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IELTS BNC: 927 COCA: 535


Word family
hit1 /hɪt/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp hit, present participle hitting)  
1 touch SB/STH hard 使劲触碰某人/某物 [transitiveT]HIT to touch someone or something quickly and hard with your hand, a stick etc 打,击
 He raised the hammer and hit the bell.
hit somebody/something with something
 The robbers hit him over the head with a baseball bat.
2 crash into STH 撞上某物 [transitiveT]HIT/BUMP INTO to move into something or someone quickly and with force 撞击,碰撞
 The tanks exploded as the plane hit the ground.
 He was hit by a car.
3 hurt yourself 伤到自己 [transitiveT]HIT/BUMP INTO to move a part of your body quickly against something accidentally, causing pain 撞疼 SYN bang
 The ceiling’s low, so be careful you don’t hit your head.
hit something on/against something
 She slipped and hit her head on the sidewalk.
4 sport 体育运动 [transitiveT]
a) HITif you hit a ball or other object, you make it move forward quickly by hitting it with a bat, stick etc 〔用球拍、球棒等〕击打〔球等〕 SYN strike
 Hit the ball as hard as you can.
b) SCOREto get points by hitting a ball in a game such as baseball or cricket 击球〔得分〕
 Last year, Griffey hit 49 home runs.
5 press [transitiveT] informalPRESS to press a part in a machine, car, etc to make it work 按,摁
 Maria hit the brakes just in time.
6 attack 攻击 [transitiveT] to attack something or wound someone with a bomb, bullet etc 〔用枪炮等〕攻击,袭击
 Our ship was badly hit and sank within minutes.
 A second shot hit her in the back.
 The bomb failed to hit its target.
7 affect badly 严重影响 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]EFFECT/INFLUENCE if something bad hits a place or a person, it suddenly happens and affects people badly 打击,侵袭
 The village has been hit by a devastating drought.
 Hurricane Louis is expected to hit at the weekend.
be badly/severely/hard hit
 The company has been hard hit by the drop in consumer confidence.
 The south of the country is the worst hit by the recession.
8 have problems 遇到问题 [transitiveT]PROBLEM to experience trouble, problems etc 碰到,遇到〔困难、问题等〕
hit a snag/problems/a bad patch etc
 My father hit a bad patch, and had to sell the house.
9 REACHreach a level/number 达到某一水平/数量 [transitiveT] to reach a particular level or number 达到〔某一水平或数量〕
 Sales have hit the 1 million mark.
hit a peak/an all-time high etc
 Earnings hit a peak in the early 1980s.
hit rock-bottom/an all-time low etc
 Oil prices have hit rock-bottom.
10 realize 意识到 [transitiveT]REALIZE if a fact hits you, you suddenly realize its importance and feel surprised or shocked 使〔某人〕突然意识到
11 smell/sight etc 气味/景象等 [transitiveT] if a smell or sight hits you, you suddenly smell or see it 〔突然〕被闻到;被看到
12 arrive 到达 [transitiveT] informalARRIVE to arrive at a place 到达〔某地〕
13. hit the road/trail informalSTART DOING something to begin a journey 出发,动身
Examples from the Corpus
14 hit the shops/streets if a product hits the shops, it becomes available to buy 〔产品〕上市
Examples from the Corpus
15 hit the headlines to be reported widely on television, in newspapers etc 成为头条新闻
Examples from the Corpus
16 hit the bottle informalDRUNK to start drinking too much alcohol regularly 开始酗酒
Examples from the Corpus
17 hit the dirt/the deck informalFALL to fall to the ground in order to avoid something dangerous 〔为躲避危险之物而〕扑倒在地
18 hit a (brick) wall informal to suddenly not be able to make any progress 突然无法取得进步
Examples from the Corpus
19 hit the buffers/skids informal if a plan, project etc hits the buffers, it fails 〔计划、项目等〕失败
Examples from the Corpus
20. hit somebody when they are down informal to upset or harm someone when they are already defeated 乘人之危打击某人,对某人落井下石
