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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 64 COCA: 56


Word family
think1 /θɪŋk/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp thought /θɔːt $ θɒːt/)  
1 opinion/belief 观点/信念 [transitiveT]THINK/HAVE THE OPINION THAT to have a particular opinion or to believe that something is true 想,认为,以为
think (that)
 I think that you’re being unfair.
 I thought I heard something.
 He didn’t think anyone would believe him.
 Do you think I should call him?
 For some reason, I keep thinking it’s Friday today.
 The recession lasted longer than anyone thought it would.
 Am I right in thinking that you have a brother?
 I can’t help thinking that he’s made a mistake.
 Do you honestly think I would do something so stupid?
what do you think of/about somebody/sth? (=used to ask someone for their opinion) 你认为某人/某事如何?
 What do you think of your new school?
think it necessary/possible/best etc (=believe it is necessary, possible etc) 认为有必要/有可能/最好等
 I thought it best to call first.
 I thought it appropriate to invite her to speak at the meeting.
 We must start thinking in terms of reducing costs.
be thought to be (doing) something (=be believed to be (doing) something) 据认为是(在做)某事
 Fraud is thought to be costing software companies millions of dollars a year.
2 use your mind 动脑筋 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]THINK ABOUT to use your mind to decide about something, form an opinion, imagine something etc 想,思考,思索
 She thought very carefully before answering.
 Wait a minute – I’m thinking.
think about/of
 She lay awake thinking about the money.
think what/how/when etc
 I can’t think what else we could have done.
think (long and) hard (=think for a long time) 仔细考虑
 She thought very hard before deciding to leave her job.
 Holmes sat thinking deeply (=thinking in a serious and careful way).
I dread/shudder/hate to think (=I do not want to think about something because it will be unpleasant) 我不敢/害怕/不愿去想
 I dread to think how much this call is going to cost.
3 have an idea 有一个想法 [transitiveT]THINK something/HAVE A THOUGHT to have words or ideas in your mind without telling them to anyone 想,想道
4 remember 记忆 [transitiveT] to remember something 回想;记得,想起
5 consider SB/STH 考虑某人/某事 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to consider that someone or something is a particular thing or has a particular quality 认为(是),以为(是),觉得(是)
6 think of/about doing something THINK ABOUTto consider the possibility of doing something 考虑做某事的可能性
Examples from the Corpus
7 think twice CAREFULto think very carefully before deciding to do something, because you know about the dangers or problems 〔在决定做某事之前〕再三考虑,慎重考虑
Examples from the Corpus
8 think again THINK ABOUTto think carefully about a plan, decision, idea etc, especially with the result that you change your mind or do something differently 再想想,重新考虑
Examples from the Corpus
26 think better of it CHANGE YOUR MINDto not do something that you had planned to do, because you realize that it is not a good idea 认为还是不做的好,想想又改变主意
Examples from the Corpus
27 think nothing of doing something EASYto think that a particular activity is normal or easy, even though other people think it is unusual or difficult 认为做某事不算什么
Examples from the Corpus
28 think nothing of something to think that something is not important and then realize later that it is important 把某事不当回事〔尤指后来意识到它的重要性〕
Examples from the Corpus
29 not think to do something to not consider doing something, especially when you later wish you had done it 没有想到做某事〔尤指后来希望做过〕
Examples from the Corpus
30 think for yourself INDEPENDENT PERSONto have ideas and thoughts of your own rather than believing what other people say 有自己的思想,独立思考
Examples from the Corpus
31 think aloud  (also think out loud)SAY/STATE to say what you are thinking, without talking to anyone in particular 自言自语
Examples from the Corpus
32 think straight [usually in negatives] to think clearly 思路清晰
Examples from the Corpus
33 not think much of somebody/something DON'T LIKEto not like someone or something very much 认为某人/某事不好
Examples from the Corpus
34 think highly of somebody/something  (also think a lot of somebody/something)ADMIRE to admire or respect someone or something 对某人/某事评价很高,欣赏某人/某事
Examples from the Corpus
35 think the world of somebody informalLOVE to like or love someone very much 非常喜爱某人
Examples from the Corpus
36 think badly of somebody  (also think less of somebody) formalDISAPPROVE to disapprove of someone or what they have done 对某人有不好的看法
Examples from the Corpus
37 think the best/worst of somebody APPROVEto consider someone’s behaviour in a way that makes them seem as good as possible or as bad as possible 把某人往最好里想/最坏里想
Examples from the Corpus
38 think big informalPLAN to plan to do things that are difficult, but will be very impressive, make a lot of profit etc 打算大干一番,胸怀大志
Examples from the Corpus
39. think outside the box to think of new, different, or unusual ways of doing something, especially in business 〔尤指商业中〕不拘一格地思考,跳出框框思考
40 think positive/positively to believe that you are going to be successful or that good things are going to happen 有乐观的想法,有自信的想法
Examples from the Corpus
41 think on your feet PREPAREto think of ideas and make decisions very quickly 思路敏捷,反应迅速
Examples from the Corpus
42 think to do something literaryTRY TO DO OR GET something to try to do something 设法做某事
