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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 925 COCA: 690


Word family
Related topics: Sport, Nature
drop1 /drɒp $ drɑːp/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (dropped, dropping)  
1 let STH fall 让某物掉落 [transitiveT]
a) FALLto stop holding or carrying something so that it falls 让〔某物〕落下
 He dropped his briefcase on a chair.
 She screamed and dropped the torch.
b) to make something such as a bomb fall from a plane 〔飞机〕空投,丢,扔〔炸弹等〕
 U.S. planes began dropping bombs on the city.
 Supplies are being dropped for the refugees.
2 fall 落下 [intransitiveI]FALL to fall suddenly onto the ground or into something 掉下,落下
drop from/off
 The apples are beginning to drop from the trees.
 Your button has dropped off.
3 move your body down 低下身子 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep, transitiveT]BEND to lower yourself or part of your body suddenly (使)忽然倒下,坐下
drop down/onto/into
 He dropped down onto the floor and hid under the table.
 She dropped her head back against the cushion.
4 become less 变少 [intransitiveI]LESS to fall to a lower level or amount, especially a much lower level or amount 〔水平〕降低;〔数量〕减少
drop suddenly/sharply/dramatically
 The number of deaths on the roads has dropped sharply.
 Temperatures drop quite dramatically at night, so bring some warm clothing.
drop to
 Their share of the market dropped to 50 percent this year.
see thesaurus at decrease
5 reduce 减少 [transitiveT]LESS to reduce the level or amount of something 降低〔的水平〕;减少〔的数量〕
 You might be able to get them to drop the price.
 As soon as she saw the police car she dropped her speed.
6 not include 不包括 [transitiveT]DS to decide not to include someone or something 剔除,把除名
 His name was dropped from the list.
drop somebody from a team/side
 Taylor was bitterly disappointed to be dropped from the England side.
7 stop doing STH 停止做某事 [transitiveT]STOP DOING something to stop doing something, discussing something, or continuing with something 停止,放弃
 The proposal was dropped after opposition from civil liberties groups.
drop charges/drop a case
 New evidence was presented to the court and the case was dropped.
drop a subject at school/university (=stop studying it) 在学校/大学退修[不学]一科
 Students are allowed to drop history in Year 9.
 You can’t expect me to drop everything (=completely stop doing whatever I am doing) whenever you’re in town.
 Oh, drop the ‘Senator’ (=stop calling me ‘Senator’) – just call me Gordon.
 Some time later, the matter was quietly dropped.
8 stop talking about STH 停止谈论某事 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]STOP DOING something to stop talking about something 停止谈论
9 take SB somewhere 送某人到某处 (also drop off) [transitiveT]TTC to take someone by car to a place and leave them there, especially on your way to another place 〔开车〕顺路送〔某人〕到〔某处〕,放下车
10 take STH somewhere 把某物送到某处 [transitiveT]TAKE/BRING to take something to a place and leave it there 把〔某物〕送至〔某处〕
11 visit 拜访 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]DLVISIT to visit someone you know, usually without arranging a particular time 顺便造访,临时拜访
12 slope downwards 向下倾斜 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]DNDOWN if a path, land etc drops, it goes down suddenly, forming a steep slope 〔道路、地面等〕急剧向下倾斜
13 end a relationship 结束关系 [transitiveT]RELATIONSHIP informal to suddenly stop having a relationship with someone, especially a romantic relationship 突然终止与〔某人〕的(恋爱)关系,将〔某人〕给甩了
14 until/till you drop TIREDuntil you are too tired to continue doing something 直到累垮
Examples from the Corpus
15 drop a hint SUGGESTto suggest or ask for something in an indirect way, hoping that the person you are talking to will understand what you mean 给暗示
Examples from the Corpus
16 drop somebody a line/note TCN informal to write a short letter to someone 给某人写短信/便条
Examples from the Corpus
17 drop dead 
Examples from the Corpus
18. somebody’s jaw dropped used to say that someone was very surprised 某人目瞪口呆
Examples from the Corpus
19 drop your eyes/gaze EMBARRASSEDto stop looking at someone and look down, usually because you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable 垂下眼睛/目光〔通常因为尴尬或不自在〕
Examples from the Corpus
20 the wind drops the wind stops 风停止
21 drop a bombshell informalSHOCK to suddenly tell someone a shocking piece of news 突然说出惊人的消息
Examples from the Corpus
22 drop somebody in it informal to say or do something that gets someone else into trouble 给某人捅了娄子,使某人遇到麻烦
Examples from the Corpus