21 hit somebody where it hurts informal to do something that you know will upset someone in the most damaging way 攻击某人的要害,打某人的痛处
Examples from the Corpus
22 hit it off (with somebody) informalLIKE somebody OR something if two people hit it off, they like each other as soon as they meet (与某人)一见如故,合得来
Examples from the Corpus
23 hit the big time  (also hit it big American EnglishAmE) informalFAMOUS to suddenly become very famous, successful, and rich 突然成名;突然发迹
Examples from the Corpus
24 hit the ground running SUCCESSFULto start doing something successfully without any delay 立刻着手顺利地做某事
Examples from the Corpus
25 hit the jackpot 
Examples from the Corpus
26 hit the nail on the head CORRECT informal used to say that what someone has said is exactly right 正中要害,一针见血,一语中的
Examples from the Corpus
27 hit home 
Examples from the Corpus
28. hit the spot informal to have exactly the good effect that you wanted, especially when you are hungry or thirsty 恰到好处;切合需要;让人吃饱喝足
Examples from the Corpus
29 hit the roof/ceiling informalANGRY to be very angry 大发雷霆,暴跳如雷
Examples from the Corpus
30. hit the sack  (also hit the hay American EnglishAmE) informalSLEEP to go to bed 上床睡觉
Examples from the Corpus
the shit hits the fan at shit2(17), → hit/strike paydirt at paydirt
to hit someone 打某人
hit to hit someone quickly and hard with your hand, a stick etc 打,击 〔用手、棍棒等〕打,击
He hit him hard in the stomach.
I don’t like to see people hitting a dog.
beat to hit someone deliberately many times, especially very hard 〔尤指使劲地多次故意〕打,揍
The girl had been beaten to death.
He was beating the donkey with a stick.
strike written to hit someone with your hand or a weapon. Strike is more formal than hit and is mainly used in written English 〔用手、武器〕打,击,撞〔strikehit更正式,主要用于书面英语中〕
Her husband struck her twice across the face.
Police say that the man had been struck on the head.
punch to hit someone hard with your closed hand, especially in a fight 〔尤指在打斗中〕用拳猛击
I punched him on the nose.
She was screaming and punching him with her fists.
thump /θʌmp/ informal to punch someone very hard 用拳捶击[重击]
Sometimes I just want to thump him.
beat somebody up to hurt someone badly in a violent attack, by hitting them many times 〔多次〕痛打[毒打]某人
If I tell the police, they'll beat me up.
He had been beaten up and tortured with lighted cigarettes.
slap to hit someone with your open hand, especially because you are angry with them 〔尤因生气〕用巴掌打,掴
They had a big row and she ended up slapping him.
spank (also smack especially British EnglishBrE) to hit someone, especially a child, with your open hand in order to punish them 〔作为惩罚〕用手掌打〔小孩〕
Should a parent ever smack a child?
nI don’t agree with smacking.
nIn those days, children were spanked if they behaved badly.
to hit something 击打某物
hit 撞到
Jack hit the ball and it flew over the fence.
knock to hit a door or window with your closed hand in order to attract the attention of the people inside 敲〔门、窗〕
Someone was knocking on the door.
I knocked loudly but no one came.
strike written to hit a surface. Strike is more formal than hit and is mainly used in written English 打,击,撞〔strikehit更正式,主要用于英语书面语中〕
The ball struck the side of the goal.
whack /wæk/ informal to hit something very hard 猛击,重击
Edmonds whacked the ball into the air.
bash to hit something hard, especially in a way that causes damage 猛击,猛撞〔尤造成损害〕
The police had to bash the door down to get in.
tap to gently hit something with your fingers, often in order to attract someone’s attention 〔常为引起某人注意而用手指〕轻叩,轻拍
I tapped him on the shoulder.
I heard someone tapping on the window.
rap to knock quickly or hit something several times 笃笃地敲,急叩
