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IELTS BNC: 500 COCA: 627


Word family
Related topics: Linguistics
short1 /ʃɔːt $ ʃɔːrt/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp shorter, superlativesupl shortest)  
1 time 时间SHORT TIME happening or continuing for only a little time or for less time than usual 短(暂)的,短期的 OPP long
 a short meeting
 Morris gave a short laugh.
 a short course on business English
 Winter is coming and the days are getting shorter.
 I’ve only been in Brisbane a short time.
 For a short while (=a short time), the city functioned as the region’s capital.
 I learned a lot during my short period as a junior reporter.
 Germany achieved spectacular economic success in a relatively short period of time.
 They met and married within a short space of time.
 I promise to keep the meeting short and sweet (=short in a way that is good, especially not talking for a long time).
 For a few short weeks (=they seemed to pass very quickly), the sun shone and the fields turned gold.
2 length/distance 长度/距离SHORT/NOT LONG measuring a small amount in length or distance 〔长度或距离〕短的 OPP long
 a short skirt
 Anita had her hair cut short.
 They went by the shortest route, across the fields.
 Carol’s office was only a short distance away, and she decided that she would walk there.
a short walk/flight/drive
 It’s a short drive to the airport.
 The hotel is only a short walk from the beach.
3 not tall 不高的SHORT PERSON someone who is short is not as tall as most people 个子矮的 OPP tall
 a short plump woman
 Chris was short and stocky, with broad shoulders.
 He’s a bit shorter than me.
4 book/letter/SHORT/NOT LONG a book, letter etc that is short does not have many words or pages 简短的 OPP long
 a short novel
 I wrote a short note to explain.
short story
5 not enough 不够的
a) if you are short of something, you do not have enough of it 缺少的
be short (of something)
 Can you lend me a couple of dollars? I’m a little short.
be short of money/cash/funds
 Our libraries are short of funds.
be 5p/$10 etc short
 Have you all paid me? I’m about £9 short.
I’m a bit short British EnglishBrE spoken (=I haven’t got much money at the moment) 我目前手头有点紧
somebody is not short of something British EnglishBrE (=they have a lot of it) 某人不缺某物
 Your little girl’s not short of confidence, is she?
 They’re not short of a few bob (=they are rich).
b) if something is short, there is not enough of it 不足的,短缺的
 Money was short in those days.
 It’s going to be difficult – time is short.
 Gasoline was in short supply (=not enough of it was available) after the war.
6 be short on something to have less of something than you should have 缺乏某物
Examples from the Corpus
7 less than 少于LESS a little less than a number 少于,未达到 〔某个数目〕
8 short notice SUDDENLYif something is short notice, you are told about it only a short time before it happens 提前很短时间的通知,很迟才通知
Examples from the Corpus
9 in the short term/run SOONduring the period of time that is not very far into the future 在短期内 short-term
Examples from the Corpus
10 have a short memory if someone has a short memory, they soon forget something that has happened 记性不好
Examples from the Corpus
11 be short for something SHORT/NOT LONGto be a shorter way of saying a name 是某事物的简称
Examples from the Corpus
12 be short of breath to be unable to breathe easily, especially because you are unhealthy 呼吸短促,气喘吁吁〔尤因身体不健康〕
Examples from the Corpus
13 be short with somebody RUDE/IMPOLITEto speak to someone using very few words, in a way that seems rude or unfriendly 对某人说话简慢无礼
Examples from the Corpus
14 have a short temper/fuse BAD-TEMPEREDto get angry very easily 脾气暴躁
Examples from the Corpus
15 get/be given short shrift SYMPATHIZE#if you or your idea, suggestion etc is given short shrift, you are told immediately that you are wrong and are not given any attention or sympathy 〔观点、建议等〕当即遭到否定,受冷遇
16 be nothing/little short of something VERYused to emphasize that something is very good, very surprising etc 毫不逊于,简 直就是〔用于强调〕
Examples from the Corpus
17 draw/get the short straw JOB/TASKto be given something difficult or unpleasant to do, especially when other people have been given something better 得个苦差事;比别人吃亏
Examples from the Corpus
18 make short work of (doing) something FINISH DOING somethingto finish something quickly and easily, especially food or a job 迅速完成某事物,轻易解决某事物〔尤指食物或工作〕