23 drop $50/£2,000 etc  [transitiveT] informalBMONEY to lose money in a business deal, a game etc 〔做生意、赌博等〕输掉50美元/2,000英镑等
24. drop a catch DSCto fail to catch a ball hit by a batsman in cricket 〔板球比赛中〕没接住〔击球手击来的〕球
25 drop a point DSto lose a point in a sports competition 〔体育比赛中〕失分
Examples from the Corpus
26. be dropping like flies informal if people are dropping like flies, they are getting ill or dying in large numbers 大批病倒;大批死亡
Examples from the Corpus
27. drop a clanger/brick British EnglishBrEEMBARRASSED to say something embarrassing in a social situation 〔在社交场合〕出言不慎,失言
Examples from the Corpus
28. drop a stitch DLHto let the wool fall off the needle when you are knitting 〔编织时〕漏一针,掉一针
Examples from the Corpus
29. drop anchor TTWto lower a boat’s anchor to the bottom of the sea, a lake etc so that the boat does not float away 落锚,下锚
Examples from the Corpus
30. drop acid informalMDD to swallow LSD (=an illegal drug) 服用迷幻药
Examples from the Corpus
31drop back (also drop behind) phrasal verbphr v to move more slowly than other people so that they get ahead of you 落后,落在后面
Examples from the Corpus
32drop off phrasal verbphr v 
Examples from the Corpus
33drop out phrasal verbphr v 
Examples from the Corpus
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 7: to stop doing something, discussing something, or continuing with something
drop + NOUN
drop the charges/a case (=stop the legal process of trying to prove someone is guilty)
Both men have been released and the charges have been dropped.
drop everything (=completely stop everything you are doing)
When my mother was sick, I just dropped everything and flew to be with her in Seattle.
drop the idea
The project was going to be too expensive so the idea was dropped.
drop a plan
The company has dropped its plan to build a hotel on the site.
drop a scheme/program etc
Some banks have dropped their student loan scheme.
drop a subject (=stop studying it at school or university)
Students may choose to drop a subject in their second year.
drop the pretence (=stop pretending)
He has finally dropped the pretence that he’s innocent.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Drink, Nature
drop2 ●●● S2 W3 noun  
1 liquid 液体 [countableC]LIQUID a very small amount of liquid that falls in a round shape 〔液体的〕滴
2 small amount 少量 [usually singular] informal
3 reduction 减少 [singular]LESS a reduction in the amount, level, or number of something, especially a large or sudden one 下跌,下降,减少 SYN fall
4 distance to ground 至地面的距离 [singular]DNDISTANCE a distance from a higher point down to the ground or to a lower point 落差,落下的距离
5 at the drop of a hat IMMEDIATELYimmediately and without pausing to think about what you are going to do 立即,不假思索,毫不迟疑
Examples from the Corpus
6 delivery, [countableC]TTA an act of delivering something somewhere, for example by dropping it from a plane 运货;空投 SYN delivery
7. lemon/fruit/chocolate etc drop DFFa sweet that tastes of lemon etc 柠檬/水果/巧克力等味的糖果
Examples from the Corpus
8 a drop in the ocean British EnglishBrE, a drop in the bucket American EnglishAmESMALL a very small amount of something compared to what is needed or wanted 沧海一粟,杯水车薪
Examples from the Corpus
9. eye/ear etc drops MDa type of medicine that you put in your eye, ear etc, one drop at a time 滴眼液/滴耳液等
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
dropdrop1 /drɒpdrɑːp/ verb (dropped, dropping)
1[intransitiveI] to fall to a lower level or amount
drop to/from
Second quarter earnings this year dropped to $157 million from $182 million.
Stock prices dropped sharply today.
The dollar dropped against the Japanese yen today.
Demand has dropped by 7%.
2[transitiveT] to stop doing or planning something
Plans to expand the business have been quietly dropped.
She was persuaded to drop the harassment lawsuit.
3[transitiveT] informal to lose money in business, a game etc
He dropped £1000 on the stockmarket.
4[transitiveT]COMPUTING to place words, a picture etc into a particular computer document with the mouse
Either drag and drop the page into a message or choose Send Page from under the File menu.
dropdrop2 noun [countableC usually singular]
if there is a drop in the amount, level, or number of something, it goes down or becomes less
Yesterday saw a sharp drop in stock prices.
drop in
Business is expecting a drop in interest rates later this year.
The club has suffered a dramatic drop in profits.
The first quarter total shows a drop from the same quarter last year.
see also leaflet drop, mail drop
Origin drop1
Old English droppian
Old English dropa
IELTS BNC: 925 COCA: 690


