VERB + IDEAhave有主意Do you have any ideas for a present for Lara?你想好要給拉臘什麼禮物了嗎?come up with, dream up, hit on, hit upon, produce, think up想出辦法;突發靈感;產生想法draw, get產生靈感;得到想法Her ideas are drawn mainly from Chinese art.她的靈感主要是來源於中國藝術。contribute, offer獻計獻策;提出想法moot (formal, especially BrE) , propose, put forward, suggest提出意見供討論;提出主張;建議方案promote, push, push forward, sell倡導方案;推動規劃;兜售觀點They managed to push the idea of expanding through the committee.他們設法讓委員會通過了擴展規劃。welcome贊成主意Most employees welcome the idea of a ban on smoking.大多數員工贊成禁煙。consider, entertain, flirt with, toy with斟酌建議;考慮想法;動念頭;玩味想法I'm toying with the idea of leaving my job.我正在考慮要不要辭掉工作。mull over, turn over再三琢磨想法;反複考慮方案He kept turning the idea of resigning over in his mind.他心裏反複掂量着辭職的事。encourage, generate激發/引發想法Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas.頭腦風暴是催生新點子的好辦法。reject, scoff at, veto拒絕建議;嘲笑想法;否決主意test, try, try out檢驗方案;嘗試想法bounce around, bounce off sb, brainstorm, discuss, explore, talk about試探意見;徵詢(某人)對想法的看法;群策群力想點子;討論規劃;探討方案;談論想法I met up with a designer to bounce a few ideas around.我見了一位設計師,聊了幾個想法。It's useful to have someone to bounce ideas off.能有個人談談想法很有用。exchange, pool, share交換意見;集思廣益;分享想法give sb使某人產生想法What gave you the idea to go freelance?你怎麼會產生做自由職業者的念頭?apply, implement, put into action, put into practice, take up實施規劃;把想法付諸行動;開始實施想法The idea had long been mooted but nothing had been done to put it into practice.這個想法提出很長時間了,但是還沒採取任何措施去付諸實踐。transform, translate轉化構想How could we translate the idea into business reality?我們怎樣才能把這個構想轉化為實際業務呢?steal盜用構想She accused the company of stealing her idea.她指控公司剽竊了她的創意。impose強加想法She always tries to impose her own ideas on the rest of the team.她總想把自己的想法強加給團隊其他成員。IDEA + VERBcome into sb's brain, come into sb's head, come into sb's mind, come to sb, flash through sb's brain, flash through sb's mind, hit sb, occur to sb, pop into sb's head, strike sb想法進入某人腦海;某人有了主意;想法在某人腦海中閃過;某人突然蹦出個主意;某人突然冒出一個想法;某人靈機一動The idea for the invention came to him in the bath.這個發明是他洗澡的時候靈機一動想到的。emerge, evolve, form, grow想法浮現出來;思路逐漸發展;想法形成;想法漸趨成熟An idea began to form in his mind.一個想法在他頭腦中逐漸成形。flow想法湧現His ideas flowed faster than he could express them.他的點子不斷湧現,讓他根本來不及表達。come from sb/sth, date back from sth, date back to sth, originate, start, stem from sth想法來自⋯;想法可以溯源至⋯;主張發端於⋯;方案源自⋯The idea for the Olympics originated with Pierre de Coubertin.舉辦奧運會的想法是由皮埃爾・德・顧拜旦首先提出來的。work, work out想法有效;方案成功That idea didn't work out so well.那個方案不太成功。lead想法導致The idea eventually led to the invention of the telephone.這個想法最終導致了電話的發明。come to nothing想法落空PREPOSITIONidea about關於⋯的想法I have an idea about how to tackle the problem.我有一個解決問題的思路。idea for⋯的方案We were asked to suggest ideas for improving efficiency.我們被要求提交提高效率的方案。idea of⋯的想法She had the idea of advertising on the Internet.她有了在因特網上做廣告的念頭。PHRASESbe open to ideas樂於聽取建議I don't know what to do, but I'm open to ideas.我不知道該幹什麼,不過我想聽聽大家的建議。the germ of an idea想法的萌芽The germ of his idea came from watching a bird make a nest.他的想法萌發自觀察小鳥築巢。have other ideas另有打算I wanted to take the week off, but my boss had other ideas.我想這週休假,可老闆另有安排。have the right idea有恰當的想法The party had the right idea, but failed to win over the voters.這個黨派的想法對路,但沒能贏得選民。it might be an idea也許是個不錯的主意It might be an idea to leave a note on the door for Marcos.在門上給馬科斯留張便條也許是個不錯的主意。


2thought/impression想法;印象ADJECTIVE | VERB + IDEA | IDEA + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclear, concrete, precise清晰的觀點;具體的印象;準確的想法abstract抽象的想法theoretical理論觀點basic, general, rough, vague基本觀點;總體想法;大致的概念;模糊的想法He gave me a rough idea of what was wanted.他大致告訴我需要的是什麼。central, key, main中心思想;關鍵概念;大意The book introduces the key ideas of sociology.該書介紹了社會學的關鍵概念。dominant主流觀點fixed一成不變的觀念preconceived先入為主的印象definite, firm, strong明確的看法;堅定的信念She has very definite ideas about what kind of a job she wants.她很清楚自己想要什麼樣的工作。complex, difficult複雜的思想;難懂的觀念simple, simplistic簡單的觀念;簡單化的想法The movie is based on a simple idea, but a powerful one.這部電影是根據一個簡單但很有創意的想法拍出來的。conventional常規觀念traditional傳統觀念radical, revolutionary激進思想;革命觀念contradictory矛盾的看法erroneous, false, wrong錯誤的觀點I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about me.