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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 1289 COCA: 1019


Word family
Related topics: Biology, Animals, Plants, Food, Computers
skin1 /skɪn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 body 身体 [countableC, uncountableU]HB the natural outer layer of a person’s or animal’s body 〔人的〕皮肤;〔动物的〕皮
 She had thick black hair and smooth dark skin.
 The skin on his hands was dry and rough.
2 from an animal 来自动物 [countableC, uncountableU]HBATI the skin of an animal, sometimes including its fur, used to make leather, clothes etc 皮革;毛皮;兽皮
 a leopard skin
3 kiwi.jpg food 食物 [countableC, uncountableU]
a) HBPthe natural outer cover of some fruits and vegetables 〔某些水果和蔬菜的〕皮,外皮 SYN peel
 banana skins
b) DFthe outer cover of a sausage 〔香肠的〕肠衣
4 DFon a liquid 液体上面 [countableC, uncountableU] a thin solid layer that forms on the top of a liquid, especially when it gets cold 〔尤指液体冷却后上面形成的〕薄层
 Cover the soup to stop a skin from forming.
5 part of an object 物体的一部分 [countableC] a layer that is part of a vehicle, building, object etc, especially on the outside 〔车辆、建筑物、物体等的〕外壳,外层
 The outer skin of the aircraft was not punctured.
 The lampshade has a double skin so that it remains cool.
6. computer 计算机 [countableC, uncountableU] the way particular information appears on a computer screen, especially when this can be changed quickly and easily 〔软件、网站等的〕界面,皮肤
7 have (a) thin/thick skin to be easily upset or not easily upset by criticism 脸皮薄/
 This is not a job for someone with thin skin.
Examples from the Corpus
8 get under somebody’s skin informalANNOY if someone gets under your skin, they annoy you, especially by the way they behave 激怒某人
 What really gets under my skin is people who push straight to the front of the line.
Examples from the Corpus
9 by the skin of your teeth informalJUST/A MOMENT AGO if you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed in doing it, and very nearly failed to do it 好不容易才,差点就没,勉强
 Two others made it by the skin of their teeth.
Examples from the Corpus
10 make somebody’s skin crawl informal to make someone feel very uncomfortable or slightly afraid 使某人恶心,让某人起鸡皮疙瘩
 Her singing makes my skin crawl.
Examples from the Corpus
11. be skin and bone British EnglishBrE, be skin and bones American EnglishAmE informalTHIN PERSON to be extremely thin in a way that is unattractive and unhealthy 瘦得皮包骨
Examples from the Corpus
12 it’s no skin off somebody’s nose spokenDON'T CARE used to say that someone does not care what another person thinks or does, because it does not affect them 某人根本不在乎,某人才不管呢
 If she doesn’t want me to help, it’s no skin off my nose!
13 something is only skin deep used to say that something may seem to be important or effective, but it really is not because it only affects the way things appear 某物只是肤浅的,某事仅仅是表面的
 Beauty is only skin deep.
Examples from the Corpus
14. skins [plural] British EnglishBrE informal papers for rolling a cigarette, especially one with marijuana in it 卷烟纸〔尤指卷大麻的纸〕
save somebody’s skin at save1(11), → jump out of your skin at jump1(4)
fair/pale/white 浅色/白色的
I have fair skin that burns very easily.
dark/brown/black 深色/棕色/黑色的
a girl with beautiful dark skin
olive (=the colour typical of people from Greece, Italy etc) 橄榄色的
na boy with dark eyes and olive skin
tanned 晒成棕褐色的
His skin was slightly tanned.
smooth/soft 光滑/柔软的
Her skin was smooth and pale.
She had beautiful brown skin.
good/healthy/clear (=smooth and without any red spots) /健康/光洁的
Vitamin E helps keep your skin healthy.
bad/terrible (=with many spots or marks) 不好/差的
I had terrible skin when I was a teenager.
nMy skin’s really bad at the moment.
flawless (=perfect, with no spots or marks) 光洁无瑕的
nThe girls all had perfect features and flawless skin.
dry 干性的
nA lot of women suffer from dry skin.
oily 油性的
nMy skin has a tendency to be oily.
sensitive (=becoming red or sore easily) 敏感的
nSpecial shampoos are available for those with sensitive skin.
itchy (=making you want to scratch) 发痒的
nThe cream made my skin feel itchy.
rough (=not smooth or soft) 粗糙的
The skin on his hands was rough and dry.
leathery (=thick and dry) 皮革似的
na lean man with leathery skin and sea-blue eyes
wrinkled (=covered in lines because of age) 有皱纹的
nan old lady with wrinkled skin
scaly (=hard and dry, like the skin on animals such as lizards) 干涩粗糙的
nThe crocodile’s scaly skin is ideally suited to its way of life.
