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Word family
Related topics: Law
ju·ry /ˈdʒʊəri $ ˈdʒʊri/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun (plural juries) [countableC]  
1 SCTJUDGEa group of often 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not 〔由 12 名公民组成的〕陪审团
 the members of the jury
 The jury found him not guilty.
 the right to trial by jury
sit/serve on a jury (=be part of a jury) 担任陪审员
2. JUDGEa group of people chosen to judge a competition 〔竞赛的〕裁判委员会;评审团
3 the jury is (still) out on something SCTJUDGEused to say that something has not been finally decided 某事尚未最后决定
 Is it good value? The jury is still out on that.
grand jury
sit/serve on a jury (=be a member of a jury)
At that time, black people were not allowed to serve on juries.
address the jury (=speak to it)
The defence lawyer stood up to address the jury.
a judge directs/instructs a jury (=tells it what to decide)
The judge directed the jury to find her not guilty.
the jury hears something (=is told information about a crime)
The jury heard how the attack followed an argument in a bar.
the jury finds somebody guilty/not guilty
The jury found him guilty of murder.
the jury reaches/arrives at a verdict (=decides if someone is guilty or not guilty)
Has the jury reached a verdict?
the jury returns a verdict (=gives its decision to the court)
The jury returned a guilty verdict.
the jury acquits somebody (=says that someone is not guilty)
He was acquitted by a jury when the case came to court.
the jury convicts somebody (=says that someone is guilty)
The jury convicted him of two fraud charges.
a member of the jury
Only three members of the jury were women.
the foreman of the jury (=the jury's leader, who announces its decision)
The foreman of the jury announced a guilty verdict.
trial by jury (=a trial with a jury)
Defendants have a right to trial by jury.
a jury's verdict (=the decision of a jury)
The jury's verdict is final.
a hung jury (=one that cannot agree whether someone is guilty of a crime)
The trial ended with a hung jury.
an inquest jury (=one that decides the cause of someone's death)
The inquest jury decided that he died accidentally by falling out of a train door.
a grand jury American EnglishAmE (=one that decides whether someone must be judged in a court )
Their business practices are now being investigated by a grand jury.
jury + NOUN
the jury system
The government proposed changes to the jury system.
jury service (=when you have to spend time on a jury)
He has been called for jury service in July.
a jury trial (=a trial with a jury)
Should all accused people have a jury trial?
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
juryju·ry /ˈdʒʊəriˈdʒʊri/ noun (plural juries) [countableC]LAW
a group of ordinary people, often 12 in number, who listen to details of a case in court and decide on it
The jury has not yet returned its verdict.
The case will go before a jury next week.
The state guarantees the right to a jury trial in all civil disputes.
grand jury
Origin jury
(1300-1400) Anglo-French juree, from Old French jurer to swear, from Latin jus; → JUST2
ju·ry nounn COLLOCATIONS1
LDOCE Online