我不想讓任何人對我有所誤解。funny, strange可笑的/奇怪的想法utopian烏托邦式的想法romantic不切實際的想法People have a romantic idea of the police force.人們對警察存有幻想。newfangled新奇的觀念outdated過時的想法not the faintest, not the foggiest, not the slightest (all informal) 一點兒也不清楚;絲毫不明白I haven't the faintest idea what she meant.我一點兒也不明白她是什麼意思。artistic, economic, intellectual, moral, musical, philosophical, political, scientific藝術觀點;經濟理念;理性的思想;道德理念;音樂理念;哲學思想;政治理念;科學觀念feminist, nationalist, socialist, etc.女權主義、民族主義、社會主義等觀念VERB + IDEAget認為;理解They got the idea that we would be paying for them.他們以為我們會給他們付錢。You'll soon get the idea (= understand).你很快就會明白的。espouse, have, hold擁護思想;有⋯觀念;持⋯觀點He holds very different ideas to mine about discipline.他對紀律的看法和我大相徑庭。develop, form, shape形成觀點;形成看法the experiences that shaped her ideas塑造她思想的經歷introduce引入觀念express表達觀點communicate, convey, get across, get over, present, promote, put out there (NAmE) 表達觀點;傳達觀點;使別人理解觀點;講清觀點;亮明觀點;推廣觀念;公佈觀點It was a struggle to get our ideas across.費了很大力氣才算講明白了我們的想法。I wanted to put the idea out there.我想把這個想法公佈出來。demonstrate, explain, expound, illustrate論證/解釋/闡述/說明觀點clarify, formalize, formulate, organize, structure闡明觀點;確立思路;表述想法;組織思想Give careful thought to how to structure your ideas in the essay.要認真思考在文章中如何謀篇佈局。reinforce, support強化觀念;支持觀點change, reconsider, revise改變想法;重新調整思路;修正理念They had to reconsider their ideas in the light of new evidence.他們只得根據新證據重新調整思路。accept, embrace, take up接受思想;欣然接受觀念;採納理念dismiss, reject打消念頭;拒絕接受觀念challenge挑戰觀念These photographs challenge conventional ideas of beauty.這些攝影作品挑戰了傳統的審美觀念。harbour/harbor懷有想法I hope he's not still harbouring / harboring ideas about asking me out.我希望他別再抱有約我出去的想法了。be obsessed with痴迷於想法He's obsessed with the idea of getting a motorcycle.他一門心思想要買輛摩托車。relish喜歡想法I don't relish the idea of sharing an office with Tony.我可不願意和托尼共用一間辦公室。IDEA + VERBamuse sb, appeal to sb, please sb想法令某人發笑/打動某人/使某人高興The idea of going to his rescue amused her.她一想到要去解救他就覺得好笑。catch on, take hold, take off觀念流行;想法控制Some people started recycling, and the idea caught on.一些人開始循環使用物品,接着這一理念就流行開來了。PREPOSITIONidea about關於⋯的想法She has some funny ideas about how to motivate staff.關於如何調動員工的積極性,她有些有趣的想法。idea behind本意The idea behind the ceremony is to keep the gods happy to ensure a good crop.這種儀式的本意是博取眾神的歡心,以確保莊稼豐收。idea of⋯的想法Swimming in an icy river is not my idea of fun.在冰冷的河裏游泳我可不覺得有什麼樂趣。
IELTS BNC: 268 COCA: 311
idea noun
idea1 (That's a good idea.) idea2 (I've an idea where it might be.) purpose (the whole idea of doing sth) sense (get an idea of what sth is like) view1 (He had some very strange ideas about education.) the wrong idea illusion


That's a good idea. 那是个好主意。I've an idea where it might be. 我想到它可能在哪儿了。illusionthe wrong ideapurposethe whole idea of doing sthsenseget an idea of what sth is likeview1He had some very strange ideas about education.idea ♦︎ thought ♦︎ concept ♦︎ notion ♦︎ image ♦︎ prospect ♦︎ abstraction ♦︎ pictureThese are all words for sth that you think or sth that comes into your mind. 这些词均表示想法、概念、设想。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an idea / a thought / a concept / a notion about sththe idea / thought / concept / notion that...an interesting idea / thought / concept / notion / picturean exciting idea / thought / concept / prospect / picturea clear idea / thought / concept / notion / image / picturea / an new / original idea / thought / concept / notiona basic idea / concept / notion / image / picturean abstract idea / concept / notion / imageto have an idea / a thought / a concept / a notion / an image / a pictureto give sb an idea / a thought / a notionto conjure up an idea / an image / a pictureto understand / grasp an idea / a concept / a notion / an abstractionto discuss / consider / explore an idea / a concept / a notionan idea / a thought / a notion strikes sban idea / a thought / an image / a picture forms idea [countable] a plan or suggestion that is created or experienced in your mind 想法;构想;主意That's a brilliant idea!那是个绝妙的主意!The party was Jane's idea.那次聚会是简的主意。