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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


Word family
come1 /kʌm/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst came /keɪm/, past participlepp come) [intransitiveI]   cum
1 move towards SB/STH 朝某人/某物移动GO TO/ATTEND to move towards you or arrive at the place where you are 来;来到;来临 OPP go
 Let me know when they come.
 Can you come here for a minute?
 Come a bit closer and you’ll be able to see better.
 What time will you be coming home?
come in/into/out of etc
 There was a knock on the door and a young woman came into the room.
come to/towards
 I could see a figure coming towards me.
come across/down/up etc
 As they came down the track, the car skidded.
come to do something
 I’ve come to see Philip.
come and do something
 I’ll come and help you move the rest of the boxes.
 Come and look at this!
come running/flying/speeding etc
 Jess came flying round the corner and banged straight into me.
come to dinner/lunch
 What day are your folks coming to dinner?
here comes somebody/something spoken (=used to say that someone or something is coming towards you) 某人/某物来了
 Ah, here comes the bus at last!
see thesaurus at arrive
2 MOVE WITH somebodygo with SB 与某人同行GO if someone comes with you, they go to a place with you 同行,同去
 We’re going for a drink this evening. Would you like to come?
come with
 I asked Rosie if she’d like to come with us.
come along
 It should be good fun. Why don’t you come along?
3 travel to a place 行至某地TRAVEL to travel to or reach a place 来到,到达
 Which way did you come?
come through/across/by way of etc
 They came over the mountains in the north.
come from
 Legend has it that the tribe came from across the Pacific Ocean.
come by car/train/bus etc
 Will you be coming by train?
 Have you come far (=travelled a long way) today?
 I’ve come a long way to see you.
come 50/100 etc miles/kilometres
 Some of the birds have come thousands of miles to winter here.
4 post 邮寄ARRIVE if a letter etc comes, it is delivered to you by post 寄到 SYN arrive
5 TIME/EVENThappen 发生HAPPEN if a time or an event comes, it arrives or happens 〔时间或事件〕到来;发生
6 reach a level/place 到达某一高度/位置 [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]REACH to reach a particular level or place 够到,达到〔某一高度或位置〕
7 be produced/sold 制造出/售出 [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]EXIST to be produced or sold with particular features 备有〔货〕,可提供
8 order 次序 [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]BE to be in a particular position in an order, a series, or a list 位于,处于〔某一位置〕
9 come open/undone/loose etc BECOMEto become open etc 松开,解开
Examples from the Corpus
10 come to do something 
Examples from the Corpus
11 come and go 
Examples from the Corpus
12 take something as it comes to accept something as it happens, without trying to plan for it or change it 对某事随遇而安,对某事听天由命
Examples from the Corpus
13 have something coming (to you) informalPUNISH to deserve to be punished or to have something bad happen to you (你)活该承受某惩罚[恶果],(你)咎由自取
Examples from the Corpus
14 as nice/as stupid etc as they come informalVERY extremely nice, stupid etc 极好的/极蠢的等
15 for years/weeks/days etc to come FUTUREused to emphasize that something will continue for a long time into the future 在未来的很多年//天等里
Examples from the Corpus
16 in years/days to come in the future 将来,未来
Examples from the Corpus
17 have come a long way PROGRESSto have made a lot of progress 有长足进步,有极大发展
Examples from the Corpus
18 come as a surprise/relief/blow etc (to somebody) to make someone feel surprised, relieved, disappointed etc 使(某人)惊奇/松一口气/受到打击等
Examples from the Corpus
19 come easily/naturally (to somebody) BEto be easy for someone to do (对某人而言)很容易/自然
Examples from the Corpus
20 come of age 
Examples from the Corpus
21 come right out with something/come right out and say something informalHONEST to say something in a very direct way, often when other people think this is surprising 坦言某事,直截了当地说出某事〔常指出人意料地〕
22 come clean  informal to tell the truth about something you have done 老实交代,全盘招供
Examples from the Corpus
23 not know whether you are coming or going informalCONFUSED to feel very confused because a lot of different things are happening 〔因事情过多而〕不知所措,毫无头绪
Examples from the Corpus
24 come good/right SUCCEED IN DOING something British EnglishBrE informal to end well, after there have been a lot of problems 圆满结束
Examples from the Corpus
25 come to pass literaryHAPPEN to happen after a period of time 〔一段时间以后〕发生
Examples from the Corpus
26. SEXsex informalSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to have an orgasm 达到性高潮
Examples from the Corpus
come2 noun [uncountableU] informal  
1.SEX/HAVE SEX WITHa man’s semen (=the liquid he produces during sex) 精液
Origin come1
Old English cuman
(1900-2000) → COME119
come verb
come1 (come here) come2 (when the time comes) arrive (come early) attend (come to a party) become (come undone/loose) go2 (come by ship)