1in a court of law法庭ADJECTIVE | VERB + JURY | JURY + VERB | JURY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEinquest, trial (especially BrE) 調查/審判陪審團grand大陪審團He was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of distributing illegal steroids.他被指分銷非法類固醇藥品,被聯邦大陪審團起訴。civil, criminal (both especially NAmE) 民事/刑事陪審團hung懸案陪審團A retrial was necessary after the original trial ended with a hung jury.由於初審時陪審團意見不一致,所以需要重新審理。12-member * 12 人陪審團The 12-member jury deliberated for five days before returning a verdict.12 人陪審團認真討論了 5 天才作出裁決。VERB + JURYserve on, sit on擔任陪審團成員tell向陪審團陳述Tell the jury what happened, in your own words.用你自己的話告訴陪審團事情的經過。convince, impress, persuade, sway使陪審團相信;給陪審團留下印象;說服陪審團;動搖陪審團Her evidence finally swayed the jury.她的證據最終動搖了陪審團。direct, instruct指引陪審團The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.法官指引陪審團作出了無罪裁決。convene, impanel, pick, select召集陪審團;挑選陪審團成員strike (= remove) (NAmE) 去除陪審團成員swear in (especially BrE) 使陪審團宣誓就職The new jury were sworn in.新的陪審團已宣誓就職。sequester (NAmE) 隔離陪審團Judge Ito sequestered the jury for the entire trial.伊藤法官在整個審判期間一直使陪審團處於隔離狀態。JURY + VERBhear sth陪審團聽取⋯The jury heard how the boy had obtained a knife from a friend's house.陪審團聽取了那個男孩如何從朋友家裏弄到一把刀的陳述。investigate sth (especially NAmE) 陪審團調查⋯He will appear before a grand jury investigating the case.他將出庭面對調查此案的大陪審團。retire (especially BrE) 陪審團退庭consider its verdict, deliberate陪審團斟酌裁決;陪審團認真商討The jury has retired to consider its verdict.陪審團已經退庭討論裁決。be out陪審團退庭審議裁決;⋯懸而未決The jury is still out (= still deciding).陪審團仍未作出裁決。The jury is still out on this new policy. (figurative) 這項新政策仍然懸而未決。decide sth, deliver a/its verdict, give a verdict, reach a verdict, return a verdict陪審團裁定;陪審團作出裁決The jury delivered a unanimous verdict.陪審團作出了一致裁決。indict sb (especially NAmE) 陪審團指控某人A Los Angeles grand jury indicted him for perjury.一個洛杉磯大陪審團指控他作偽證。convict sb, find sb guilty陪審團裁定某人有罪The jury convicted Menzies of assaulting Smith.陪審團裁定孟席斯毆打史密斯罪名成立。acquit sb, clear sb (especially BrE) , find sb not guilty陪審團認為某人無罪award sb陪審團裁給某人The jury awarded her damages of £30 000.陪審團裁給她 3 萬英鎊賠償金。JURY + NOUNduty, service (especially BrE) 陪審員義務/工作It was the second time he had been called up for jury duty / service.那是他第二次被選去做陪審員。trial陪審團審判member陪審團成員selection (especially NAmE) 陪審團選任system陪審制a review of the jury system對陪審制的檢討indictment, investigation, subpoena (all especially NAmE) 陪審團控告/調查/傳票The company has been slapped with a grand jury subpoena.公司不幸接到了大陪審團的傳票。testimony (especially NAmE) 陪審團證詞the President's grand jury testimony總統的大陪審團證詞PREPOSITIONbefore a jury由陪審團考慮The trial will take place before a jury.審判將由陪審團進行裁定。on a/the jury在陪審團中There were only three women on the jury.陪審團裏只有 3 名女性。jury of⋯的陪審團the jury of seven women and five men由 7 名女性和 5 名男性組成的陪審團PHRASESthe foreman of the jury, members of the jury陪審團主席/成員trial by jury陪審團審判You have a right to trial by jury.你有權要求陪審團審判。


2of a competition競賽VERB + JURY | JURY + VERB | PREPOSITION VERB + JURYchoose, select挑選評審團成員The jury is selected from the winners in previous years.評委會是從往年的優勝者中選出來的。JURY + VERBjudge sth評委會評判⋯consist of sb評委會由⋯構成The jury consisted of an architect, a photographer and an artist.評委會由一名建築師、一名攝影師和一名藝術家組成。award (sb) sth, give sb sth評委會授予(某人)⋯;評委會給予某人⋯The jury has awarded the prize for best exhibit in the show to Harry Pearson.展會評委會把最佳展品獎授予了哈里・皮爾遜。PREPOSITIONon a/the jury在評判團中He was on a jury judging a songwriting competition.他當時是歌曲創作比賽的評委之一。jury for⋯的評委會the jury for the design awards設計獎的評委會
jury noun
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0_0: Translations of jury
  • # n.
    陪審團: jury

0_0: Definitions of jury
  • # noun.
    - a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court.
    * the jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts
  • # adjective.
    - (of a mast or other fitting) improvised or temporary.
    * we need to get that jury rudder fixed

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