pro·tec·tive /prəˈtektɪv/ ●○○ adjectiveadj 1 [only before noun]PROTECT used or intended for protection 保护的,防护的 Sunscreen provides a protective layer against the sun’s harmful rays. 防晒霜提供了一层抵挡阳光中有害光线的防护层。
2 PROTECTwanting to protect someone from harm or danger 〔对人〕关切保护的;爱护的protective towards I can’t help feeling protective towards my kids. 我总想保护我的孩子。
protective of He’s very protective of his younger brother. 他很护着弟弟。
3 PEintended to give an advantage to your own country’s industry 保护本国工业的,保护性的 protective tariffs 贸易保护关税
—protectively adverbadv
—protectiveness noun [uncountableU]