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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 94 COCA: 83


Word family
want1 /wɒnt $ wɒːnt, wɑːnt/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 desire 渴望 [transitiveT]WANT to have a desire for something 想要〔某物〕
 I really want a drink.
 What do you want for your birthday?
 She’d always wanted to go to Thailand.
 I don’t want Linda to hear about this.
 He didn’t want the holiday to end.
 You can order whatever you want.
 This shampoo is mild enough to use every day if you want.
 If she doesn’t get what she wants, she’s not happy.
 He wanted that job so badly he was willing to kill for it.
 They desperately wanted a son.
 What I want to know is when we’re going to get paid.
 All I want is the chance to prove myself.
 Oh thank you, it’s just what I’ve always wanted.
2 need 需要 [transitiveT]NEED used to say that you need something or to ask someone firmly to do something for you 需要〔某物〕;要〔某人做某事〕
 Do you still want these magazines, or can I throw them out?
want something done
 I want that letter typed today.
want somebody to do something
 I want you to find out what they’re planning.
make you want to cry/throw up etc (=give you a strong feeling that you must do something) 使你想哭/想吐等
 It always makes me want to sneeze.
 What do you want with a tool kit (=what do you need it for)?
want doing British EnglishBrE informal (=need to be done) 需要做
 The carpet really wants cleaning.
3 ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingoffer 提议 [transitiveT] used when offering or suggesting something to someone 想要
 Do you want a drink?
 Do you want me to come with you?
 Want a game of chess?
 Who wants a cup of coffee (=used to offer something to a group of people)?
4 should 应该 [transitiveT] spoken especially British EnglishBrESHOULD/OUGHT TO used to say that something is sensible or that someone should do it, especially when giving advice 理应,应该〔尤用于提建议〕
5 what do you want? used to ask, often in a slightly rude way, what someone wants you to give them, do for them etc 你想要什么?〔稍显无礼〕
Examples from the Corpus
6 ask for SB 要求见某人 [transitiveT]ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to ask for someone to come and talk to you, or to come to a particular place 要求〔某人〕到来;要求与〔某人〕谈话;要〔某人〕到某地
7 lack 缺少 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] formalNOT HAVE to suffer because you do not have something 缺乏,缺少〔某物,因而受苦〕
8 if you want 
Examples from the Corpus
9 who wants ...? DON'T LIKEused to say that you do not like something or do not think that it is worth doing 谁想要?〔表示不喜欢某物,或认为某事不值得去做〕
10 I just wanted to say/know etc used to politely say something, ask about something etc 我只想说/知道等〔用于礼貌地说或询问某事等〕
Examples from the Corpus
11 I don’t want to sound/be ..., but ...but ... I don’t want to sound/be ... used to be polite when you are going to tell someone something that may upset them 我不想显得,不过
12. sex [transitiveT] informal if you want someone, you want to have sex with them 想要,要〔指想和某人发生性关系〕
13want for something phrasal verbphr v not want for something/want for nothingNOT HAVE to have something you need, or everything you need 不缺某物/什么也不缺
