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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 2793 COCA: 1652


Word family
Related topics: Human, Birds, Food, dish
breast1 /brest/ ●●● S3 noun  
1 HBHBODYwoman’s body 女人的身体 [countableC] one of the two round raised parts on a woman’s chest that produce milk when she has a baby 〔女人的〕乳房
 These bras are specially designed for women with large breasts.
 breast milk
 breast cancer
bare-breasted/small-breasted etc 裸胸的/乳房小的等
2 chest 胸部CHEST [countableC]HBH written the part of your body between your neck and your stomach 胸部,胸膛
 Dick cradled her photograph against his breast.
3 birdPART OF A BIRD [countableC]HBB the front part of a bird’s body, below its neck 〔鸟的〕胸部
 a robin with a red breast
red-breasted/white-breasted etc
 red-breasted geese
4  See picture of 见图 BIRD OF PREY
4 meatMEAT [uncountableU]DFF meat that comes from the front part of the body of a bird such as a chicken 〔禽类的〕胸脯肉
 turkey breast
5. clothes 衣服 [countableC usually singular] the part of a jacket, shirt etc that covers the top part of your chest 〔夹克衫、衬衫等的〕前胸,胸襟 double-breasted, single-breasted
6. make a clean breast of it/things ADMITto admit that you have done something wrong 和盘托出,如实供认,坦白
Examples from the Corpus
7 emotions 感情EMOTIONS [countableC] literaryFEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETC where your feelings of sadness, love, anger, fear etc come from 情感;心情,内心
 a troubled breast
beat your breast at beat1(31), → chimney breast
Examples from the Corpus
breast2 verb [transitiveT] formal  
1. TOPto reach the top of a hill or slope 登上〔山顶〕
2. PUSHto push against something with your chest 以胸部推...;挺胸顶着...
Examples from the Corpus
Origin breast1
Old English breost
breast1 nounbreast2 verb

See also: ldoce493jpg

BNC: 2793 COCA: 1652


1part of a woman's body女性乳房ADJECTIVE | BREAST + NOUN ADJECTIVEample, big, enormous, full, heavy, large豐滿的乳房;巨大的乳房little, small小小的乳房bare, exposed, naked裸露的乳房firm, perky, pert, pointed結實的乳房;小巧精緻的乳房;尖尖的乳房round, shapely渾圓的/勻稱的乳房pendulous, sagging下垂的/鬆垂的乳房tender柔軟的乳房fake假乳BREAST + NOUNcancer, lump, tumour/tumor乳腺癌;乳房腫塊;乳房腫瘤examination乳房檢查surgery乳房手術clinic乳房門診screening乳房疾病篩查milk母乳The protective benefits of breast milk are numerous for both mother and baby.母乳喂養對母親和嬰兒都能起到很大的保護作用。size乳房尺寸implant乳房植入augmentation, enlargement, reduction隆胸;豐胸;縮乳She had breast-augmentation surgery.她做了隆胸術。tissue乳房組織


2your chest胸部PHRASESbeat your breast (= say publicly how sorry you are) 捶胸頓足clutch sb/sth to your breast, hold sb/sth to your breast把⋯摟在懷裏He held the letter to his breast.他把信貼在胸口上。
BNC: 2793 COCA: 1652
BNC: 2793 COCA: 1652
The breast and breasts: boob, bosom, breast...
Parts of birds: beak, bill, breast...
Parts of clothes: arm, armhole, basque...
BNC: 2793 COCA: 1652
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of Breast
  • # v.
    對付: breast, cope, front, meet
    以胸對著: breast
  • # n.
    奶: breast, lady, milk
    嬭: breast, milk
    奶子: breast
    脯: candied fruit, dried meat, preserved fruit, breast, chest
    乳: breast, milk, suckling
    乳房: breast, mamma, udder
    心情: breast, frame of mind, mood
    膺: breast

0_0: Definitions of Breast
  • # noun.
    - either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body that secrete milk after pregnancy.
  • # verb.
    - face and move forward against or through (something).
    * I watched him breast the wave

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