ldoce_035_fbrass /brɑːs $ bræs/ ●●○ noun 2 music 音乐APM b) the brass (section) the people in an orchestra or band who play musical instruments that are made of metal 〔管弦乐队等的〕铜管乐器部 3. decorations 装饰 [countableC usually plural]DECORATE an object made of brass, usually with a design cut into it, or several brass objects 黄铜饰品,黄铜器 5. people with top jobs 身居高位者the brass HIGH POSITION OR RANK American EnglishAmE informal people who hold the most important positions 要员,高层人员 SYN British English top brass 6. it’s brass monkeys/brass monkey weather COLD British EnglishBrE spoken informal used to say that it is very cold 极其寒冷,天寒地冻 7. money 钱 [uncountableU]MONEY British EnglishBrE old-fashioned informal money 钱
→ as bold as brass at bold(2)