burn/damage your skin 晒伤/灼伤皮肤
Strong sunlight can damage your skin.
break the skin (=make a hole in it) 造成皮肤破损
Luckily the skin wasn't broken.
protect your skin 保护皮肤
It's important to use suntan lotion to protect your skin.
irritate your skin (=make it red or sore) 刺激皮肤
Some types of make-up can irritate your skin.
soothe your skin (=to stop it feeling painful or uncomfortable) 舒缓皮肤
nThe lotion helps to soothe your skin after you've been in the sun all day.
your skin glows/shines (=it looks healthy) 皮肤有光泽
beauty products that will make your skin glow
your skin peels (=the top layer comes off after you have had a sun tan) 脱皮
nThe week after the holiday my skin was already starting to peel.
your skin sags (=it hangs down in loose folds, because you are old) 皮肤松弛
nThe skin on her arms was already starting to sag.
skin + NOUN
skin colour (also the colour of your skin) 肤色
There is still discrimination on the basis of skin colour.
skin tone (=how light or dark someone’s skin is) 皮肤色调
Do the colours of your clothes enhance your skin tone?
a skin condition/complaint/disease 皮肤病
She suffers from a nasty skin condition.
skin irritation 皮肤刺激
nA lot of chemicals can cause skin irritation.
a skin rash 皮疹
nSkin rashes are common among children.
skin cancer 皮肤癌
nToo much exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Food
skin2 verb (skinned, skinning) [transitiveT]  
1 DFDLOto remove the skin from an animal, fruit, or vegetable 剥去的皮,给去皮 peel
 Add the tomatoes, skinned and sliced.
2 HURT/CAUSE PAINto hurt yourself by rubbing off some skin 擦伤 SYN graze
 She fell and skinned her knee.
3 skin somebody alive PUNISHto punish someone very severely – used humorously 严厉惩罚某人,活剥某人的皮〔幽默用法〕
 Dad will skin you alive when he sees this place!
Examples from the Corpus
4 informalBEAT/DEFEAT to completely defeat someone 彻底击败 SYN hammer
5. there's more than one way to skin a cat used to say that there are several ways of achieving something 办法不止一种
6.skin up phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE informal MDDto make a cigarette with marijuana in it 卷大麻烟
Examples from the Corpus
Origin skin1
(1100-1200) Old Norse skinn
skin1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1skin2 verb
LDOCE Online
IELTS BNC: 1289 COCA: 1019


1covering of a human/animal body皮膚;皮ADJECTIVE | VERB + SKIN | SKIN + VERB | SKIN + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbeautiful, clear, fine, flawless, good, healthy, perfect美麗的/潔淨的/細嫩的/無瑕的/很好的/健康的/完美的肌膚You want clear, healthy skin.你需要潔淨健康的肌膚。glowing, radiant有光澤的肌膚Keep your skin radiant using creams and lotions.使用護膚霜和潤膚乳令肌膚保有光澤。creamy, smooth, soft細嫩的/光滑的/柔滑的肌膚thick, thin厚皮膚;薄皮膚translucent通透的肌膚supple, young, youthful富有彈性的/嬌嫩的/充滿活力的肌膚sagging, wrinkled鬆弛的/佈滿皺紋的皮膚hard, leathery, rough, tough粗糙的皮膚delicate, sensitive嬌嫩的/敏感的皮膚greasy, oily油性皮膚moist濕潤的皮膚dry, flaky, scaly乾燥的/起皮屑的/有鱗屑的皮膚flaking, peeling起皮的/脫皮的皮膚black, brown, dark, ebony, golden, olive, tan黑色的/棕色的/深色的/黑黝黝的/金黃色的/淺褐色的/棕褐色的皮膚alabaster (literary) , fair, ivory, light, milky, pale, porcelain
(literary) , white潔白光滑的肌膚;白皙的肌膚;象牙般的膚色;透亮的肌膚;牛奶般白皙的肌膚;蒼白的肌膚;瓷娃娃般的肌膚
