aspirin• So, if you're popping down a dailyaspirin, keep the pop music down too.• At my house Jasper kept an electricrazor, a toothbrush, and he saw to it that I always had aspirin.• On the other hand, aspirin is safer, cheaper and more readily available than most drugs.• Still, caffeine is not aspirin.• A couple of cookies are as good as a couple of aspirin.• The proportion receiving aspirin within the first 24 h may be substantially lower.• Any patient who has vasculardisease should be on long-termaspirin.• Meye etal reported that tightjunctions in the caninegastric mucosa were significantly damaged by exposure to aspirin.
(1800-1900)Germanacetylierte spirsäure type of acid from which aspirin is obtained, from Modern Latinspiraea type of bush from which this acid is obtained