Examples from the Corpus
19 have/get somebody by the short and curlies  (also have/get somebody by the short hairs) British EnglishBrE informal not polite to put someone in a situation in which they are forced to do or accept what you want 强迫某人做,硬逼某人接受
20 be one ... short of a ... spoken used humorously to say that someone is a little crazy or stupid 〔某人〕有点冒傻气[愚蠢]〔幽默用法〕
21 short time British EnglishBrE when workers work for fewer hours than usual, because the company cannot afford to pay them their full wage 短工时,缩短工作时间〔因公司支付不起全额工资〕
Examples from the Corpus
22. in short order formalSHORT TIME in a short time and without delay 在短时间内,毫不拖延地
Examples from the Corpus
23. give somebody short measure British EnglishBrE old-fashionedSELL to give someone less than the correct amount of something, especially in a shop 〔尤指商店售货〕少给某人分量,给某人的分量不足
24. sound 声音 technicalSL a short vowel is pronounced quickly without being emphasized, for example the sound of a in ‘cat’, e in ‘bet’, and i in ‘bit’ 〔元音〕发短音的 OPP long
shortness noun [uncountableU]
 He was suffering from shortness of breath.
 Shirley was very conscious of her shortness and always wore high heels.
life’s too short at life(27)
time 时间
short not long 时间短的,短暂的
I lived in Tokyo for a short time.
Smokers have a shorter life expectancy than non-smokers.
brief especially written lasting only for a short time. Brief is more formal than short, and is used especially in written English 短暂的,短时间的〔briefshort正式,尤用于书面英语〕
The president will make a brief visit to Seattle today.
He coached Hingis for a brief period in the 1990s.
quick [only before noun] taking a short time to do something 很快的,快速的
I had a quick look at the map.
He had a quick shower and then went out.
short-lived lasting only for a short time – used especially when someone wishes that a good situation had been able to last for longer 短命的,短期的〔尤指某人希望好的状况能长久〕
short-lived success
The ceasefire was short-lived.
a short-lived romance
short-lived optimism about the economy
fleeting lasting only for an extremely short time – used especially when someone wishes that something had been able to last for longer 转瞬即逝的,短暂的〔尤指某人希望某事物能持续更长时间〕
a fleeting visit
a fleeting smile
She caught a fleeting glimpse of him.
a fleeting moment of happiness
na fleeting thought
momentary lasting for a very short time – used especially about feelings or pauses 〔尤指情感或停顿〕片刻的,瞬间的
There was a momentary pause in the conversation.
The momentary panic ended when he found his two-year-old son waiting happily outside the store.
passing [only before noun] lasting only for a short time – used especially when people are only interested in something or mention something for a short time 〔尤指兴趣或对某事的提起〕短暂的,一时的
passing fashions
He made only a passing reference to war.
It’s just a passing phase (=it will end soon).
ephemeral formal lasting only for a short time, and ending quickly like everything else in this world 短暂的,短促的
Beauty is ephemeral.
the ephemeral nature of our existence
His wealth proved to be ephemeral.
short someone who is short is not as tall as most people 个子矮的
He was a short fat man.
not very tall quite short. This phrase sounds more gentle than saying that someone is short 不是很高的〔比short委婉〕
She wasn’t very tall – maybe about 1.60 m.
small short and with a small body 个子矮小的
My mother was a small woman.
The girl was quite small for her age (=smaller than other girls of the same age).
petite used about a woman who is attractively short and thin 〔女子〕娇小的
She was a petite woman with blonde hair.
stocky used about a boy or man who is short, heavy, and strong 〔男孩或男子〕矮而结实的,粗壮的
Harry was stocky and middle-aged.
dumpy short and fat 矮墩墩的,矮胖的
a dumpy girl with red hair
diminutive formal or literary very short or small – used especially in descriptions in novels 非常矮小的〔尤用于小说描写〕
a diminutive figure dressed in black
stubby stubby fingers or toes are short and thick 〔手指或脚趾〕又短又粗的
the baby’s stubby little fingers
nGRAMMAR: Order of adjectives
If there is more than one adjective, the adjectives are usually used in a fixed order.
You say:
I bought a beautiful short dress.
Don’t say: I bought a short beautiful dress.
You say:
She has short black hair.