He rapped the table with his pen to bring the meeting to order.
nTwo police officers rapped on the door at 7 o'clock in the morning.
bang to suddenly hit something hard, in a way that makes a loud noise 猛敲,砰然重击
Her father banged his fist down on the table angrily.
The door suddenly banged shut.
pound written to hit something many times with a lot of force 连续重击,猛打
I could hear the sea pounding on the rocks.
She pounded on the door and shouted wildly.
hammer written to hit something quickly many times making a loud continuous noise 〔大声地〕反复敲打
The rain was hammering on the roof.
A crowd of people were outside hammering on the door angrily.
to hit something accidentally 意外撞到某物
hit 撞到
I’ve got a bad bruise where I hit my leg against the table.
The car hit a tree.
bump to hit a part of your body against something, especially because you do not see or notice it 〔尤因没看见或没注意而〕猛碰,撞
Careful you don’t bump your head – the ceiling’s very low.
bang/bash to hit something hard, so that you hurt yourself or damage something 撞击〔致使自己受伤或撞坏某物〕
He banged into the car in front.
I bashed my knee climbing over a gate.
nShe fell and bashed her chin on the ground.
stub to hit your toe against something and hurt it 使脚趾踢到〔某物〕
I stubbed my toe on the piano leg.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Drug culture, Crime
hit2 ●●● S3 W3 noun [countableC]  
1 successful 成功的 something such as a film, play, song etc that is very popular and successful 风行一时的事物〔如电影、戏剧、歌曲等〕
2 hit STH 击中某物 an occasion when something that is aimed at something else touches it, reaches it, or damages it 命中,击中
3 computer 计算机
4 take a hit to be badly affected in some way 〔在某方面〕受到严重影响
5. informalMDD a feeling of pleasure obtained from taking an illegal drug 〔吸毒后的〕飘飘欲仙
6. informalSCC a murder that has been arranged to happen 谋杀
hit man
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
hithit1 /hɪt/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp hit, present participle hitting)
1[transitiveT] to reach a particular level or number
Profits should hit $23 million this year.
The company’s shares hit a 52-week high of $34 last Friday.
2[transitiveT] to have a bad effect on something
Strikes hit several ports in Australia last month.
The industry has beenbadly hit by the rise in oil prices.
A number of computer retail chains have beenhit hard by the recession.
3[intransitiveI] when a RECESSION hits, it begins
A final blow to the company came when the recession hit in 1990.
4hit the market/shops/shelves to become available for people to buy
This new generation of computers is expected to hit the market some time next year.
5hit the jackpot to be very successful and make a lot of money
The company hit the jackpot with its New Kids range of clothing.
hithit2 noun [countableC]
1something that is extremely popular and successful
Their latest computer game has been abig hit with customers.
The group is currently on tour promoting its latesthit single.
2take a hit American EnglishAmE if a person or organization takes a hit, they suffer from a problem
The construction industry took a serious hit as jobs declined by 37,000 during the first 10 months of the year.
3take a hit American EnglishAmEFINANCE if a company takes a hit in its financial results, it pays a CHARGE (=a cost related to a particular event, usually one that is not repeated in later periods of time)
The bank took a huge hit in charges to clean up the mess in its African subsidiaries.
4COMPUTING an occasion when someone looks at a particular WEBSITE on the Internet
The Winter Olympics website had over 600 million hits in 16 days.
Origin hit1
(1000-1100) Old Norse hitta to find, hit
IELTS BNC: 927 COCA: 535


