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TOEFL BNC: 1189 COCA: 1180


Word family
Related topics: Religion, Occult, Drink
spir·it1 /ˈspɪrɪt/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 character 性格 [singular, uncountableU]RRMIND the qualities that make someone live the way they do, and make them different from other people 精神,心灵
in spirit
 I’m 85, but I still feel young in spirit.
85 岁了,但心依然感觉年轻。
independent/proud/free etc spirit (=a person with a particular type of character) 独立/骄傲/自由等的人
 She is a strong and independent spirit.
kindred spirit at kindred2(1)
2 HAPPY/SAD 快乐的/悲伤的spirits [plural]FEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETCMOOD the way someone feels at a particular time, for example if they are happy or sad 心境,情绪,兴致 mood
be in good/high spirits (=be excited and happy) 兴高采烈
 Cooper was still in high spirits after winning the race.
 His spirits were so low (=he was so sad) that he refused to answer his phone.
raise/lift somebody’s spirits (=make someone happier) 振奋某人的情绪
 The warm morning sun lifted our spirits.
 She wrote poetry while she was in the hospital to keep her spirits up (=keep happy).
somebody’s spirits rise/lift/sink (=they become more or less happy) 某人高兴起来/情绪低落
 My spirits sank when I saw the mess they’d left.
Examples from the Corpus
3 soul 灵魂 [countableC]RR the part of someone that you cannot see, that consists of the qualities that make up their character, which many people believe continues to live after the person has died 灵魂 soul
 Although Laurie is dead, I can feel his spirit with me.
4 no body 幽灵 [countableC]ROGHOST a creature without a physical body that some people believe exists, such as an angel or a dead person, who has returned to this world and has strange or magical powers 精灵;鬼魂; 幽灵 ghost
 an evil spirit
5 determination 决心 [uncountableU]DETERMINED courage, energy, and determination – used to show approval 志气;勇气;决心〔含褒义〕
 Sandra is small, but she makes up for it with great spirit.
 a young team with strong fighting spirit
 When they took away his freedom, they broke his spirit (=made him lose his courage).
6 attitude 态度 [singular, uncountableU]ATTITUDE the attitude that you have towards something or while you are doing something 心态,态度
 You’ve got to approach this meeting in the right spirit.
spirit of
 the spirit of cooperation between the two sides
7. team/community/public etc spirit UNITEa strong feeling of belonging to a particular group and wanting to help them 团队/社区/公益等精神
Examples from the Corpus
8 typical qualities 典型特质TYPICAL [countableC usually singular] the set of ideas, beliefs, feelings etc that are typical of a particular period in history, a place, or a group of people 〔某一特定历史时期、地方或群体的〕精神,风气
spirit of
 Tourism has not destroyed the spirit of Bali.
the spirit of the age/times
 His beliefs conflicted with the spirit of the age.
9 in spirit THINK ABOUTWITHif you say you will be somewhere in spirit or with someone in spirit, you will not be with them but will be thinking about them 在内心里,在精神上
 I can’t come to your wedding, but I’ll be there in spirit.
10 get/enter into the spirit (of something) TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto start to feel as happy, excited etc as the people around you 融入到的氛围中去
Examples from the Corpus
11 intention 目的 [uncountableU] the meaning or qualities that someone intended something to have, especially the meaning that a law or rule was intended to have 〔尤指法律或规则的〕精神,本质
12. the Spirit the Holy Spirit 圣灵
Examples from the Corpus
13 drink [countableC usually plural]
14. that’s the spirit spokenAPPROVE used to express approval of someone’s behaviour or attitude 这就对了,这种态度才对〔用于认可某人的行为或态度〕
15. when/as the spirit moves you WANTwhen you feel that you want to do something 要是愿意的话,如果有兴趣
16. the spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak) used when saying that you want to do something, but you are too tired or do not feel strong enough – often used humorously 心里固然愿意(身体却很羸弱),心有余而力不足〔常为幽默用法〕
high/good (=used when saying that someone is happy and excited)
The players were all in high spirits.
low/flagging (=used when saying that someone is sad)
She was tired and her spirits were low.
lift/raise/revive somebody’s spirits (=make them feel happier)
A brisk walk helped to lift my spirits.
keep somebody’s spirits up (=keep them feeling happy)
He wrote home often, trying to keep his family’s spirits up.
dampen somebody’s spirits (=make them feel less happy)
They refused to let the rain dampen their spirits.
somebody’s spirits rise/lift/soar (=they start feeling happier)
Her spirits rose as they left the ugliness of London behind.
somebody’s spirits sink (=they start feeling less happy)
His spirits sank at the prospect.
Examples from the Corpus
spirit2 verb  
1spirit somebody/something away/off phrasal verbphr v written DISAPPEARto take someone or something away quickly and secretly 秘密地把迅速带走
 After his speech, Jackson was spirited away through a back door.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
n1.a US spacecraft that landed on Mars in 2004. It moved around the surface of Mars to find signs of water, take samples of soil, and take photographs.
Origin spirit1
(1200-1300) Anglo-French Latin spiritus breath, spirit
TOEFL BNC: 1189 COCA: 1180