Don’t say: She has black short hair.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Film, Drink, Electrical
short2 ●●○ noun  
1 shorts [plural]
Examples from the Corpus
2 in short SUMMARIZEused when you want to give the main point of something 总而言之,简单地说
Examples from the Corpus
3 for short used as a shorter way of saying a name 简称,缩写
Examples from the Corpus
4. [countableC] informalAMF a short film shown in the cinema 〔在电影正片前放映的〕短片see thesaurus at movie
5 [countableC] British EnglishBrE informalDFD a strong alcoholic drink that is not beer or wine, drunk in a small glass 〔用小酒杯喝的〕烈酒 SYN American English shot
6 [countableC] informalTEE a short circuit 短路
the long and the short of it at long1(10)
Examples from the Corpus
short3 ●○○ adverbadv  
1 fall short of something FAILto be less than what you need, expected, or hoped for, or to fail to reach a satisfactory standard 达不到〔目的、期望、标准〕
Examples from the Corpus
2 be running short (of/on something) ENOUGH#if you are running short of something, or if something is running short, it is being used up and there will soon not be enough left (某物)使用殆尽,即将用完
Examples from the Corpus
3 stop short of doing something to almost do something but then decide not to do it 将要做某事时突然罢手,险些做某事
Examples from the Corpus
4 stop short STOP DOING somethingQUIETto suddenly stop speaking or stop what you are doing, because something has surprised you or you have just thought of something 〔在说话或做事时因吃惊或想到某事而〕突然停下
Examples from the Corpus
5 be cut short STOP something THAT IS HAPPENINGif something is cut short, it is stopped before you expect or before it is finished 突然中断
Examples from the Corpus
6 cut somebody short INTERRUPTto interrupt and stop someone when they are speaking 打断某人的话
7 pull/bring somebody up short STOP DOING somethingSTOP MOVINGto surprise or shock someone so that they stop what they are doing or saying to think for a moment 让某人怔了一下,使某人愣了片刻
Examples from the Corpus
8 3 metres/5 miles etc short of something without reaching a place you are trying to get to, because you are still a particular distance from it 距某处还差三米/五英里等
9 two weeks/a month etc short of something two weeks, a month etc before something 距某时间不到两星期/一个月等
10 short of (doing) something IFwithout actually doing something 除非(做)某事
Examples from the Corpus
11 come up short to fail to win or achieve something 未能赢取;未能获得
Examples from the Corpus
12 go short (of something) ENOUGH# British EnglishBrE to have less of something than you need 不够,欠缺(某物)
Examples from the Corpus
13. be taken short/be caught short British EnglishBrE informalHBH to have a sudden strong need to go to the toilet when you are not near one 突然要上厕所〔而此时附近正好没有厕所〕
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Electrical
short4 (also short out) verb [intransitiveI, transitiveT]  
TEEto short-circuit, or make something do this (使)短路
 The toaster shorted and caused a fire.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
shortshort1 /ʃɔːtʃɔːrt/ adjectiveadj
1not having as much of something as there should be or as much as you need
Have you all paid me? I’m still about £9 short.
short of
The insurance fund was running short of cash.
2be short of stock/be short on stockFINANCE if someone is short of stock, they have sold shares that they do not yet own, believing that the price will fall before the shares have to be delivered
shortshort2 adverbadvFINANCE
1if someone sells bonds, shares, currencies etc short, they sell bonds etc that they do not yet own believing that the price will fall so that they can be bought more cheaply before they have to be delivered
traders who sell short
2go short (on something) to sell bonds, shares, currencies etc that you do not own, believing that their value will fall and that you will be able to buy them more cheaply before they have to be delivered
These money managers go short, making bets that certain stocks will decline.
shortshort3 verb [intransitiveI, transitiveT]FINANCE
to sell shares that you do not yet own, believing that the price will fall so that the shares can be bought more cheaply before they have to be delivered
Many were actually shorting the market, betting prices would fall.
shorting noun [uncountableU]
For those with the nerves for it, shorting can be a grand way to make money.
Origin short1
Old English scort
IELTS BNC: 500 COCA: 627


