2BEHAVEGOOD/MORALsomeone who is very kind, very good, or very beautiful 安琪儿,天使〔指仁慈、善良或美丽的人〕
That little girl of theirs is an angel.
Sam is no angel (=often behaves badly).
3old-fashioned spoken used when asking someone to help you or when thanking someone for helping you 大好人〔用于请人帮忙或表示感谢〕
Thanks for mailing those letters, you’re an angel.
Be an angel and get me my glasses, will you?
4. (also business angel, angel investor) someone who gives new businesses money, often in exchange for a share of the company 天使投资者,投资天使〔指向初创企业投资的人,往往以持有公司股份作为交换条件〕
angel• Some one, possibly all angels, is smiling on them.• The Lordsuppliednourishment at the hands of an angel.• Primo asks if she was playing an angel, like the angel children in the movie.• Bernie, you're an angel. What would I do without you?• Monstersresuscitate with the same alacrity as angels.• Goodnight, angel.• The angels had told her to do things discreetly, not to make a big show of generosity or kindness.