The idea never crossed my mind.我从没起过这个念头。It seemed like a good idea at the time.那在当时似乎是个好主意。I like the idea of living in a boat.我喜欢住在船上这个想法。He already had an idea for his next novel.他已经构思好了下一部小说。Her family wanted her to go to college, but she had other ideas.她的家人希望她上大学,但她另有打算。The latest big idea is to get more women into the construction industry.最近的流行思想是让更多女性从事建筑业。 thought [countable] something that you think of 想法;看法;主意I don't like the thought of you walking home alone.我不赞成你一个人走路回家。I've just had a thought.我刚想到一个主意。What a horrible thought!多么可怕的想法!All kinds of thoughts raced through her mind.各种念头在她的脑海中闪过。I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.我很想听听你对这个问题的看法。She tried to put the thought out of her mind.她尽量把这个想法抛到脑后。 concept ˈkɒnsept; NAmE ˈkɑːnsept [countable] (rather formal) an idea or principle that is related to sth abstract rather than physical things or actual events 概念;观念We discussed concepts such as 'democracy' and 'equality'.我们讨论了“民主”、“平等”等观念。The concept of infinity is almost impossible for us to comprehend.我们几乎无法理解无限这个概念。 see also conceptual intellectual adj. 1 notion ˈnəʊʃn; NAmE ˈnoʊʃn [countable] (rather formal) an idea, a belief or an understanding of sth 观念;信念;理解Our political system is based on notions of justice and equality.我们的政治体制建立在公正和平等观念的基础上。I had only the vaguest notion of what he was like.对于他是什么样的人我那时所知甚少。A notion is usually about sth abstract or factual, rather than sth imaginative. You can have a clear notion of sb/sth, but not a vivid/imaginative notion * notion通常指关于抽象或真实事物的观念,而非关于想象中事物的观念。可以说a clear notion of sb/sth,但不说a vivid/imaginative notion。 see also notional supposed image [countable] an idea of what sb/sth is like that appears as a picture in your mind (心目中的)形象,印象I always had an image of her standing by that window gazing out.我一直记得她站在那个窗口向外凝望的样子。Do human beings think in words or in images?人类的思维是借助于词语还是形象? prospect [singular] an idea of what might or will happen in the future 前景;展望;设想Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect.只身走遍世界是个令人生畏的想法。The prospect of becoming a father filled him with alarm.一想到将为人父他就感到惊慌。 abstraction [countable, uncountable] (formal) a general idea that is not based on any particular real person, thing or situation 抽象概念Ideological abstractions are never going to attract many voters.空洞的说教绝不会吸引很多选民。The increasing abstraction of modern art has tended to make it increasingly difficult to interpret.现代艺术日益抽象,阐释起来也越加困难。 see also abstract intellectual adj. 1 picture [countable, usually singular] an idea of what sb/sth is like or how sth might happen, that appears as a picture in your mind (头脑中的)形象,想象She had formed a picture of what the place would look like and was very disappointed.她事先构想了那个地方会是什么样子,所以很失望。NOTE 辨析 Image or picture?In many cases you can use either word. However, image often suggests a mental picture of one person or thing at one moment in time; picture often suggests a more complete imagining of a whole scene, including a number of different details and/or events that take place over a short period of time. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。不过,image常表示人或事物在某一时刻在人心目中的形象;picture常表示对整个情景更为完整的想象,包括各种细节、短期内发生的事件等。idea2


That's a good idea. 那是个好主意。I've an idea where it might be. 我想到它可能在哪儿了。illusionthe wrong ideapurposethe whole idea of doing sthsenseget an idea of what sth is likeview1He had some very strange ideas about education.idea ♦︎ instinct ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ hunch ♦︎ inkling ♦︎ suspicion ♦︎ intuition ♦︎ premonition ♦︎ forebodingThese are all words for a feeling that you have that sth is true or that sth is happening, even though you do not have any evidence. 这些词均表示感觉、预感、直觉。