Jenny is small and slender with porcelain skin.珍妮身材小巧纖細,皮膚白皙光滑。pallid, pasty, sallow無血色的/蒼白的/蠟黃的皮膚bronzed, tanned古銅色的/曬黑的皮膚sunburned曬傷的皮膚weathered飽經風霜的皮膚freckled長了雀斑的皮膚raw, tender擦破了的/一觸即疼的皮膚There was a patch of raw skin on my back where the sun had burned it.我背上有一塊皮膚被太陽曬傷了,非常疼。itchy發癢的皮膚blotchy長大塊斑點的皮膚broken, damaged損傷的/破損的皮膚hairless無毛的皮膚facial面部皮膚Body skin is thicker than facial skin.身上的皮膚比面部皮膚厚。bare, exposed, naked裸露的皮膚The sheets felt nice next to his bare skin.被單緊貼着他裸露的皮膚,感覺很舒服。Wear clothing that protects all exposed skin.着裝要能保護所有裸露的肌膚。loose鬆弛的皮膚I picked up the kitten by the loose skin on its neck.我抓住小貓脖子後面鬆鬆的毛皮把它拎了起來。outer外皮dead死皮A lot of dust is made up of particles of dead skin.灰塵多由死皮顆粒組成。VERB + SKINbreak, burn, damage, irritate擦破/燒傷/損傷/刺激皮膚protect保護皮膚moisturize, nourish, soothe給皮膚補水;滋養皮膚;舒緩皮膚This cream moisturizes dry skin.這種潤膚霜能為乾燥皮膚補充水分。dry, dry out使皮膚乾燥exfoliate去死皮Clean and exfoliate your skin before applying make-up.化妝前先清潔皮膚並去除角質。remove去除皮層Exfoliate to remove dead skin.去除死皮。penetrate, pierce, puncture穿破皮膚;刺破皮膚The needle pierced my skin.那根針刺破了我的皮膚。shed蛻皮This snake sheds its skin eight times a year.這種蛇每年蛻皮 8 次。age使皮膚老化Smoking undoubtedly ages the skin.吸煙無疑會使皮膚老化。SKIN + VERBglisten, glow皮膚閃閃發光Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.她跑完步後皮膚上帶着汗珠閃閃發光。age皮膚老化They claim that this cream makes the skin age more slowly.他們聲稱這種面霜能減緩皮膚衰老。hang, sag皮膚下垂/鬆弛blister, burn, peel皮膚起水皰/燒傷/脫皮crawl, tingle皮膚起雞皮疙瘩/刺痛Just thinking about spiders makes my skin crawl.僅僅是想到蜘蛛我都會起雞皮疙瘩。SKIN + NOUNallergy, burns, cancer, complaint, condition, damage, disease, disorder, infection, irritation, lesion, problems, rash皮膚過敏;皮膚燒傷;皮膚癌;皮膚病;皮膚損傷;皮膚不適;皮膚感染;皮膚刺激;皮膚紅腫;皮疹graft皮膚移植specialist (especially BrE) 皮膚科醫生care皮膚護理make-up and skin-care products化妝品和護膚品cleanser, cream, lotion, products (especially NAmE) 潔膚乳;面霜;潤膚乳;護膚品colour/color, tone膚色texture膚質type皮膚類型cells, tissue皮膚細胞/組織contact皮膚接觸Avoid skin contact with the glue.避免皮膚與膠水接觸。PREPOSITIONagainst the/your skin貼着皮膚The sheets felt rough against her skin.被單貼着皮膚她感覺有點兒磨。beneath the/your skin在皮膚下Beneath his skin, the muscles were tight with tension.他皮下的肌肉因緊張而繃緊。on the/your skin皮膚上blisters on the skin皮膚上的水皰through the/your skin透過皮膚A network of veins showed through his skin.他青筋暴露。under the/your skin皮下He discovered a lump under his skin so he went to the doctor.他發現皮下有個腫塊,就去看了醫生。PHRASESskin and bone, skin and bones (especially NAmE) 皮包骨頭The dog was little more than skin and bone / bones.這狗瘦得差不多皮包骨頭了。


2skin of an animal that has been removed獸皮ADJECTIVE | VERB + SKIN ADJECTIVEanimal動物毛皮crocodile, goat, leopard, etc.鱷魚皮、山羊皮、豹皮等VERB + SKINcure, tan加工皮革;硝皮鞣革


3covering of some fruits/ vegetables水果皮;蔬菜皮ADJECTIVE | VERB + SKIN ADJECTIVEbanana, onion, potato, etc.香蕉皮、洋葱皮、馬鈴薯皮等VERB + SKINpeel off, remove剝皮;去皮
IELTS BNC: 1289 COCA: 1019
IELTS BNC: 1289 COCA: 1019
The skin and its parts: beauty spot, birthmark, cuticle...
The skin, bones and fur of animals: armor, armour, beard...
Parts of fruit and substances in fruit: bruising, core, dextrose...
Parts of vegetables: cob, eye, flesh...
Layers and coverings: surface, cover, layer...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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