1not measuring much from one end to the other長度短VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, look, seem短;看上去短;好像短ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常短小comparatively, relatively比較短;相對較短a relatively short distance of 50 to 100 miles一段介於 50 到 100 英里之間的相對較短的距離


2not lasting a long time時間不長VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, feel, seem短暫;感到時間短;好像短暫become, get變得短暫The days are getting shorter and shorter.白天正變得越來越短。make sth使⋯短暫keep sth使⋯保持短暫Do you mind if we keep the meeting short?我們把會議開得短些,你不介意吧?ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常短暫remarkably, surprisingly明顯/出奇地短暫reasonably還算短comparatively, relatively比較/相對短暫It was all over in a relatively short space of time.沒一會兒功夫,一切就都結束了。mercifully幸而短暫The interview was mercifully short.幸而面試時間不長。tragically不幸很短暫a young woman whose life was cut tragically short一位不幸英年早逝的年輕女子


3not having enough of what is needed短缺VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe, look短缺;看起來不足Our team was one player short.我們隊缺一名隊員。become, get開始短缺We're getting short of funds.我們的資金開始不足了。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常短缺If space is very short, that door can be moved.如果空間非常緊張,那扇門可以移開。terribly, woefully非常緊缺;少得可憐His performance was woefully short of conviction.很遺憾,他表現得一點兒都不堅定。United looked terribly short of menace in attack.聯隊的進攻看上去一點兒威脅也沒有。a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/略有些短缺PREPOSITIONof缺乏⋯Mike was a little short of cash just then.邁克當時正好手頭有點兒緊。PHRASESin short supply供應短缺Safe drinking water is in desperately short supply.安全飲用水極度短缺。
IELTS BNC: 500 COCA: 627
short adj.
short1 (a short time/book) short2 (short people/legs) short3 (the short answer) scarce (money is short) in short supply scarce


a short time/book/memory 短时间;一本篇幅短的书;记性差short people/legs 个子矮的人;短腿the short answer to your query 对你的询问的简略回答 See also the entry for quick 另见quick条short ♦︎ temporary ♦︎ brief ♦︎ short-lived ♦︎ fleeting ♦︎ momentary ♦︎ passingThese words all describe sth that lasts for a small amount of time. 这些词均表示短期的、短暂的、暂时的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a short / brief / fleeting / passing momenta short / temporary / brief staya short / brief / fleeting visita short / brief / momentary silence / pausea temporary / short-lived / momentary / passing interesta temporary / brief / short-lived successa brief / fleeting / momentary / passing glance / glimpsea brief / fleeting / momentary look / smilea brief / fleeting / passing referencevery / relatively short / temporary / brief / short-livedonly temporary / brief / fleeting / momentary short lasting or taking a small amount of time or less time than usual 时间短的;短期的;短暂的I'm going to France next week for a short break.下周我打算去法国度个短假。Which is the shortest day of the year?一年中哪一天最短?It's quite a short book (= that takes a short time to read).那是一本篇幅很短的书。She has a very short memory (= remembers only things that have happened recently).她记性很差。 Short is also used before a noun to describe a period of time that seems to have passed very quickly. * short也可用于名词前,形容时间似乎过得飞快Just two short years ago he was the best player in the country.不过短短两年前,他还是全国最优秀的选手呢。 OPP long long adj. see also shorten shrink temporary lasting or intended to last for only a short time 短暂的;暂时的;临时的25 000 households are living in temporary accommodation.有25 000户人家住在临时住所里。The job's only temporary, while their secretary's on maternity leave.这份工作是临时性的,只是在他们的秘书休产假期间代班。More than half the employees are temporary.半数以上的职员是临时雇员。OPP permanent permanent temporarily ˈtemprərəli; NAmE ˌtempəˈrerəli