1act of hitting sth/sb擊打ADJECTIVE | VERB + HIT | HIT + NOUN ADJECTIVEdirect直接命中VERB + HITdeliver, give sth, land, make, score給予打擊;擊中Give it a good hit.狠狠打它一下。At last he managed to score a hit.最後,他總算打中了。receive, suffer, take被擊中One of the tanks took a direct hit.一輛坦克被直接擊中。HIT + NOUNlist暗殺名單;予以撤銷的清單She was at the top of the terrorists' hit list (= list of people they intended to kill).她曾位居恐怖分子暗殺名單的榜首。Which services are on the government's hit list? (figurative) 哪些服務部門被列入政府裁撤的名單 ?man, squad職業殺手 ; 殺手隊He claimed that a hit man had been paid $20 000 to kill him.他聲稱有人出價兩萬美元雇職業殺手殺他。


2sb/sth that is very popular流行的人或事ADJECTIVE | HIT + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, greatest, huge, massive, real, runaway, smash大熱門;巨大成功;熱點;轟動之作The show has been a smash hit.演出獲得巨大成功。surprise意外的成功breakout (NAmE) 一炮打響immediate, instant一夜成名box-office, chart, pop (especially BrE) 票房大熱門;上榜唱片;流行金曲She is here to promote her latest chart hit.她到此地來宣傳她的最新上榜唱片。HIT + NOUNalbum, film, movie, record, show, single, song暢銷專輯;熱映電影;風靡一時的唱片;風行一時的演出;暢銷單曲;一炮打響的歌曲PREPOSITIONhit with受⋯歡迎The series has been a big hit with children.這一系列很受兒童的歡迎。


1strike擊打ADVERB | VERB + HIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBhard用力打She didn't hit me very hard.她沒有用力打我。repeatedly反複擊打directly徑直擊打He was hit directly in the back.他的後背被直接打中。almost, nearly差點兒撞上A taxi almost hit him as he was crossing the street.他過馬路時差點兒被一輛出租車撞上。accidentally意外地撞上I accidentally hit my knee on the desk.我的膝蓋不小心撞到了桌子。VERB + HITwant to想要打I was so angry, I wanted to hit him.我氣得想揍他一頓。be going to打算打I was afraid he was going to hit me.我怕他會動手打我。PREPOSITIONin打⋯部位She hit him in the face.她打了他的臉。on撞在⋯上I hit my head on the low doorway.我的頭碰到了低矮的門框。with用⋯打He hit her with a stick.他用棍子打她。PHRASEShit sb over the head打某人的頭He was hit over the head with a broken bottle.他被一隻破瓶子擊中了頭部。


2have a bad effect on sb/sth挫傷ADVERBbadly, hard, heavily, severely嚴重地影響 ; 沉重地打擊Our department has been badly hit by the cutbacks.我們部門因為經費削減而受到很大影響。Some businesses have been hit very hard by the rise in interest rates.一些企業因為加息而嚴重受挫。
IELTS BNC: 927 COCA: 535
hit noun
hit verb
hit1 (hit by a car) hit2 (hit sb over the head) hit3 (hit by the recession) bang2 (hit your head on the ceiling) get4 (hit the main road) occur to sb (a thought hits sb)


hit by a car 被车撞到hit sb over the head 击某人头部be badly hit by the recession 遭受经济衰退的沉重打击hit ♦︎ knock ♦︎ bang ♦︎ strike ♦︎ bump ♦︎ bashThese words all mean to come against sth with a lot of force. 这些词均表示碰撞、撞击。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hit / knock / bang / bump / bash against sb / sthto knock / bang / bump / bash into sb / sthto hit / strike the ground / floor / wall hit (hitting, hit, hit) [transitive, intransitive] to come against sth with force, especially causing damage or injury; to bring a bat, etc. against a ball and push it away with force 碰撞,撞击(尤指造成损伤);击(球)The boy was hit by a speeding car.这个男孩被超速行驶的轿车撞了。The grenade will explode as soon as it hits the ground.手榴弹一撞到地面就会爆炸。The boat hit against an object under the surface of the water.船撞到了水下的一样东西。She hit the ball too hard and it went out of the court.她用力过猛,把球打到了场外。OPP miss To miss sb/sth is to fail to hit them. * miss指没有击中The bullet missed her by about six inches.子弹从她身边飞过,离她大约只有6英寸。She threw a plate at him and narrowly missed hitting him.她拿一个盘子向他扔过去,差点就打着他了。 see also hit bang verb 2 hit


[countable] The bomber scored a direct hit on the bridge.轰炸机直接命中,炸毁了那座桥。We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses.我们在第一轮结束时的分数是两次击中,六次未中。
knock [transitive] to hit sth so that it moves or breaks; to put sb/sth into a particular state or position by hitting them/it 打掉;打破;把⋯撞击成(某种状态)Someone had knocked a hole in the wall.有人在墙上凿了个洞。The two rooms had been knocked into one.两个房间打通了。They had to knock the door down to get into the apartment.他们不得已把门撞开才进了那套公寓。I accidentally knocked over his drink.我不小心打翻了他的饮料。The blow knocked him senseless (= he became unconscious).这一拳打得他不省人事。 see also knock knock verb , knock bang verb 2 knock