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an idea / an instinct / a feeling / a hunch / an inkling / a suspicion / an intuition / a premonition / a foreboding about sthan idea / an instinct / a feeling / a hunch / an inkling / a suspicion / an intuition / a premonition / a foreboding that...sb's first idea / instinct / inkling / suspiciona vague idea / feeling / inkling / suspiciona gut instinct / feeling / intuitionto have an idea / an instinct / a feeling / a hunch / an inkling / a suspicion / an intuition / a premonition / a forebodingto get the idea / the feeling / an inkling / a premonitionto give sb the idea / the feeling / an inklingto follow / go with your instinct / hunch / intuitionto confirm sb's instinct / feeling / hunch / suspicion / intuition idea [singular] a feeling that you have about where sth is, who sb is, or what is happening, even though you are not completely sure (认为某物可能在哪儿、某人可能是谁或可能发生什么事的)感觉I had an idea of where it might be.我想到了它可能在哪儿。What gave you the idea that he'd be here?是什么让你想到他会在这里?I have a pretty good idea who might have said that.我心里很明白说那话的人可能是谁。He hadn't had the slightest idea about what had been going on.他对所发生的事情毫不知情。 instinct [countable] a feeling that makes you believe that sth is true, even though it is not based on facts or reason 直觉Her instincts about him had been right.她对他的直觉是正确的。Marshall's gut instinct (= basic instinct) was to turn and run.马歇尔当时的本能反应是转身就跑。 see also instinctive natural feeling [singular] an idea that makes you believe that sth is true, especially sth unpleasant, based on what you feel rather than on facts or reason (尤指对不祥之事的)感觉I had a nasty feeling that she was lying to me.我有个不好的感觉:她在对我说谎。He suddenly had the feeling of being followed.他突然觉得有人在跟踪自己。NOTE 辨析 Instinct or feeling?A feeling in this meaning is usually a feeling that one particular unpleasant thing is true; your instincts may be more general-all the feelings you have about a particular person or situation-and they may be positive or negative. * feeling表达此义时通常指对特定事物的不祥之感;instinct 可能较为笼统,指对特定的人或情况的整体感觉,可好可坏Her instincts had been right-he was someone who could be trusted.她的直觉是对的,他是个可以信赖的人。Her feelings about him had been right. hunch [countable] (rather informal) a feeling that sth is true even though you do not have any evidence to prove it 预感;直觉My hunch is that the burglars are still in the area.我有一种直觉,那些入室窃贼还在此地没走。I didn't know for certain-I was just going on a hunch.我也拿不准,我只是凭直觉行事。Hunch is used especially when you are talking about the solution to a crime or mystery. * hunch尤在探讨如何侦破罪案或解开谜团时使用。 inkling [countable, usually singular] a slight knowledge of sth that is happening or about to happen (对正在或即将发生之事的)略知He didn't have the slightest inkling of what was going on.他对正在发生的事一无所知。 suspicion [countable] a feeling or belief that sth is true, especially sth unpleasant, even though you do not know for certain (尤指对不祥之事的)感觉,看法I had a horrible suspicion that we'd come to the wrong station.我感觉不妙:我们可能找错车站了。 see also suspect suppose intuition ˌɪntjuˈɪʃn; NAmE ˌɪntuˈɪʃn [countable] an idea or strong feeling that sth is true even though you cannot explain why 直觉I had an intuition that something awful was about to happen.我直觉,要出乱子了。 see also intuitive natural premonition ˌpriːməˈnɪʃn, ˌpreməˈnɪʃn [countable] (rather formal, especially written) a feeling that sth is going to happen, especially sth unpleasant (尤指不祥的)预感a premonition of disaster大祸临头的预感He had a premonition that he would never see her again.他有一种将再也见不到她的预感。 foreboding fɔːˈbəʊdɪŋ; NAmE fɔːrˈboʊdɪŋ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal, especially written) a strong feeling that sth unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen (对不祥或危险之事的)强烈预感The letter filled him with foreboding.那封信让他充满了不祥的预感。He knew from her face that his forebodings had been justified.他从她的脸上看出,自己不祥的预感应验了。NOTE 辨析 Premonition or foreboding?A premonition is usually a feeling that a particular unpleasant thing is going to happen; foreboding is a general sense that sth bad is going to happen, although you do not know exactly what. * premonition通常是对某件不祥之事将要发生的预感;foreboding指笼统的不祥的预感,并不确知将要发生什么事。
IELTS BNC: 268 COCA: 311
Thoughts, ideas and beliefs: thought, idea, belief...
Opinions and attitudes: opinion, attitude, view...
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge, understanding, information...
Purposes and intentions: purpose, role, goal...

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