3in no uncertain termsCLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDif you tell someone something in no uncertainterms, you tell them very clearly without trying to be polite 直截了当地,毫不含糊地
I told Colin in no uncertain terms what I thought of him.
Examples from the Corpus
in no uncertain terms• But DuPonceau does venture to contradict, and in no uncertain terms.• He had found them scruffy, and had said so in no uncertain terms.• She wanted nothing at all from her father and she was about to tell Alain Lemarchand so in no uncertain terms.• This means that we are going to lock you up, in no uncertain terms.• Well, there was nothing for it, I had to lay down the lawin no uncertain terms.• What is more, she said so - in no uncertain terms.• That night they told her, in no uncertain terms, to go for it.• Those coming into leadership are told in no uncertain terms what their task is to be.
4if someone walks in an uncertain way, they seem as though they might fall 〔脚步〕蹒跚的,踉跄的SYN unsteady
She took a few uncertain steps forward.
Examples from the Corpus
uncertain• A spokesman said the governor's travel plans were still uncertain.• Even where links were still in place, their future remained uncertain.• More typical is the partialcure where the doctors could say that the treatment was worthwhile but the future uncertain.• The long-termbenefits of the treatment are extremely uncertain.• The situation on the island is still very uncertain and the army is on full alert.• If you hesitate the secretary will sense that you are uncertain and wonder whether to put you through or not.• The company faces a highly uncertain future.• They were worried about their son's uncertain future.• Indeed, we shall stress the importance of work organization in change agendasgeared towards securingcompetitiveadvantage in uncertain market environments.• Doctors are uncertain of what self-government would mean in detail.• She took a few uncertainstepsforward.• She would write, when she was away from here, tell him in no uncertainterms exactly what she thought of him.• The economicoutlook is so uncertain that I would think carefully before investing any money.• Even now, city staff appears uncertain what can be built on the property.
uncertain whether/how/what etc• She felt resolved in spirit but uncertain how best to proceed.• Ford is uncertain whether he will get an offer or even accept one if it comes.• It was very uncertain whether Henry would be able to retain the crown he had seized.• Teachercontractnegotiations have been on hold for months because school officials were uncertain how much money they had.• It is still uncertain how these possible burgi operated.• Having never dealt with a statisticalneuralnetwork, we were uncertain how we could verify the integrity of the network.• It is uncertain whether words alone can amount to an assault.• Are you uncertain whether you have enough of the right kind of insurance?
it is uncertain whether/how/what etc• He suffers from severefits. It is uncertain whether he recognises his carers.