We regret that this service is temporarily unavailable.很抱歉我们暂时不能提供这项服务。 OPP permanently permanent adj.
brief briːf (especially written) lasting for only a short time 短时间的;短暂的The prime minister is due to make a brief visit to South Korea.总理预定去韩国作短期访问。Sean gave a brief glance at the screen.肖恩朝屏幕瞥了一眼。There was a brief silence after I made my announcement.我发布完公告之后,出现了短暂的沉默。Mozart's life was brief.莫扎特英年早逝。 OPP long long adj. briefly


He had spoken to Emma only briefly.他和埃玛只是简短地说了几句话。
NOTE 辨析 Short or brief? Short is used more often than brief in informal and spoken English. * short比brief更常用于非正式英语和口语中I'm going to France for a brief break. The Dutch prime minister is making a short / brief visit.荷兰总理正在进行短暂访问。 Short, but not brief is used to describe books, lists, projects, etc. that take only a short time to read/deal with/complete. Brief is used more frequently than short to describe a look, glance, glimpse, smile or sigh. 当指涉的对象是书、清单、项目等,表示不需多花时间便能完成时,要用short而非brief;在形容look、glance、glimpse、smile或sigh时,更常用brief而非short。
ˌshort-ˈlived (especially of sth good or pleasant) lasting for only a short time (尤指美好或愉快的事物)短暂的The benefits are likely to be short-lived.这些福利很可能是短暂的。It was a very short-lived government.这是一个十分短命的政府。The stars enjoyed an intense but short-lived romance.明星都喜欢谈轰轰烈烈但短暂的恋爱。OPP long-lasting long adj. , lasting , enduring permanent fleeting [usually before noun] (written) (especially of sth good or pleasant) lasting for only a very short time (尤指美好或愉快的事物)短暂的,闪现的A fleeting smile touched his lips.他的嘴角闪过一丝微笑。Alone on deck, I experienced a fleeting moment of happiness.我独自待在甲板上,体验了短暂的幸福时刻。 fleetingly


She smiled fleetingly.她脸上闪过一丝微笑。
NOTE 辨析 Short-lived or fleeting?Both short-lived and fleeting are used especially to talk about good or pleasant things that last only a short time. Fleeting is a more literary word than short-lived and usually describes even shorter actions or experiences; although it describes pleasant things it can create a feeling of sadness because the thing lasts such a short time. * short-lived和fleeting都指美好或愉快的事物稍纵即逝。fleeting比short-lived更具文学色彩,通常形容更短暂的动作或经历。尽管fleeting所描述的是一些愉快的事,但会因持续不久而使人产生一丝感伤。
momentary ˈməʊməntri; NAmE ˈmoʊmənteri (especially written) lasting for only a very short time 短促的;短暂的;片刻的There was a momentary flicker of pain in his face.他的脸上闪过一丝痛苦的表情。The accident was the result of a momentary lapse of concentration.那起事故是因为一时走神造成的。Momentary is used especially to describe moments of doubt or failure and collocates include doubt, hesitation, pause, silence, confusion, unease, panic, lapse and aberration. * momentary尤用于形容疑惑或失败的时刻,搭配词有doubt、hesitation、pause、silence、confusion、unease、panic、lapse和aberration。 passing [only before noun] lasting for only a short time 短暂的;瞬间的My son is very jealous at the moment, but I think it's just a passing phase.目前我儿子很爱吃醋,不过我认为这只是阶段性的,不会持久。He makes only a passing reference to the theory in his book.他在书中对这个理论只是一笔带过。Passing is used especially to describe periods of time, references to sth and periods of being interested in sth. Collocates include phase, fashion, fad, craze, interest, mention and reference. * passing尤用于表示短时间、简略提及和短暂的兴趣,搭配词有phase、fashion、fad、craze、interest、mention和reference。