[countable] Knocks and scratches will lower the value of antique furniture.磕碰和划痕会降低古董家具的价值。
bang [transitive, intransitive] to hit sth in a way that makes a loud noise 猛敲;砸The baby was banging the table with his spoon.宝宝用调羹敲打着桌子。She banged on the door angrily.她愤怒地砰砰砸门。A branch banged against the window.一根树枝砸在窗户上。 see also bang bang verb 1 2 strike (struck, struck; NAmE also struck, stricken) [transitive] (formal) to hit sb/sth hard 撞;碰;撞击The ship struck a rock.船触礁了。The stone struck him on the forehead.石头击中了他的额头。The old tree had been struck by lightning.那棵老树遭到雷击。 bump [intransitive, transitive] to hit sb/sth accidentally (意外地)碰到,撞到In the darkness I bumped into a chair.黑暗中我撞上了一把椅子。The car bumped against the kerb.汽车撞上了路缘。Their boat came up alongside, bumping the side of ours.他们的船从旁边开过来,撞到了我们的船舷。 see also bump bang verb 2 bump


[countable] He fell to the ground with a bump.他砰地一声摔倒在地上。
bash [intransitive, transitive] (informal) to hit against sth very hard 狠击;猛撞I braked too late, bashing into the car in front.我刹车太晚,撞到了前面的车。He stood up, bashing his head on the low ceiling.他站起来,头撞上了低矮的天花板。


hit by a car 被车撞到hit sb over the head 击某人头部be badly hit by the recession 遭受经济衰退的沉重打击 See also the entry for beat 1 另见beat条第1义hit ♦︎ punch ♦︎ slap ♦︎ strike ♦︎ smack ♦︎ spank ♦︎ thump ♦︎ whack ♦︎ swat ♦︎ sockThese words all mean to bring your hand, or sth that you are holding in your hand, onto or against sb/sth very hard. 这些词均表示用手或手持器具击、打。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hit / strike / whack / swat sb / sth with sthto hit / strike / thump / whack sb over the headto hit / punch / strike / thump sb in the stomach / chestto hit / punch sb on the noseto hit / punch / slap / strike / smack / spank / thump / whack / sock sb hardto hit / punch / strike sb repeatedly hit (hitting, hit, hit) [transitive] to bring your hand, or an object that you are holding, against sb/sth quickly and with force (用手或手持器具)击,打I felt like hitting him.我真想动手打他。She hit him hard in the stomach.她狠狠地打在他肚子上。He hit the nail squarely on the head with the hammer.他用锤子正对着钉子敲下去。 see also hit bang verb 2 hit


[countable] Give it a good hit.用力打它一下。
punch [transitive] to hit sb/sth with your fist (= tightly closed hand), especially as hard as you can 拳打;以拳痛击They repeatedly kicked and punched the man as he lay on the ground.他倒在地上,他们不停地对他拳打脚踢。He was punching the air in triumph.他得意扬扬地挥着拳头。 punch


[countable] a punch in the face打在脸上的一记重拳Hill threw a punch at the police officer.希尔对那名警察挥了一拳。
slap (-pp-) [transitive] to hit sb/sth with your open hand (用手掌)打,拍,掴I'll slap you if you do that again.你再干这事我就要搧你了。She slapped him hard across the face.她狠狠给了他一个耳光。'Congratulations!' he said, slapping me on the back.“祝贺你!”他拍着我的背说。 slap


[countable] She gave him a slap across the face.她给了他一个耳光。
strike (struck, struck; NAmE also struck, stricken) [transitive] (formal) to hit sb/sth with your hand or with sth that you are holding (用手或手持器具)击,打She struck him hard across the face.她狠狠地掴了他一个耳光。Did she ever strike you?她打过你吗?He struck the table with his fist.他用拳头擂桌子。Who struck the first blow (= started the fight)?是谁先动手的? smack [transitive] (especially BrE) to hit sb with your open hand, especially a child as a punishment 用巴掌打,掴(尤指作为对孩子的惩罚)I think it's wrong to smack children.我觉得打孩子是不对的。 smack


