bilious• Her mouth was filled with biliousacids that her stomach had sent up in sympathy.• After all, it was only a bilious attack ... uncomfortable at the time, but it soon passed.• We are told it was a bilious attack which had forced Désirée to take to her bed instead of the boards.• One bilious attack would have been passed over as something that could happen to anyone; but two arousedsuspicion.• On Monday the endless time to fill suddenly collapsed, for Mrs Dummett developed a violentbilious attack.• Lianas writhed towards the light from biliousdecayingdepths.• a biliousgreencolor• That warlock was a bloated, hornedhermaphroditedraped in bilious green skin.
(1500-1600)Frenchbilieux, from Latinbiliosus, from bilis; → BILE