a short time/book/memory 短时间;一本篇幅短的书;记性差short people/legs 个子矮的人;短腿the short answer to your query 对你的询问的简略回答short ♦︎ diminutive ♦︎ petite ♦︎ stubby ♦︎ stunted ♦︎ dumpyThese words all describe sb who is not as tall as an average person or a part of the body that is smaller than usual. 这些词均表示个子矮的或身体某部位短的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a short / diminutive / petite / dumpy womana short / diminutive mana short / petite / dumpy girla short / diminutive / petite / dumpy figure short (of a person) small in height; (of a part of the body) not as long as normal (人)个子矮的;(身体某部位)短的He was a short, fat little man.他是个又矮又胖的家伙。I'm slightly shorter than you.我比你矮一点点。The little boy ran as fast as his short legs could carry him.那小男孩虽然腿短,可还是拼尽全力快跑。OPP tall tall , long length diminutive dɪˈmɪnjətɪv (formal) (especially of a person) very small (尤指人)极小的,特小的She was a diminutive figure beside her husband.站在丈夫身边她就像个小矮人。 petite pəˈtiːt (approving) (of a girl, a woman, or her figure) small and thin in an attractive way (女性或其身材)娇小的She was fair-haired and petite.她一头淡金色头发,身材娇小。With her slim, petite figure, she could have been any age from 13 to 30.从她那苗条娇小的身材来看,她的年龄从13到30岁都有可能。 stubby (often of a part of the body, for example sb's fingers) short and thick (常指身体某部位,如手指)短而粗的He pointed with his stubby finger to the page.他用短粗的手指指着那页。 stunted that has not been able to grow or develop as much as it should 发育不足的;生长不良的;未能充分发展的Instead of grass, there was a strip of thin scrub and stunted trees.那里没有草地,取而代之的是一窄条稀疏的灌木丛和一些生长不良的树。Lack of adequate nutrition often leads to stunted growth in children.缺乏营养常会导致儿童发育不足。 dumpy (disapproving) (especially of a person) short and fat (尤指人)矮胖的That skirt makes you look dumpy.你穿那件裙子显得矮矮胖胖的。short3


a short time/book/memory 短时间;一本篇幅短的书;记性差short people/legs 个子矮的人;短腿the short answer to your query 对你的询问的简略回答 See also the entry for sharp 2 另见sharp条第2义short ♦︎ brief ♦︎ concise ♦︎ abbreviated ♦︎ succinct ♦︎ economical ♦︎ pithyThese words all describe sth that uses few words or letters, or fewer words than sth else. 这些词均表示简略的、缩写的、简洁的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a short / a brief / a concise / an abbreviated / a succinct accounta short / a brief / a concise / an abbreviated versiona short / brief / concise / succinct summary / answer / statementa brief / pithy commenta concise / a succinct / an economical / a pithy stylevery short / brief / concise / succinct / economicalrelatively short / brief / succinct short using few words; being a shorter form of a name or word 简短的;简略的;缩写的The short answer to your query is that he has acted completely illegally.对于你的询问,简略回答就是他的行为完全违法。Try to keep your sentences short.设法把你的句子写得简短些。I've only read the shorter version of the report.我只读了报告的缩略版。Call me Jo-it's short for Joanna.叫我乔好了-这是乔安娜的简称。file transfer protocol or FTP for short文件传输协议或简称FTP OPP long long adj. see also shorten shrink brief using few words 简洁的;简短的The author makes only a brief mention of the role of Japan in this period.作者提到日本在这一时期的角色时只是简略带过。Please be brief (= say what you want to say quickly).请简明扼要。Now the rest of the news in brief.现在简要报道其他新闻。 briefly


