poor/good nutrition• Knowledge about diet and good nutrition can offset any tendency to constipation and avoid the constipation-pain-retention cycle building up.• Clearly poor children are at significantrisk of hunger and poor nutrition.• The balanced diet For good nutrition and a balanced diet, first on the list is protein.• Just as parents should fostergood nutrition from an early age, they should support and encouragehealthyphysical activity.• Receding or inflamedgums will need good nutrition to heal.• The basics of good nutritionlie in what is readily available in your house for you to consume.• Exercise, in addition to good nutrition, can guard against a whole range of seriousailments.• People who are on low-calorie diets and eat a lot of these snacks end up getting very poor nutrition.
(1500-1600)Old FrenchLate Latinnutritio, from Latinnutrire; → NUTRIENT