1reduction減少ADJECTIVE | VERB + DROP | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, considerable, huge, large, massive大減;銳減marked, noticeable, significant, substantial顯著下降dramatic, drastic, precipitous, rapid, severe, sharp, sudden顯著/猛烈/陡然/快速/急劇/劇烈/突然下降slight, small略微下降;小幅下降steady穩步下降pressure, price, temperature壓力/價格/溫度下降A sudden temperature drop could lead to a new ice age.溫度驟降可能導致冰河時代再度到來。VERB + DROPexperience, suffer經歷/遭遇下降The restaurant has suffered a big drop in trade.這家餐館生意驟減。cause, lead to導致下降PREPOSITIONdrop in⋯的下降The glut of coffee led to a sharp drop in prices.咖啡供過於求導致價格急劇下降。


2vertical distance down from a place下落距離ADJECTIVEprecipitous, sheer, steep, vertical垂直距離The cliff plunged in a sheer drop down to the beach.懸崖陡峭,直下海灘。long大落差


3small round mass of liquidADJECTIVE | VERB + DROP | DROP + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEsingle一滴We mustn't waste a single drop.我們不應該浪費一滴水。tiny小滴Tiny drops of sweat appeared on her forehead.她的前額冒出了一滴滴汗珠。tear (usually teardrop) 淚滴dew, rain (usually dewdrop, raindrop) 露珠;雨滴VERB + DROPwipe, wipe off擦掉水滴She wiped a drop of water from her chin.她擦掉了下巴上的一滴水。DROP + VERBfall液體滴落Great drops of rain started to fall.大滴大滴的雨開始落下來。roll down sth液體沿⋯滾落PREPOSITIONdrop of⋯的液滴Large drops of sweat rolled down her face.大顆大顆的汗珠從她臉上滾落下來。


1allow sth to fall使落下ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBaccidentally意外掉落carelessly, casually不小心/不經意地掉落He casually drops the latest buzzwords into the conversation.他在談話中無意間用上了最新的時髦詞語。almost, nearly幾乎掉落instantly, promptly當即扔下He saw Emma and promptly dropped his tray of drinks.他看見埃瑪,飲料托盤當即脫手掉在地上。PREPOSITIONin, into, on, onto掉進;掉到⋯上I accidentally dropped my glasses into the water.我意外地把眼鏡掉進了水裏。


2jump/move downwards向下移動ADVERB | VERB + DROP | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBheavily重重地降落gently, lightly輕柔地降落;輕輕降落immediately, instantly, quickly立即/瞬間/很快降落slowly緩慢地降落He slowly dropped to the floor.他緩慢地倒在地板上。limply無力地落下His arms dropped limply to his sides.他的雙臂無力地垂到了身體兩側。down, open放下;下降並張開Her mouth dropped open in disbelief.她張着嘴,滿臉懷疑。VERB + DROPlet sth讓⋯下落She smiled and let her eyes drop again.她微笑着,眼睛又垂了下去。be ready to累得要倒下I'm ready to drop (= because I am so tired).我累得要倒下了。PREPOSITIONinto, onto, to落到裏面;落到上面;降落到⋯The cheese drops onto a conveyor underneath.奶酪掉落到下面的傳送帶上。PHRASESdrop like a stone (figurative) 像石頭一樣落下Her heart dropped like a stone at this news.聽到這個消息她心頭一沉。


3become lower降低ADVERB | VERB + DROP | PREPOSITION ADVERBconsiderably, dramatically, drastically, significantly, substantially大幅降低;急劇下降;驟降;顯著下降;大大下降The price of oil has dropped significantly.油價大幅下降。fast, rapidly快速下降abruptly, precipitously, sharply, suddenly突然/陡然/猛烈/忽然下降steadily穩步下降slightly稍微降低further進一步下降VERB + DROPbe likely to, be unlikely to很可能/不大可能降低Sales are likely to drop further.銷售量可能進一步下降PREPOSITIONbelow降到⋯以下The temperature rarely drops below 40°F.溫度很少降到 40 華氏度以下。by降低⋯The price has dropped by 15%.價格已經下降 15%。from, to從⋯下降;降至⋯The number of children in the class has dropped from 25 to 18.班裏的孩子數量已從 25 人降至 18 人。


4slope downwards向下傾斜ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBsharply, steeply急劇傾斜而下away變陡峭PREPOSITIONinto, to, towards/toward傾斜落至⋯The land dropped steeply away into a small valley.地勢陡降,變成一個小山谷。


