pol·ish1 /ˈpɒlɪʃ $ ˈpɑː-/ ●●● S3 verb [transitiveT] 1 CLEANto make something smooth, bright, and shiny by rubbing it 擦亮,擦光 I spent all afternoon polishing the silver. 我整个下午都在擦拭银器。
polish something with something Polish the lenses with a piece of tissue. 用纸巾揩拭镜片。
→4 See picture on 见图 Page A3 Cleaning 清洁;打扫 2 to improve a piece of writing, a speech etc by making slight changes to it before it is completely finished 修改;润色 Your essay is good, you just need to polish it a bit. 你的文章不错,只要稍加润色就可以了。
3 polish somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v informal a) to finish food, work etc quickly or easily 很快吃完;迅速[轻松]做完 Sam polished off the rest of the pizza. 萨姆把剩下的比萨饼一扫而光。
b) American EnglishAmE to kill or defeat a person or animal when they are weak or wounded 干掉;打败 He was polished off with a shotgun blast to the face. 他被猎枪击中面部身亡。
polish off• Don't keep painting over chipped or worn polish.• I couldn't stop him reforming, but when he came together all the polish was gone off.• No wind-chill to speak of, to polish us off.• She polished it off and began to chew on the ice. 4 polish something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v a) (also polish up on something)IMPROVE to improve a skill or an ability by practising it 提高〔技能〕 You should polish up your Spanish before you go to Chile. 去智利以前你应该提高一下西班牙语。
b) to make something seem better or more attractive to other people 改善〔外表等〕 The company needs to polish up its image. 那家公司需要改善一下形象。
c) CLEANto polish something 擦亮,擦光 →4 See picture of 见图 polish polish up• Henry had polished it up and found the special marks on it. —polishing noun [uncountableU]