1mind or feelings心靈;情感ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEhuman人的精神It is a testimony to the triumph of the human spirit.它是人類精神勝利的見證。PREPOSITIONin spirit在精神上I will be with you in spirit.我在精神上支持你。


2spirits morale士氣ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPIRITS | SPIRITS + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEflagging (especially BrE) 委靡不振的精神VERB + SPIRITSkeep up, lift, raise保持高漲的情緒;振奮精神We sang songs to keep our spirits up.我們唱歌以保持情緒高漲。revive重新振作低落的情緒break, dampen使喪失銳氣A string of defeats has failed to dampen the team's spirits.一連串的失敗並沒有使隊伍喪失銳氣。SPIRITS + VERBlift, rise精神振奮;情緒高漲PHRASESin good, high, low, poor, etc. spirits情緒良好、高漲、低落、消沉等She isn't in the best of spirits today.她今天的情緒不是很好。My mother was in excellent spirits.我媽媽情緒極好。


3personADJECTIVEguiding, leading, moving指引者;領袖;推動者She was a guiding spirit in primary education.她是初等教育的引路人。generous慷慨的人mean吝嗇鬼brave, proud勇者;驕傲的人free, independent自由的人;獨立的人kindred志趣相投的人He found kindred spirits in the peace movement.他在和平運動中找到了志同道合的人。


4courage/liveliness勇氣;活力ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPIRIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgreat, tremendous (especially BrE) 巨大的勇氣adventurous, competitive, fighting, indomitable, pioneer, pioneering冒險精神;競爭精神;鬥志;不屈不撓的精神;先驅精神the indomitable American spirit不屈不撓的美國精神VERB + SPIRITbe full of, have充滿活力;有勇氣She has plenty of fighting spirit.她鬥志昂揚。display, show表現出鬥志;顯示勇氣break瓦解鬥志PREPOSITIONwith spirit鬥志昂揚地He sang with great spirit.他滿懷豪情地唱着歌。PHRASESbroken in spirit意志垮掉They tortured him until he was broken in spirit.他們折磨他,直到他的意志垮掉。


5feelings of loyalty忠心ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPIRIT ADJECTIVEcommunity, party, public, team集體精神;黨派精神;公益精神;團隊精神VERB + SPIRIThave有⋯精神develop, foster, promote發揚精神;培養精神


