im·plode /ɪmˈpləʊd $ -ˈploʊd/ verb [intransitiveI] 1 EXPLODE technical to explode inwards 向心聚爆;内爆 OPP explode The windows on both sides of the room had imploded. 房间两边的窗户都向内爆碎了。
2 written if an organization or system implodes, it fails suddenly, often because of faults that it has 〔组织或系统〕突然瓦解,崩溃 SYN collapse Most nations learned their lesson during the 1930s, when trade imploded and incomes plunged. 20世纪30年代贸易大崩溃,人们的收入骤然下降,大多数国家从中吸取了教训。
—implosion /ɪmˈpləʊʒən $ -ˈploʊ-/ noun [countableC, uncountableU]