Examples from the Corpus
43 anyone would think (that) UNTRUEused to say that someone behaves as if a particular thing were true, although it is not 谁都会以为
Examples from the Corpus
can’t hear yourself think at hear(12)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: to use your mind to decide about something, form an opinion, imagine something etc
Think carefully about every spending decision you make.
hard (=with a lot of mental effort)
I bet, if you think really hard, you can think of something to do.
I should have thought more deeply before I agreed.
I thought seriously about my doctor’s advice.
She was simply too tired to think clearly.
long and hard (=hard, for a long time, before making a decision)
I thought long and hard about taking the role.
I dread/hate/shudder to think (=I do not want to think about something bad)
I dread to think what might have happened if we hadn’t found her.
to have a particular opinion 有某种想法
think 想,认为
I think you’re right.
She didn’t think that the film was very good.
believe to have an opinion that you are sure is right, especially about an important subject such as politics or religion 相信;信仰
The protestors believe that it is wrong to experiment on animals.
Do you really believe that the only solution to violence is more violence?
feel to have a particular opinion, especially one that is based on your feelings, not on facts 觉得
She feels that there is no alternative.
I just felt that it was the right thing to do.
take the view that formal to have a particular opinion 认为
The court took the view that the company had acted unreasonably.
The college takes the view that smoking in the workplace is a fire risk.
to think about something 思考某事
think to use your mind to decide about something, form an opinion, imagine something etc 想,认为 想,思考
I’ve been thinking about what you said – maybe you’re right.
I need some time to think.
consider to think about something carefully before deciding what to do 考虑
Have you considered working for a year before going to college?
weigh (also weigh up British EnglishBrE) to carefully think about a plan or choice by comparing all the advantages and disadvantages involved 权衡
You need to weigh up the pros and cons (=the advantages and disadvantages), and decide which investment is the best one for you.
The committee are still weighing the alternatives.
give something some/a lot of thought to think carefully about something, before you make a final decision about it 考虑某事物
Why don’t you give it some thought and then get back to me?
He had obviously given the matter a lot of thought.
mull something over to think about a problem, plan etc before making a decision 考虑
Can you give me a bit of time to mull it over?
ponder to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about something, especially a problem or something complicated 思索
She is still pondering what to do.
Officials are pondering ways to remove the oil from the beaches.
contemplate to think about something you might do in the future 思考;打算
Did you ever contemplate resigning?
reflect formal to think carefully about something, especially something that happened in the past 深思;反省
It was a good time to reflect upon the changes that had happened in my life.
to keep thinking about something 一直思考某事
brood to keep thinking for a long time about something that worries you or that makes you angry or upset 念念不忘〔令人担忧或不愉快的事〕
There’s no point brooding over things you can’t change.
dwell on something to spend too much time thinking about something sad or unpleasant 对某事〔指令人伤心或不愉快的事〕不能释怀
I try to enjoy my life today and not dwell on the past.
nGRAMMAR: Patterns with think
You think that something is true:
I think that she is a great writer.
You think that something will happen:
Do you think the weather will be fine tomorrow?
You think that someone can do something:
I don’t think that he can come to the meeting.
You think that someone should do something, or ought to do something:
Do you think that the government should increase taxes?
I think that he ought to be ashamed of himself.
You think that something could be true or might be true:
I think that the keys might be upstairs.
You think that something could happen or might happen:
Some people think there could be another world economic crisis.
In negative sentences, you say I don’t think:
I don’t think that’s right.
I don’t think he liked it.
Don’t say:
I think that isn’t right. | I think he didn’t like it.
You can use the phrases I think so or I don’t think so, usually to give a short answer:
'Is his name John?' 'I think so.'
'Are we late?' 'I don’t think so.'
Don’t say: I think it.
Using the progressive
When think means ‘believe’, it is not normally used in the progressive. You say:
I think you look nice.
Don’t say: I am thinking you look nice.
In spoken English, people sometimes say I’m thinking to describe their present thoughts about something that is happening right now:
I’m thinking we should leave.
Using the passive
In more formal English, you can say it is thought that something is true:
It is thought that as many as a billion people are learning English.
Examples from the Corpus
think2 noun  
1have a think British EnglishBrETHINK ABOUT to think about a problem or question 想一想,想一下
 I’ll have a think and let you know.
Origin think
Old English thencan
BNC: 64 COCA: 56