5no longer include sb in sth除名ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBquietly悄悄地將某人拿掉unceremoniously粗暴地除名She was unceremoniously dropped by her record label.她被唱片公司無情地拋棄了。PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯中除名He has been quietly dropped from the England team.他被英格蘭隊悄然除名。in favour/favor of贊成由⋯替換


6stop doing sth/be stopped停止ADVERB | VERB + DROP | PREPOSITION ADVERBquietly悄悄停止The subject was quietly dropped.這一話題被悄悄擱置起來。immediately, quickly, suddenly立即/迅速/突然停止He suddenly dropped his habitual banter.他突然不再像往常一樣開玩笑。eventually, finally最終停止;終於停止altogether完全停止When nobody volunteered, the idea was finally dropped altogether.在沒有人主動的情況下,這個構思就被完全放棄了。VERB + DROPlet sth不再做⋯Can't we just let the matter drop?難道我們就不能放下這件事嗎?agree to, decide to贊成不再做;決定不再做Both countries have agreed to drop border controls.兩國都同意停止邊境管制。PREPOSITIONin favour/favor of取消後代之以⋯The formal grade of Geologist was dropped in favour / favor of Scientific Officer.正式級別由地質學家改為科技官員。
IELTS BNC: 925 COCA: 690
drop verb
collapse2 (work till you drop) exclude2 (drop sb from a team) fall1 (the temperature drops) fall2 (drop to your death) slope (The valley drops away.) stop1 (Let's drop the subject.)
drop noun
drop (drops of water) reduction (a drop in income) sip (a drop of milk) slope (a twenty-foot drop)


drop ♦︎ bead ♦︎ splash ♦︎ globule ♦︎ blob ♦︎ dripThese are all words for a small amount of a liquid. 这些词均表示液体的点或滴。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a drop / bead / splash of blooda drop / bead of moisture / perspiration / sweata drop / splash of watera splash / blob of paint drop [countable] a very small amount of liquid that forms a round shape 滴;水珠A few drops of rain fell.天上落下几滴雨点。Mix a few drops of milk into the cake mixture.在蛋糕粉中加入几滴牛奶。He drained the last few drops from his glass.他把杯子里剩下的几滴饮料都喝干了。 see also drip trickle verb bead biːd [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a small drop of a liquid, especially sweat (液体的)小滴;(尤指)汗珠There were beads of sweat on his forehead.他的额头上挂满了汗珠。 splash [countable] a small amount of liquid that falls onto sth; the mark that this makes 溅上的液体;溅洒后留下的污渍There were dark splashes of mud on her skirt.她的裙子上有溅上的黑泥点。 see also splash spray verb globule ˈglɒbjuːl; NAmE ˈglɑːbjuːl [countable] a small drop or ball of a liquid or of a solid that has been melted (液体或固体融化的)小滴,小球体The milk's small fat globules make it easy to digest.这种奶中细小的脂肪球使奶更容易消化。 blob [countable] (informal) a small amount or drop of liquid, especially a liquid which is stiff or sticky (尤指黏稠或黏性液体的)一点,一滴A blob of ketchup was rolling down his chin.一滴番茄酱正从他下巴滑落下来。 drip a small drop of liquid that falls from sth 水滴;滴液We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips.我们在屋顶漏洞的下方放了一个桶来接水滴。 see also drip leak verb , drip trickle verb NOTE 辨析 Splash or drip?A splash is bigger than a drip and falls once or a few times by accident; drips fall regularly or continuously, especially because of a leak (= hole or crack) in sth. With splash the emphasis is on what the splashes fall on; with drip the emphasis is on where the drips fall from. * splash的液量比drip大,而且是偶然一次或几次落下的水滴;drip则尤指因漏洞或裂缝而持续滴漏的水滴。使用splash时强调的是液体溅在了什么东西上面;使用drip时强调的是水滴从哪里落下来。
IELTS BNC: 925 COCA: 690
What voices can do: break, choke, crack...
To become less in size, amount or value: crater, decrease, decline...
To take something somewhere: bring, deliver, take...
To operate an aircraft: airlift, bank, buzz...
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What land does: rise, shift, erode...
General words for drinks: drink, beverage, drop...
Rates of decrease and the process of decreasing: decrease, reduction, decline...
Relating to operating aircraft: aerobatics, aerospace, airborne...
Relating to sending or taking: delivery, referral, consignment...
Types and forms of medicine: amphetamine, anabolic steroid, anaesthesia...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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