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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Similar and similarly
adjective /ˈsɪmɪlə(r)/
things that are similar share some qualities but are not exactly the same 相似的;近似的

We have similar hobbies and interests. 我们有相似的爱好与兴趣。

A second study produced remarkably similar results. 第二次研究得出了非常近似的结果。

similar to :

Their situation is very similar to ours. 他们的情况和我们的很相似。

similar in :

The two men are similar in appearance. 这两个人相貌相似。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition /laɪk/
similar to someone or something else, or in a similar way to someone or something else 像…;像…一样

It was a small animal like a rat. 它是一种像老鼠的小动物。

I think she was like me, she didn't really want to get involved. 她跟我一样确实不想介入。

No one could play the trumpet like he did. 没有人能够像他那样吹奏喇叭。

just like :

I went and bought myself a new pen just like yours. 我去给自己买了一支新笔,跟你的那支一模一样。

That morning began just like any other. 那是个普通的早晨。

very like :

Bruce is very like you in a lot of ways. 布鲁斯在很多方面和你很相似。

seem/look/sound/smell/taste/feel like :

Doesn't he look like Mark? 难道他看起来不像马克吗?

The cloth felt like silk against her skin. 这种布料蹭着她的皮肤感觉像丝绸。

like new :

Once it's washed and ironed it'll be like new. 一旦把它清洗和熨烫一下,它就会变得像新的一样。

anything like (=at all similar) 多少有点相似 :

Was the office where you used to work anything like this one? 你过去工作的那间办公室跟这间多少有点像是吗?

nothing like (=not at all similar) 完全不一样 :

I have to admit India was nothing like what I was expecting. 我得承认印度和我想象的一点都不一样。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /ˈkɒmp(ə)rəb(ə)l/
fairly similar to another thing, so that it is reasonable to compare them 类似的;不相上下的

The two of them are in a comparable financial situation. 他们俩的财务状况差不多。

comparable to/with :

The salary is comparable with that of a junior doctor. 这份薪水相当于资历较浅的医生的报酬。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
equal to something else in quality or importance (质量或重要性)比得上…的,可以相提并论的

No comparable studies exist. 目前还没有可比的研究。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /ˌhəʊməʊˈdʒiːniəs/
consisting of things that are very similar or all of the same type 同种类的;由同类事物组成的

a homogeneous group

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adverb /əˈlaɪk/
in the same way or in a similar way 相似地;类似地

Not everyone acts or thinks alike. 不是每个人的行动或想法都是一致的。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective [never before noun] /əˈlaɪk/
if people or things are alike, they are similar in some way 相似的;类似的

The two versions of the text are alike in many ways. 原文的两个版本有许多相似之处。

The sisters don't really look alike. 姐妹们看起来并不怎么相像。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəb(ə)l/
if two things are indistinguishable, you cannot see any difference between them 难以分辨的;无法辨别的
indistinguishable from :

Computer games have become practically indistinguishable from reality. 电脑游戏已经变得和现实几乎难以分辨。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective, adverb, preposition /nɪə(r)/
very similar to something 相似的;近似于

What he's saying now is near the truth, but it's still not accurate. 他现在所说的基本属实,但还不够准确。

near to :

My feelings were nearer to despair than disappointment. 我的感觉更像是绝望,而不是失望。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /kləʊs/
similar to someone or something else but not exactly the same 接近(但不同)的;相似的

That's not exactly the colour I want, but it's close. 那不完全是我想要的颜色,但很接近。

close to :

The sensation is close to the feeling of floating. 这种感觉和漂浮的感觉很接近。

bear a close resemblance to someone/something :

She bears a close resemblance to her mother. 她长得酷似她母亲。

the closest (thing) to something :

That's the closest thing to an apology you're going to get from Drew. 那是你能从德鲁那儿得到的最接近道歉的东西。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
not unlike
similar to 相似的

She was led into an office not unlike the one she had just left. 她被领到一间与她刚离开之处相似的办公室。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
sort of
phrase mainly spoken
similar, but not exactly the same 近似;有那么点儿像

It's sort of a shiny bluish grey colour. 颜色是有点发亮的蓝灰色。

People say I look sort of like my grandfather when he was young. 人们说我有点儿像我爷爷年轻时的样子。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
More Synonyms
a fine line between
if there is a fine line between two things, they seem very similar and it is difficult to see a difference between them (两事物的)极其相似,细微差别

There's a very fine line between personal ambition and ruthlessness. 个人野心和冷酷无情之间几乎没有差别。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
  • similar to something 近似于某物的;与某物相似的

    The political situation here is more akin to dictatorship than democracy. 这里的政治情形更像是专制而非民主。

     Synonyms and related words
    Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /ˈælaɪd/
related because of having shared qualities or interests 相关的;有关联的

librarianship and allied subjects 图书馆管理和相关业务

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
along similar/different etc lines
in a similar/different etc way 按照相似的/不同的/相同的方式等

We are all working along similar lines. 我们都按着相似的方式工作。

along the lines of (=similar to) 与…相似 :

Vienna and Berlin were modernist cities, almost along the lines of Chicago. 维也纳和柏林都是很现代化的城市,和芝加哥基本相似。

something along those lines :

The first day there is usually a welcome dinner or something along those lines.