ADJECTIVE | VERB + THINK | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEhard, long苦苦的/長時間的思考I've had a long, hard think about it.我已經苦苦思考那個問題好長時間了。VERB + THINKhave思考⋯PREPOSITIONthink about關於⋯的思考


1have an opinion有看法ADVERB | VERB + THINK | PREPOSITION ADVERBreally的確認為personally個人認為I personally think it's all been a lot of fuss over nothing.我個人認為這純屬沒事找事。honestly, seriously真的認為Did you honestly think I would agree to that?你真的認為我會贊成那個嗎?never, sometimes從未/有時認為I never thought you would carry out your threat.我從未想過你會把威脅付諸行動。differently, otherwise有不同想法;另有想法That's my opinion, but you might think otherwise.這是我的看法,但你也許跟我想的不一樣。VERB + THINKbe inclined to傾向於認為⋯I'm inclined to think we've been a little harsh on her.我總覺得我們對她有點兒嚴厲了。PREPOSITIONabout考慮⋯I still don't know what he really thinks about it.我仍然不知道他對那件事到底是怎麼想的。of認為⋯What did you think of the movie?你認為這部電影怎麼樣?


2have an idea有想法ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBsuddenly突然想起PREPOSITIONof想出⋯主意I suddenly thought of a way I could help.我突然想出一種我能幫上忙的方法。


3consider/reflect考慮;深思ADVERB | VERB + THINK | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBcarefully, deeply, hard, long and hard, seriously仔細考慮;深思;冥思苦想;久久地苦苦思索;認真考慮She thought long and hard before accepting his offer.她經過長時間的慎重考慮才接受了他的求婚。fast快速思考clearly, rationally清晰地/理性地思考He seemed to have lost the ability to think rationally.他似乎已經失去了理性思考的能力。frantically狂亂地想‘What can I do now?’ he thought frantically.“我現在能做什麼?”他焦躁不安地想。bitterly, dully, glumly, grimly, irritably, miserably傷心地想;木然地想;悶悶不樂地想;沮喪地想;急躁地想;悲哀地想ruefully, wistfully, wryly懊悔地想;悵然地想;嘲弄地想again再想一想You really should think again about that.對那件事你真的應該三思。twice慎重考慮You should think twice about employing someone you've never met.對雇用一個從未見過的人,你應該三思而後行。VERB + THINKdread to, hate to, shudder to害怕去想;不願去想;想到⋯就戰慄I hate to think what would have happened if we hadn't arrived.我不敢想像當時要是我們沒有趕到會出現什麼情況。PREPOSITIONabout考慮⋯Think about what you are going to do next.考慮一下你下一步要幹的事情。of想起⋯I often think of Jane.我經常想起簡。PHRASESnot think straight思維不清晰The drugs were affecting her and she couldn't think straight.藥物作用下,她無法清晰思考。think big有雄心壯志You need to think big if you want to run this business.你想經營這家企業就得有膽略。
BNC: 64 COCA: 56
think verb
think (I think it looks good.) consider (I'll think about it.) expect (It took longer than we thought.) imagine (Just think how nice it would be.) think twice hesitate


