in·ca·pa·ble /ɪnˈkeɪpəbəl/ ●○○ AWL adjectiveadj [not before noun]CAN'T not able to do something 无能力〔做某事〕的 OPP capableincapable of He seemed incapable of understanding how she felt. 他似乎不能理解她的感受。
Seventy-five percent of the electorate believe his party is incapable of government. 75%的选民都认为他领导的政党无能力执政。
The stroke rendered her incapable of speech. 中风令她丧失了语言能力。
5Don’t say ‘incapable to do something’. Say incapable of doing something.不要说 ‘incapable to do something’. 而要说 incapable of doing something.
—incapability /ɪnˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountableU]
n GrammarSomeone is incapable of doing something: He is incapable of lying.
✗Don’t say: He is incapable to lie.