Examples from the Corpus
14want in phrasal verbphr v informal 
15want out phrasal verbphr v informal 
very much
She very much wanted to do the right thing.
How badly do you want to win?
He desperately wants his mum and dad to get back together.
Do you really want to succeed?
I just want to be left alone.
whatever/anything you want
Now he can do whatever he wants.
whenever you want
Joanna is happy for him to see his son whenever he wants.
wherever you want
You can park wherever you want.
if you want (to)
You can go if you want.
get what you want
You’ve got what you wanted, so you might as well leave.
do what you want
You can do what you want, instead of being told what to do.
what I want to do is ...
What I want to do is develop the skills I already have.
all I want is ...
All I want is a normal life.
it’s just what I’ve always wanted (=used to thank someone for a present that you really like)
Thanks for the bread machine – it’s just what I’ve always wanted.
Patterns with want
You want something:
Do you want some more coffee?
You want to do something:
Do you want to have some more coffee?
You want someone to do something:
They want their son to go to a good university.
Want is not usually followed by a ‘that’ clause. Don’t say: They want that their son goes to a good university.
You say I don’t want someone doing something, when this is annoying or causes problems:
I don’t want other people telling me how to spend my money.
You can also say:
I don’t want other people to tell me how to spend my money.
Using the progressive
Want is not usually used in the progressive. You say:
I want to sleep now.
I want some coffee.
Don’t say: I am wanting some coffee.
In spoken English, people sometimes say I’m wanting to describe their feelings about something that is happening right now or that they have just seen or heard about:
Suddenly I’m wanting to know more about this man.
Examples from the Corpus
want2 ●○○ noun  
1 for (the) want of something EXACTused to say that you do not have or cannot find what you need in a particular situation 由于缺乏某物
Examples from the Corpus
2 for want of a better word/phrase etc used to say that you cannot find an exact word or phrase to describe something 没有更贴切的词语/短语等〔用于表示找不到确切的说法来形容某事物〕
Examples from the Corpus
3 not for want of (doing) something TRY TO DO OR GET somethingused to say that even though something did not happen or succeed, it was not because you did not try hard enough or have what you needed 并非因为没有〔用于表示尽管某事没有发生或成功,但这并非因为没有尽力或没有所需的东西〕
Examples from the Corpus
4. for want of anything better (to do) if you do something for want of anything better, you do it only because there is nothing else you want to do 既然没有更好的事(可做)〔表示做某事只是因为没有别的事想做〕
5 lack 缺乏 [countableC, uncountableU] formalNOT HAVE something that you need but do not have 缺乏的东西
6 no food/money etc 没有食物/钱等 [uncountableU]POOR a situation in which you do not have enough food, money, clothes etc 〔食品、金钱、衣服等的〕匮乏;贫困
7 be in want of something formalNEED to need something 需要某事物
Examples from the Corpus
Origin want1
(1100-1200) Old Norse vanta
BNC: 94 COCA: 83