come here 到这里来when the time comes 当时机到来时come ♦︎ approach ♦︎ draw ♦︎ come along ♦︎ near ♦︎ close in ♦︎ convergeThese words all mean to move to or towards a person or place. 这些词均表示移至、接近、靠近。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to come / draw in / into sthto come / draw up / up to sb / sthto close in / converge on sb / sthto come / draw close / near / closer / nearerto slowly come / approach / draw / close in on sb come (came, come) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to go towards a particular place or to a particular event; to go towards sb/sth in a particular way or from a particular distance He came into the room and shut the door.他进了房间,把门关上。She came to work wearing a very smart suit.她穿着非常时髦的套装来上班。Come here!到这儿来!Come and see us soon!快点来看我们吧! (NAmE) Come see us soon!快点来看我们吧!Here comes Jo (= Jo is coming)!乔来啦!He's come all the way from Tokyo.他从东京远道而来。Why don't you come with us?为什么不和我们一起来呢?It looks as if there's a storm coming.看上去好像暴风雨要来了。The kids came running into the room.孩子们跑着进屋来了。Come is usually used from the point of view of the person or place that sb is moving to or towards. * come一般指朝说话者所在的方位移动。 OPP go go 1 see also coming arrival 1 approach [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to come near or towards sb/sth 靠近;接近We could hear the train approaching.我们听到火车驶近的声音。Police said the suspect should not be approached.警方说不应接近嫌犯。She approached the crossroads cautiously.她小心地接近十字路口。 see also approach arrival 1 draw (drew, drawn) [intransitive] (written) (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move in the direction mentioned, usually towards sb/sth (向某个方向,通常朝某人或某物)移动,行进The train drew into the station.火车进站。Their car drew alongside ours.他们的汽车与我们的并排行驶。She waved to me as I drew up (= arrived in a car and stopped).我把车停下来的时候她朝我挥了挥手。As he drew near, I could see that he was limping.当他走近时,我看到他一瘸一拐的。 ˌcome aˈlong

phrasal verb

(came, come)to come closer and then arrive at a place 逐渐抵达;到达We'll get the next bus that comes along.我们要坐下一趟来的公共汽车。I'd hate someone to come along and see me like this.我讨厌我这样子被过来的人看见。
near [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to come nearer to sb/sth 接近;靠近;临近As the bus neared we could see someone waving.公共汽车靠近时,我们看到有个人在挥手。We were obviously nearing the airport.我们显然快到机场了。 ˌclose ˈin

phrasal verb

to move nearer to sb/sth, especially in order to attack or capture them (尤指为了进攻或捕获)逼近,靠近They knew the police were closing in.他们知道警察在逼近。It was a shark closing in for the kill.那是一条鲨鱼在逼近,准备捕杀猎物。Rebel troops were closing in on the city.叛军正要围攻那座城市。
converge kənˈvɜːdʒ; NAmE kənˈvɜːrdʒ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition, especially on 通常与副词或介词连用,尤其是on) (of people or vehicles) to move towards a place from different directions and form a crowd there (人或车辆)汇集,聚集,集中Thousands of supporters converged on Washington for the rally.成千上万的支持者从四面八方汇聚华盛顿举行集会。


come here 到这里来when the time comes 当时机到来时come ♦︎ arrive ♦︎ approach ♦︎ near ♦︎ draw nearThese words all relate to a time or event that comes or happens, especially one that you have been waiting for. 这些词均表示时间到来或事件发生,尤指如期而至。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配spring / summer / autumn / fall / winter comes / arrives / approaches / draws nearthe day / time comes / arrives / approaches / draws nearto come / arrive early / lateto finally come / arrive come (come, come) [intransitive](of a particular time) to be now (某一时刻)到来,来临When the moment actually came, I began to feel a little nervous.当那一刻真的来临时,我开始感觉有些紧张。Business improved as Christmas came nearer.圣诞节临近,生意有所改善。The deadline came and went, but there was no reply from them.最后期限到了,又过去了,但他们一直没有回复。 arrive [intransitive] (written) (of a time or event) to come or happen, especially after you have been waiting for it (尤指等待的时刻或事件)到来,发生The day of the wedding finally arrived.婚礼这一天终于到了。The age of industrialization had arrived.工业化时代已经来到了。 approach [intransitive, transitive] to come closer in time (时间上)接近,临近The deadline was fast approaching.截止期限很快就到了。He was approaching a turning point in his life.他即将面临自己人生的转折点。 near [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to come close in time (时间上)接近,临近It was nearing midnight.快午夜了。The project is nearing completion.这个项目就要完成了。Many of the teachers were nearing retirement.许多教师临近退休。 draw near (drew, drawn) [intransitive] (rather formal) to come close in time (时间上)接近,临近The time for her departure was drawing near.她离开的日子越来越近了。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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