Briefly, the argument is as follows...简言之,论据如下⋯
NOTE 辨析 Short or brief?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用a short / brief account / version / description / summary / statement / answer简短的叙述/版本/描写/总结/声明/回答 Brief is often used when you are talking about speech rather than writing. * brief常用来形容言语而非文字Please be short... However, although a mention is usually brief whether in speech or writing, an answer is more likely to be short, even if it is spoken. 然而,无论是口头提及还是文字写到,mention通常都用brief来形容。answer则更常用short来形容,即使指的是口头回答。
concise kənˈsaɪs (rather formal) giving only the information that is necessary and important, using few words 简明的;简练的;简洁的She gave us clear and concise instructions.她给我们做了言简意赅的说明。 Concise can also be used to describe a book that is shorter than the original book, on which it is based. In this meaning it is only used before a noun, not after a linking verb. * concise也可用来形容根据原著改写的缩略版。表达此义时它只用于名词前,不用于连系动词后This is just a concise dictionary-you should get yourself something bigger.这只是一本缩略版词典,你应该买一本更大部头的。 see also to the point relevant concisely


He spoke clearly and concisely.他讲话言简意赅。
abbreviated əˈbriːvieɪtɪd (of a word, phrase or name) shorter than usual because some letters have been left out, or only the first letters in each word are used (单词、短语或名称)缩略的,缩写的On the map, abbreviated forms such as USA and UK are consistently used.地图上经常使用像USA、UK这样的缩写形式。 abbreviate


[transitive] Et cetera is usually abbreviated to etc.et cetera常缩写成etc.。
succinct səkˈsɪŋkt (approving) (of a comment or piece of writing) expressed clearly and using few words (评论或文章)简明的,言简意赅的Keep your answers as succinct as possible.答案要尽可能简洁明了。OPP long-winded Speech or writing that is long-winded continues for too long and is boring and may be hard to understand. * long-winded指讲话或文章冗长枯燥,可能让人难以理解。 succinctly


You put that very succintly.你说得十分简明扼要。
economical (rather formal) using no more words, space or energy than is necessary 节俭的;节约的;简洁的He uses an economical prose style.他采用简练的散文体。an economical use of land / space节约用地;节省空间 economically


She writes elegantly and economically.她的文章典雅而简练。
NOTE 辨析 Concise, succinct or economical? Concise and succinct are used more to talk about how facts are presented; economical is used more often to talk about sb's style of speaking or writing. Succinct suggests that you approve of the way sth is expressed because it is clear and wastes no words; concise is a more factual term, neither approving nor disapproving. * concise和succinct更多用来形容事实的呈现方式,economical更多用来形容某人说话或写作的风格。succinct含褒义,表示言简意赅,concise更注重客观叙述,是中性词。
pithy ˈpɪθi (approving) (of a comment or piece of writing) short but expressed well and full of meaning (评论或文章)言简意赅的,精炼的a pithy advertising slogan一句精炼的广告口号
IELTS BNC: 500 COCA: 627
Words used to describe height: elevated, high, high...
Using few words in speech or writing: quiet, silent, brief...
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
Not enough: inadequate, insufficient, scant...
Rare and sought-after: rare, precious, scarce...
Talking in an unfriendly way: curt, terse, brusque...
Terms in phonetics: affricate, alveolar, articulator...
Types and amounts of alcoholic drinks: alcohol, alcopop, aperitif...
Films and types of film: animation, anime, biopic...
Clothing sizes: L, large, medium...

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