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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 493 COCA: 1257


Word family
club1 /klʌb/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countableC]  
1 FOR AN ACTIVITY/SPORTfor an activity or sport 活动或体育的
a) [also + plural verb British English] an organization for people who share a particular interest or enjoy similar activities, or a group of people who meet together to do something they are interested in 俱乐部
rugby/golf/squash etc club
 Our chess club really needs new members.
club for
 a club for unemployed young people
 It costs £15 to join the club.
 She belongs to a local health club.
b) the building or place where the members of a particular club meet or play sport 俱乐部〔指俱乐部建筑或所在地〕,会所
 We could have dinner at the golf club.
see thesaurus at organization country club, fan club, youth club
2 professional sport 职业体育运动 [also + plural verb British English] especially British EnglishBrE a professional organization including the players, managers, and owners of a sports team 〔职业体育的〕俱乐部
 Manchester United Football Club
nGRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?
In meanings 1 and 2, club is usually followed by a singular verb:
The club meets on Mondays after school.
In British English, you can also use a plural verb:
The club meet on Mondays after school.
3 for dancing/music 舞蹈/音乐的 a place where people go to dance, listen to music, and meet socially 俱乐部;夜总会
 a jazz club
 Shall we go to a club?
 I’m not into the club scene at all.
4 traditional men’s club 传统的男子俱乐部 especially British EnglishBrE
a) an organization, traditionally for men only, which provides a comfortable place for its members to relax, eat, or stay the night 男子俱乐部
 I always stay at my London club.
b) the building where this organization is based 男子俱乐部会所
5. book/record/wine etc club ORGANIZATIONan organization which people join to buy books, records, wine etc cheaply 图书/唱片/葡萄酒等俱乐部〔其会员可以低价购买书籍、唱片、葡萄酒等〕
Examples from the Corpus
6. golf 高尔夫球 (also golf club) a long thin metal stick used in golf to hit the ball 高尔夫球杆4  See picture of 见图 BAT
7. weapon 武器 a thick heavy stick used to hit people 大头棒,棍棒
8 in card games 纸牌戏IN CARD GAMES
a) DGC clubs one of the four suits (=types of cards) in a set of playing cards, which has the design of three round black leaves in a group together 梅花
ten/king etc of clubs
 the ace of clubs
梅花 A
b) DGCa card from this suit 梅花牌
 You have to play a club.
9. in the club BABY/HAVE A BABY British EnglishBrE old-fashioned if a woman is in the club, she is going to have a baby – used humorously 怀孕的〔幽默用法〕 SYN pregnant
Examples from the Corpus
10 join the club  (also welcome to the club American EnglishAmE)SERIOUS SITUATION spoken used after someone has described a bad situation that they are in, to tell them that you are in the same situation 我们都一样(糟)
Examples from the Corpus
types of club
a football/tennis/golf etc club
There’s a football club for the young people in the area.
a sports club
Why don’t you join one of the school sports clubs?
a youth club (=for young people)
The youth club is on Thursday nights in the village hall.
a social club (=where you meet people and talk)
Older people may benefit from joining a social club.
a health club (=where you go to do physical exercise)
The hotel has its own health club with saunas, solarium and work-out equipment.
a fan club (=for people who like a particular team, band, person etc)
I used to be a member of the Take That fan club.
a country club (=a sports and social club, usually in the countryside)
Ted was a member of an exclusive country club.
join a club
I decided to join the computer club.
belong to a club
Do you belong to any university clubs or societies?
form a club (=start one)
It’s always possible to form your own club.
run a club (=organize one)
My Dad helps to run the rowing club.
a club welcomes somebody (=is happy to accept new members)
The chess club welcomes both beginners and experienced players.
club + NOUN
a club member/member of a club
There’s a monthly magazine for club members.
club membership
Club membership costs £300 per year.
a club chairman/president
Reg took over as club chairman three years ago,
a club secretary
For further information about membership, contact the club secretary.
a club official (=someone with a position of authority in the club)
At this meeting we will elect new club officials.
Examples from the Corpus
club2 verb (clubbed, clubbing) [transitiveT]  
1HITto hit someone hard with a heavy object 〔用棍棒〕打
2club together phrasal verbphr v SHAREif people club together, they share the cost of something 分担费用,凑钱
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin club1
(1100-1200) Old Norse klubba heavy stick

See also: ldoce486jpg

IELTS BNC: 493 COCA: 1257


1group of people who meet to share an interest俱樂部ADJECTIVE | VERB + CLUB | CLUB + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcountry, exclusive, private鄉村/會員專享/私人俱樂部members of an exclusive club高級專享會所成員local本地俱樂部social社交俱樂部youth青年俱樂部fan, sports⋯迷俱樂部;體育俱樂部fitness, health健身俱樂部badminton, golf, etc.羽毛球、高爾夫球等俱樂部She plays at the local tennis club.她在本地的網球俱樂部打球。chess, drama, etc.國際象棋、戲劇等俱樂部book讀書會VERB + CLUBbelong to屬於俱樂部She belongs to a book club.她是讀書會的成員。become a member of, join成為俱樂部的一員;加入俱樂部form, found, start成立/創辦/組建俱樂部run管理俱樂部Who runs the tennis club?誰經營這個網球俱樂部?CLUB + NOUNchairman, manager, member, official, player, secretary (especially BrE) 俱樂部主席/經理/成員/職員/運動員/秘書basketball, cricket, football, etc.籃球、板球、足球等俱樂部bar, house (usually clubhouse) 俱樂部酒吧/會所PREPOSITIONin a/the club在俱樂部How many people are there in the club?俱樂部有多少人? note at organization


2where people go and listen to music, dance, etc.歌舞場所ADJECTIVE | CLUB + NOUN ADJECTIVEcomedy, dance, jazz, night (usually nightclub) , strip喜劇俱樂部;舞蹈夜總會;爵士樂夜總會;夜總會;脫衣舞夜總會gay, lesbian男同性戀/女同性戀俱樂部CLUB + NOUNcircuit, DJ, scene俱樂部巡迴演出;夜總會音樂節目主持人;夜總會場景a new style of music on the New York club scene紐約夜總會的新音樂風格


3playing card打牌 note at card
IELTS BNC: 493 COCA: 1257
club noun
team2 (Real Madrid Football Club) union (the local drama club)
IELTS BNC: 493 COCA: 1257

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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