6attitude/mood態度;氣氛ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPIRIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEright正確的態度They have the right spirit!他們態度正確!essential, genuine, true基本態度;真實態度carefree了無牽掛的樣子democratic, revolutionary民主/革命精神creative創新精神entrepreneurial事業心can-do (informal, especially NAmE) 敢作敢為的精神Christmas, festive, holiday (especially NAmE) 聖誕氣氛;節日氣氛VERB + SPIRIThave持⋯態度enter into, get into進入⋯氣氛I was just getting to the spirit of things when the party suddenly ended.我還沒感受到氣氛聚會就突然結束了。bring帶來⋯氣氛They brought the spirit of carnival to their concerts.他們給演唱會帶來狂歡的氣氛。capture, embody, reflect, represent抓住/體現/反映/代表⋯精神That song really captures the spirit of the times.那首歌真正體現了時代的精神。She embodies the spirit of revolution.她體現了革命的精神。PREPOSITIONin a spirit of有着⋯態度Both sides have come together in a spirit of goodwill.雙方都本着友善態度聚到了一起。They are all working together in a spirit of cooperation.他們本着合作態度一起工作。spirit of⋯的精神a spirit of adventure冒險精神PHRASESbe closer in spirit to sth, be similar in spirit to sth與⋯態度接近/類似be faithful to the spirit of sth, be true to the spirit of sth對⋯精神忠誠/忠實The movie is true to the spirit of the book.影片忠實於原着精神。a generosity of spirit慷慨態度She exudes a warmth and generosity of spirit.她的態度熱情慷慨。in the right spirit態度正確the spirit of the age, the spirit of the times時代精神the spirit of Christmas, the spirit of the season聖誕/節日氣氛I'm trying to get in the spirit of the holiday season.我正努力融入節日的氣氛。


7real/intended meaning of a rule, an agreement, etc.規則或協議的真實意義VERB + SPIRIT | PHRASES VERB + SPIRITobey遵循⋯的精神be against, be contrary to, go against, violate違背⋯的本意;違反⋯精神an edict that violates the spirit of the Geneva Convention違背《日內瓦公約》精神的法令PHRASESthe spirit of the law法律的精神The referee should try to obey the spirit as well as the letter of the law.仲裁者不但要盡力遵循法律條文,還要竭力按照法律的精神行事。


8soul/ghost靈魂;鬼魂ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPIRIT | SPIRIT + VERB | SPIRIT + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEancestral祖先的靈魂evil, malevolent邪靈;惡鬼restless不得安息的鬼魂Owls were believed to be restless spirits who had returned to earth.貓頭鷹曾被認為是重返陽間、不得安息的鬼魂。VERB + SPIRITconjure up, contact, invoke, summon, summon up招魂exorcize, ward off驅逐鬼魂She slept with a cross under the pillow to ward off evil spirits.她睡覺時把十字架放在枕頭下來驅逐鬼魂。be possessed by遭鬼魂纏身SPIRIT + VERBlive on靈魂不死Many people believe the spirit lives on after death.許多人相信死後靈魂仍然活着。move sb (often figurative) 靈魂感動某人Make a donation to the charity if the spirit moves you.如果靈魂感動了你,請向慈善捐款吧。SPIRIT + NOUNguide靈魂導師My spirit guide cares for me and protects me.我的靈魂導師關心我、保護我。world靈魂世界PHRASESbody, mind and spirit全身心healing for body, mind and spirit生理、心理、精神全方位的康復the Holy Spirit聖靈the spirits of the dead亡靈


9 (especially BrE) (usually spirits) strong alcoholic drink烈性酒... OF SPIRITS | VERB + SPIRITS ... OF SPIRITSbottle, measure (BrE) 一瓶/一份烈酒a single measure of spirits一份烈酒VERB + SPIRITSdrink喝烈酒
TOEFL BNC: 1189 COCA: 1180
spirit noun
atmosphere (the spirit of the age) determination (fighting spirit) drink2 (a measure of spirits) ghost (evil spirits) mind (the power of the human spirit) mood (in the best of spirits) nature1 (the spirit, as well as the letter, of the law) lift/raise sb's spirits encourage1
TOEFL BNC: 1189 COCA: 1180

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