... or wherever• The key they found under the floor-mat in the car, or wherever.• You can study at home or wherever else is convenient to you, at the time and pace you choose.• The hens made their nests in the barnor wherever else they could, and you searched for the eggs as necessary.• The computer in Ogden, or wherever, finds the supplynearest to where it is needed.• Tomorrow, she would have to find him, there or wherever he was hiding.• People had no option but to sit on desksor wherever they could find behind the counter.
wherever possible• Congressional Republicans are tempted to pull the rug out from under Bill Clinton wherever possible.• However it is important to standardise wherever possible.• The early canals were narrow and followed the contours of the land avoiding changes in land levelwherever possible.• Their leader, Radovan Karadzic, pronounced the plan dead, though Lord Owen vowed to see it implementedwherever possible.• We will continue to simplifysocialsecurity forms wherever possible.• Keep on the move wherever possible as there is much to be gained from flitting here and there.• Wherever possible, get the best medicalinsuranceavailable.• None the less, start out with a master plan and wherever possible, use it.• This entails taking noteswherever possible, without being too obvious about it.