[countable] You'll get a smack on your backside if you're not careful.你要是不小心,屁股就要挨打。
spank [transitive] to hit sb, especially a child, several times on their bottom as a punishment 打屁股(尤指作为对孩子的惩罚)She says she's never spanked her children.她说她从没打过孩子。In American English spank is generally used instead of smack; spank is also used in British English, but it is less frequent. 在美式英语中,spank通常替代smack。spank也用于英式英语中,但是较少见。 thump [transitive] to hit sb/sth hard with your hand 捶打She thumped the table angrily.她愤怒地捶打桌子。She couldn't get her breath and had to be thumped on the back.她喘不上气来,得让人帮她捶背。 thump


[countable] (BrE, informal) She gave him a thump on the back.她在他后背上重重打了一拳。
whack wæk [transitive] (informal, especially spoken) to hit sb/sth hard 猛打;重击;狠揍She whacked him around the head.她猛打他的头。He whacked the ball back over the net.他猛力把球回击过网去。 whack


[countable] He gave the ball a good whack.他猛击了一下球。
swat swɒt; NAmE swɑːt(-tt-) [transitive] to hit sth, especially an insect, using your hand or a flat object 拍,打(昆虫等)She swatted the fly with a rolled-up newspaper.她把报纸卷起来拍那苍蝇。He swatted away the mosquitoes that were buzzing around his head.他把绕着他头顶嗡嗡叫的蚊子挥走。 sock [transitive] (informal, especially spoken) to hit sb hard with your fist (= closed hand) (用拳)猛击,狠打She got mad and socked him in the mouth.她气疯了,照着他的嘴巴就是一拳。I had to stop myself from socking him one.我强忍着没给他一拳。 sock


[countable, usually singular] He gave Mike a sock on the jaw.他朝迈克的下巴猛击一拳。


hit by a car 被车撞到hit sb over the head 击某人头部be badly hit by the recession 遭受经济衰退的沉重打击hit ♦︎ strike ♦︎ attack ♦︎ strike at sb/sthThese words all mean to have a bad or harmful effect. 这些词均表示产生不良影响。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a / an earthquake / hurricane / storm hits / strikes (sth)a disease / virus strikes / attacks sb / sth hit (hitting, hit, hit) [transitive, intransitive] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻 or spoken) (of events or developments) to have a bad effect on sb/sth (事件或发展)产生不良影响,打击,危害Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.这次罢工对农村地区的打击最沉重。Spain was one of the hardest hit countries.西班牙是遭受打击最严重的国家之一。Airlines were badly hit by the recession.航空公司受到这次经济衰退的巨大打击。His death didn't really hit me at first.他的死起初对我并没有太大影响。A tornado hit on Saturday night.周六晚上龙卷风来袭了。 strike (struck, struck; NAmE also struck, stricken) [intransitive, transitive] (written, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) (of a disaster or disease) to happen suddenly and have a harmful effect on sb/sth (灾难或疾病)侵袭,爆发Two days later tragedy struck.两天后悲剧发生了。Disaster struck again when their best player was injured.灾难又一次发生了,他们最好的队员受伤了。The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera.那个地区爆发了霍乱。 attack [transitive](especially of a disease) to have a harmful effect on sth that increases with time (尤指疾病)侵害,侵袭The vines had been attacked by mildew.葡萄遭到了霉菌的侵害。The virus attacks different cells in the body.那种病毒侵害体内各种不同的细胞。 ˈstrike at sb/sth

phrasal verb

(struck, struck) (written) to have a damaging or serious effect on sb/sth, especially important principles or ways of doing things 损害,严重影响到(尤指重要原则或做事方法)These proposals strike at the very fundamentals of a free press.这些提案严重损害到新闻自由的基础。The criticisms strike at the heart of the party's policies.这些批评切中该党政策的要害。
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