 See also the entry for regard 另见regard条think ♦︎ believe ♦︎ feel ♦︎ hold ♦︎ reckon ♦︎ make sth of sb/sth ♦︎ be under the impressionThese words all mean to have an idea that sth is true or possible or to have a particular opinion about sb/sth. 这些词均表示认为、以为。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to think / believe / feel / hold / reckon / be under the impression that...It is thought / believed / reckoned that...to be thought / believed / felt / held / reckoned to be sthto think / believe / feel / make sth of sb / sthto think / believe / feel sth about sb / sthto sincerely / honestly think / believe / feel / holdto personally think / believe / feel / reckonto really / seriously / mistakenly think / believe / feelto firmly believe / hold / be under the impression think (thought, thought) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to have an idea that sth is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about sb/sth 认为;以为Do you think (that) they'll come?你认为他们会来吗?I didn't think you liked sports.我原以为你不喜好运动。I think this is their house, but I'm not sure.我想这是他们家,但不敢肯定。We'll need about 20 chairs, I should think.我看我们需要大约20把椅子。It was once thought that the sun travelled around the earth.人们一度认为太阳绕着地球转。What did you think about the idea?你原先认为这个想法怎么样?Well, I like it. What do you think?嗯,我觉得不错。你认为呢?'Will we make it in time?' 'I think so.'“我们能及时完成吗?”“我想可以。”'Is he any good?' 'I don't think so.'“他怎么样?”“我认为一般。” believe [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think sth 认为;以为Police believe (that) the man may be armed.警方认为那个人可能携有武器。It is believed that the couple have left the country.据信那对夫妇已经离开了这个国家。The paintings are believed to be worth over $20 000 each.那些画作据估计每件价值都超过2万元。'Where does she come from?' 'Spain, I believe.'“她是哪里人?”“我想是西班牙人。”'Does he still work there?' 'I believe so / not.'“他还在那里工作吗?”“我想是的/不是。”She believes that killing animals for food or fur is completely immoral.她认为,为获取食物或皮毛而杀害动物是完全不道德的。 see also belief view 1 NOTE 辨析 Think or believe?When you are expressing an idea that you have or that sb has of what is true or possible, believe is more formal than think. It is used especially to talk about ideas that other people have; think is used more often for talking about your own ideas. 在表示自己或他人认为某事真实或可能时,believe比think正式。believe尤用于谈论他人的想法,think多用于谈论自己的想法Police believe...警方认为⋯I think...我觉得⋯If you say 'I believe...', you can suggest that this is what you have been led to believe by sb else and so you are not responsible if the information is wrong. When you are expressing an opinion, believe is stronger than think and is used especially to talk about matters of principle; think is used more to talk about practical matters or matters of personal taste. 如果说I believe ...,则可能意味着自己是被别人引导而有某种看法,因此对信息真确与否不承担责任。当表达意见时,believe语气较think强烈,尤用于谈论原则性问题;think更多用于谈论实际问题或个人喜好I believe that we have a responsibility towards the less fortunate in society.我认为我们对社会的弱势群体负有责任。I think we should reserve seats in advance.我想我们应该提前订位。I don't think he's funny at all.我一点儿都不觉得他有趣。 feel (felt, felt) [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to have a particular opinion about sth that has happened or about what you/sb ought to do (对发生的事或应做什么)有某种看法;认为;以为We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose.我们都认为我们输了是运气不好。I felt (that) I had to apologize.我觉得我得道歉。She felt it to be her duty to tell the police.她认为她有责任报警。I felt it advisable to do nothing.我觉得不采取任何行动才是明智的。This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake.我认为这个决定是个天大的错误。This is something I feel strongly about.这事令我感触颇深。 see also feeling view 1 hold (held, held) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (rather formal) to have an opinion or belief about sb/sth; to believe that sth is true 怀有,持有(意见或信念);认为;相信He holds strange views on education.他对教育有很不一样的看法。He has very firmly-held religious beliefs.他的宗教信仰极其坚定。She is held in high regard by her students (= they have a high opinion of her).学生对她评价很高。Parents will be held responsible (= will be considered to be responsible) for their children's behaviour.父母会被认为对孩子的行为负有责任。 reckon [transitive, intransitive] (especially BrE, informal, especially spoken) to think that sth is true or possible 认为,以为(某事为真或可能)I reckon (that) I'm going to get that job.我认为我会得到那份工作。He'll be famous one day. What do you reckon (= Do you agree)?总有一天他会成为名人的。你觉得呢?It's worth a lot of money, I reckon.我想这值很多钱。'They'll never find out.' 'You reckon?'(= I think you may be wrong about that.) “他们永远不会发现。”“你真的这么认为?” Reckon is also used in the passive in the phrase It is reckoned that.... * reckon亦可用于被动语态,出现在短语It is reckoned that ...中It is generally reckoned that about half of all job vacancies are never advertised publicly.人们普遍认为,所有职位空缺中约有一半从未公开刊登广告。This passive use is not as informal as I reckon... and is used more in writing, but it is still slightly informal. 这种被动用法比I reckon ...正式,更多用于书面语,但仍略显不太正式。 see also reckon regard ˈmake sth of sb/sth

phrasal verb

(made, made) (usually used in negative statements and questions 通常用于否定陈述和疑问句) to understand the meaning or character of sb/sth; to have an opinion about sb/sth 领会;理解;认为I can't make anything of this note from Petra.我根本不懂佩特拉这张便条的意思。I don't know what to make of the new manager.我不知道怎么说这位新经理才好。
be ˌunder the imˈpression that...


to have an idea that sth is true especially when it later proves not to be true 以为;(尤指)误认为I was under the impression that the work had already been completed (= but I have just learnt that it had not).我还以为已经完工了呢。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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