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
 Synonyms and related words
Different and differently: conflicting, different, various...
adjective formal /əˈnæləɡəs/
similar to another situation, process etc so that the same things are true of or relevant to both 类似的;可比的
analogous to :

Remote voting via the Internet is analogous to absentee voting and will have the same kinds of problems. 通过因特网远程投票即类似于缺席投票,会出现同样的问题。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
determiner, pronoun /əˈnʌðə(r)/
used with the name of a person, place, or event to mean someone or something else that has similar qualities (类似的)另一个

Music fans are already calling him another Frank Sinatra. 乐迷们已经开始把他叫做另一个弗兰克·西纳特拉。

There were fears that the war in Bosnia might become another Vietnam. 有人担心波斯尼亚的战争可能会成为另一场越战。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
anything like
similar to someone or something else in some way 多少有点像;类似于

Is Tom anything like his brother? 汤姆有点像他兄弟吗?

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
by the same token
in a similar way 同样地;类似地

You have to show respect for your colleagues, and by the same token they have to respect you.

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adverb /ˈkləʊsli/
in a way that is very similar to something or has an obvious or strong connection with it 很接近地;(联系)紧密地

The Northern Ireland economy is closely linked to that of the rest of the United Kingdom. 北爱尔兰的经济与英国其他地区联系紧密。

closely resemble something :

Soldiers will train under conditions that more closely resemble real combat. 士兵们将在更加接近实战的环境下接受训练。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adverb /ˈkɒmp(ə)rəbli/
in a similar way, or to a similar degree 相似地;在相似程度上
 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /kəmˈpætəb(ə)l/
likely to have a good relationship because of being similar 合得来的;意气相投的
compatible with :

You can find yourself married to someone with whom you're not compatible. 你突然意识到自己和一个合不来的人结了婚。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /ˈkɒŋɡruənt/
very formal similar to or suitable for something 相似的;适合的;适当的
 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /kənˈvɜː(r)dʒ(ə)nt/
becoming the same or very similar

We essentially teach convergent thinking: that there's one right answer.

The two species are very similar as a result of convergent evolution.

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly:similar, like, comparable...
adjective /ˈkɒpiˌkæt/
similar to something else and considered to be a copy of it 模仿的;抄袭的

copycat crimes 模仿性犯罪

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective [only before noun] /ˌkɒrɪˈspɒndɪŋ/
similar to or the same as something 对应的;类似的;相同的

Income from tourism is five per cent higher than in the corresponding period last year. 旅游业的收入比去年同期增长了5%。

Nurses smoke as much as corresponding groups in the general population. 护士吸烟的人数与总人口中其他类似的群体一样多。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈdɔːtə(r)/
developed from something else and very similar to it 子代的;产物的

Members of the daughter movement were far more politically active. 子代运动的成员在政治上要活跃得多。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adverb /ˈiːkwəli/
in equal amounts or quantities 数量相等地

The money raised will be divided equally between the charities. 筹到的钱款会在各慈善机构之间平均分配。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
to the same degree (程度)相当地

This recipe works equally well with soft fruit. 该种烹制方法采用无核小果作配料效果一样好。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
equal to
mainly literary as good as another thing or person 一样好的;不相上下的

They were facing soldiers whose skill was at least equal to their own. 他们面对的是技术上起码和他们自己不相上下的士兵。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈfeləʊ/
used for talking about people who are similar to you or are in the same situation as you 同类的;同伴的;处境相同的
fellow students/pupils/workers etc :

Discuss your experiences with a fellow student. 和同学讨论讨论你的经历。

fellow countrymen/citizens/Australians etc :

His fellow countrymen have honoured him for his bravery. 同胞们对他的勇敢深表敬意。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /dʒəˈnerɪk/
formal relating to or suitable for a range or class of similar things 一般的;通用的

generic software, suitable for use with both Macs and PCs 苹果机和个人电脑通用的软件

generic term/word/name :

‘Hoover' is often used as a generic term for all vacuum cleaners. Hoover常常被用作所有吸尘器的通称。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...


/dʒəˈnerɪkli/ adverb
 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective formal /ˈɪmɪtətɪv/
copying someone or something else 模仿的;仿制的
 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
in a similar vein
continuing with something similar to what came before 以相似的特点(或方式)

Leeds had dominated the game throughout the first half, and the second half began in a similar vein with another goal after only five minutes. 利兹联队在整个上半场控制了比赛,下半场的情况类似,开场仅仅5分钟再次攻入一球。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
  • in the same manner or style/not in the same manner or style as something else 与某物相协调/与某物不协调;与某物一致/与某物不一致

    a custom in keeping with tradition 与传统一致的习俗

    buildings that are out of keeping with their surroundings 与周围环境不协调的建筑物

     Synonyms and related words
    Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
     Synonyms and related words
    Different and differently: conflicting, different, various...
in line/out of line with
similar/different to someone or something 与…相似/不同