ADJECTIVE | VERB + WANT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEhuman人的需要material物質需要VERB + WANTmeet, satisfy迎合需要;滿足需求Society can't satisfy all human wants.社會不可能滿足人們各方面的需要。PREPOSITIONfor want of因缺乏Refugees are dying for want of proper health care.難民由於缺乏適當的衞生保健而在死亡線上掙扎。in want貧困Thousands of children are living in want.成千上萬的兒童生活在貧困中。


ADVERB | PHRASES ADVERBbadly, desperately, really急需;迫切需要just, only, simply僅僅想要;只希望I just want you to be happy.我只是希望你快樂。genuinely, truly真正地需要If you truly want to help, just do as I say.如果你真想幫忙,就按我說的做。always一直想要Thanks for the present-it's just what I've always wanted.謝謝你的禮物,這正是我盼望已久的。never從不需要PHRASESall you want只想All I want is the truth.我只想知道實情。exactly what you want, just what you want正是某人想要的
BNC: 94 COCA: 83
want noun
desire (the wants of her children) need (satisfy your bodily wants)
want verb
want (Do you want some more?) attracted to sb (‘I want you so much,’ he whispered.)


want ♦︎ would like sth ♦︎ wish ♦︎ like ♦︎ feel like sth ♦︎ desire ♦︎ fancyThese words all mean to have a desire for sth. 这些词均表示要、想要。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sb wants / would like / wishes / likes / desires to do sthto feel like / fancy doing sthif you want / wish / likeif you feel like itsb really wants / would like / wishes / feels like / desires / fancies sthto truly want / wish / desire sthsb just wants / would like / feels like / fancies sthto only want / wish / desire sthto always want / wish / feel like / desire / fancy sthsb wants / would like / desires sth very muchto want / wish desperately to do sth want [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (rather informal, especially spoken) to have a desire for sth 要;想要;希望Do you want some more tea?你再要点儿茶吗?All I want is the truth.我只想知道真相。I can do whatever I want.我想干什么就可以干什么。What do you want to do tomorrow?你明天想干什么?'It's time you did your homework.' 'I don't want to!'“你该做作业了。”“我不想做!”Do you want me to help?你要我帮忙吗?Note that you cannot say 'want that...'. 注意不能说want that ...I want that you do it quickly. I want it done quickly.我要求这事尽快搞定。When you use the infinitive after want, it must have to. * want后接动词不定式时必须加toI want study in America. I want to study in America.我想去美国读书。 see also want desire noun would like sth


(rather formal, especially spoken) used as a polite way of saying what you want or to ask what sb wants (用于客气地表达或询问)想要,喜欢,愿意Would you like a drink?你想喝点什么吗?I'd like to think it over.我想考虑一下。We'd like you to come and visit us.我们希望你能来看我们。 (formal) We would like to apologize for the delay.我们希望为这次延误道歉。In spoken English, I would like is nearly always shortened to I'd like. 在口语中,I would like几乎总是缩略为I'd like。
wish [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to want sth to happen or to be true even though it is unlikely or impossible 希望(不大可能的事)发生;怀着(不可能实现的)愿望I wish I were taller.我要是个子高一点儿就好了。I wish I hadn't eaten so much.我真希望我没有吃这么多。I wish you wouldn't leave your clothes all over the floor.我希望你不要把衣服丢得满地都是。She wished herself a million miles away.她恨不得自己远在百万英里之外。In formal language, especially in British English, wish can also mean to want to do sth. 在正式语境中,尤其在英式英语中,wish还可表示希望做某事I wish to speak to the manager.我想跟经理谈谈。 see also wish desire noun , wish hope verb like [transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (especially BrE, rather informal, especially spoken) to want to do or have sth 想;要;希望Do what you like-I don't care.你想做什么就做什么,我不在乎。You can dye your hair whatever colour you like.你的头发想染成什么颜色都行。You can come too if you like.如果想来,你也可以来。In this meaning, like is only used in sentences with what, whatever and if. Sometimes people use if you like to agree to a suggestion, even though they would not have chosen to do that thing themselves. 表达此义时,like只用于由what、whatever和if引导的句子中。有时用if you like表示赞同他人提出的建议,尽管自己本没有这样的打算'Let's go and see “The Last Samurai.” ' 'OK, if you like.'“我们去看《最后的武士》吧。”“好吧,如果你喜欢。”This meaning of like is mostly used in British English; in American English it is more usual to use want. * like的这个词义多见于英式英语,在美式英语中,更常用wantDo what you want-I don't care.你想做什么就做什么吧,我不在乎。 feel like sth


(felt, felt) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (informal, spoken) to want to have or do sth 想;要;希望I feel like a drink.我想喝点什么。He felt like bursting into tears.他想要大哭一场。We'll go for a walk if you feel like it.要是你愿意,我们去散散步。
desire [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (formal) to want to have or do sth 想;要;希望The house had everything you could desire.这房子应有尽有。The dessert can be topped with cream, if desired (= if you like).如果喜欢,这款甜品可以浇上奶油。The medicine did not achieve the desired effect.这药未达到预期效果。 see also desire desire noun fancy [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (BrE, informal, especially spoken) to want to have or do sth 想;要;希望Fancy a drink?想喝一杯吗?I fancied a change of scene.我倒希望换换环境。
BNC: 94 COCA: 83
To want something: want, wish, hope...
To want to do something: want, wish, fancy...
To need something: need, require, cry out for...
Necessary: necessary, essential, vital...
Deserving and deserved: deserve, deserving, deserved...
Absence and lack: absence, lack, loss...
The state of being poor: poverty, austerity, want...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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