1.WORKERa trainedworker who works for someone else 满师学徒工
2.WORKERan experienced worker whose work is acceptable but not excellent 〔技术合格但并不出色的〕熟手,熟练工
Examples from the Corpus
journeyman• Neill's had 109 women and only 37 journeymencompositors.• Francis Place, remembering his days as a journeymantailor, endorsed this view.• Most householders were probably employees rather than employers, men who worked as journeymen or casuallabourers.• When he refused, all his journeymenquit.• Such women may have been rather running businesses than producing goods in so far as they relied on journeymen.• Following a tremendous start to this term, the one-timejourneyman has pronounced his determination to go for the title.• One day a young journeyman white-washing the inside of the houses ran his brush over the toad's back.
(1400-1500)journey“day's work”((13-19 centuries)) + man