The costs were very much in line with what we expected. 费用和我们预计的差不多。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
 Synonyms and related words
Different and differently: conflicting, different, various...
changing/not changing in the same way as another thing 与…一致/不一致

Pensioners get an annual increase in line with the cost of living. 领取养老金者每年的养老金随着生活费用的增加而增加。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
 Synonyms and related words
Different and differently: conflicting, different, various...
in the manner of
in the style of a particular person or thing 以…风格

He passed his hands in front of my eyes in the manner of a hypnotist. 他像催眠师那样把双手在我眼前晃过。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
in the traditional/classic/modern etc mould
very similar to other things of a particular type 以传统/古典/现代风格等

Their latest album includes several songs in the classic folk mould. 他们最新的专辑收录了几首古典民间音乐风格的歌曲。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective formal /ˈkɪndrəd/
very similar to another person or thing 类似的

kindred desires 相似的欲望

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
like-minded people, groups etc have similar tastes, interests, and opinions 志趣相投的;想法相同的
 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adverb /ˈlaɪkwaɪz/
formal in the same way, or in a similar way 同样地;照样地

The character of the lake has changed and the character of the surrounding area likewise. 湖的特色变了,湖周围的环境也跟着变样了。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective informal, showing disapproval /ˌmiː ˈtuː/
used for describing people or products that try to copy the success of someone or something else or that follow fashions rather than start them

Most drugs are in fact me-too drugs: similar copies of truly innovative agents.

an uncontrolled building spree of me-too resorts

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly:similar, like, comparable...
  • very similar to each other 很相像的;很相似的

    The town's five hotels are all much of a muchness. 镇上的5家旅馆都很相似。

     Synonyms and related words
    Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
the nearest thing to something
used when something does not exist in a particular place or situation and you are referring to the thing that is most similar to it 最近似于某物的…;几乎是某物的…

It was the nearest thing to a home that he had ever had. 那是他曾经拥有过的最像家的地方。

She described prison as the nearest thing to hell on earth. 她把监狱描述为世上最接近地狱的地方。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
of sorts
of a type that is not exactly the same as the actual thing, or is not as good as the actual thing 勉强称得上的;徒有其名的;所谓的

She's an artist of sorts. 她是个所谓的艺术家。

Capitalism of a sort has existed for a number of years. 所谓的资本主义已经存在了许多年。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /ˌremɪˈnɪs(ə)nt/
similar to something else 像…一样的
reminiscent of :

a style reminiscent of a Hitchcock film 酷似希区柯克电影的风格

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adverb /ˈsɪmələ(r)li/
used for showing that two ideas are related or connected 同样地;相同地

High inflation usually leads to high interest rates. Similarly, interest rates decline when inflation is low. 高通货膨胀通常会导致高利率。同样,物价走低的时候,利率也会下降。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
in a similar way 相似地;差不多

Students in both schools achieved similarly low scores on the test. 在测试中两个学校的学生得分差不多一样低。

similarly priced cars 价格差不多的汽车

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
something like
fairly similar to something 和…很相似

a large fish something like a shark 一条很像鲨鱼的大鱼

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
something's answer to
someone or something that is similar to a more famous person or thing from a different place 另一地与(出名的人或物)相似的人(或物)

These boys were going to be America's answer to The Beatles. 这些男孩将成为美国的披头士乐队。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
straight out of something
similar in type to something 与某物类似的

The band's sound is straight out of the 60s. 这个乐队的音乐风格和60年代乐队的风格相似。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
there is nothing/little to choose between
used to say that there is very little or no difference between two people or things 两者不相上下

There is little to choose between the different methods except for their cost. 这些方法除了费用不同外,几乎不相上下。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
two/three etc of a kind
used to say that two, three etc people or things are very similar and therefore go well together or belong together 同一类的两个/三个等

I'm not surprised they're friends – they're two of a kind. 他们是朋友我并不奇怪,他们两个属于同一类型。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
adjective /ˈvɜː(r)tʃʊəl/
almost the same as the thing that is mentioned 实质上的;几乎相同的

The company had created a virtual monopoly. 这家公司已形成了一种实质上的垄断。

Business has come to a virtual standstill. 生意实际上已陷于停顿。

Over the years they had become virtual strangers. 在过去的几年里,他们几乎已经成为陌生人了。

The servants rarely leave the house and live like virtual prisoners. 这些佣人很少离开这栋房子,生活几乎跟囚犯一样。

 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
two people or things that are well matched are suitable for each other because they are similar or have the same abilities 搭配恰当的;匹配的

Not only were they in love, they were also very well matched. 他们不仅相爱,而且也很般配。

Two well-matched teams made this an entertaining game. 两支实力不相上下的球队使得这场比赛很具观赏性。

 Synonyms and related words
Suitable or convenient: suitable, convenient, proper...
 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...


/ɔːˈθentɪkli/ adverb
 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
 Synonyms and related words
Real and seeming real: real, true, genuine...
 Synonyms and related words
True, definite and based on facts: true, certain, objective...


 Synonyms and related words
Next to, near to and not far away: local, close, nearly...
 Synonyms and related words
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...

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