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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 358 COCA: 670


Word family
sub·ject1 /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun [countableC]  
1 thing talked about 谈论的事情SUBJECT the thing you are talking about or considering in a conversation, discussion, book, film etc 〔对话、讨论、书、电影等的〕主题,题目;话题
 Paul has strong opinions on most subjects.
 The subjects covered in this chapter are exercise and nutrition.
subject of
 Truffaut’s childhood memories were the subject of his first film.
 While we’re on the subject of money, do you have the $10 you owe me?
Don’t say ‘the subject is about ... ’: The subject of the poem is war. | The poem is about war.
不要说 ‘the subject is about ...’: The subject of the poem is war. 该诗的主题是战争。 | The poem is about war. 这首诗写的是战争。
subject matter
2 at school 在学校SESSEC an area of knowledge that you study at a school or university 学科,科目;课程
 My favorite subject is math.
3 in art 在艺术方面AVPTCP the thing or person that you show when you paint a picture, take a photograph etc 〔绘画、摄影等的〕题材,主题
 Monet loved to use gardens as his subjects.
4 in a test 在实验中HBTEST/EXPERIMENT a person or animal that is used in a test or experiment 实验对象,接受实验的人[动物]
 The subjects of this experiment were all men aged 18–35.
实验对象均为 18 35 岁的男性。
5. grammar 语法SLG a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that usually comes before a main verb and represents the person or thing that performs the action of the verb, or about which something is stated, for example ‘she’ in ‘She hit John’ or ‘elephants’ in ‘Elephants are big’ 主语〔如 She hit John 中的 she,或 Elephants are big 中的 elephants object1(6)
6 citizen 公民 formalPGC someone who was born in a country that has a king or queen, or someone who has a right to live there 〔君主国的〕臣民,国民
 a British subject
citizen(2), national2
discuss/talk about a subject 讨论/谈论某一话题
Have you discussed the subject with your husband?
change the subject (=start talking about something different) 改变话题
She tried to change the subject.
mention a subject 提到某一话题
The subject was not mentioned again.
deal with/cover a subject (=speak or write about it) 论述某一主题
The subject is dealt with in great detail in his previous book.
touch on a subject (=say or write a little about it) 触及某一话题
nIn his speech, he touched on the subject of death.
bring up/raise a subject (=deliberately start talking about it) 提出某一话题
nYou brought the subject up, not me.
get onto a subject (=happen to start talking about it) 开始谈论某一话题
nWe somehow got onto the subject of detective stories.
broach a subject (=start talking about a sensitive subject) 开始谈论某一敏感话题
nShe hesitated, wondering exactly how to broach the subject of their sleeping arrangements.
get back to a subject 回到某一话题
nSomehow I just knew in the end we would get back to the subject of money.
drop a subject (=stop talking about it) 不再谈某一话题
nTo her relief, Julius dropped the subject.
avoid/keep off/stay off a subject (=not talk about it) 避开某一话题
nI knew he was trying to avoid the subject of drugs.
nShe hoped that Anna would keep off the subject of Luke for the next few hours.
nget somebody off a subject (=make them talk about something else)
It was difficult to get him off the subject of cars.
a subject comes up (=people start talking about it) 某一话题被提到
nThe subject of payment never came up.
an interesting/fascinating subject 有趣的话题
Fame is a fascinating subject.
a difficult/complex subject (=very complicated) 困难/复杂的话题
Immigration is a complex subject.
a controversial subject 有争议的话题
The content of the curriculum has become a controversial subject.
a sensitive/touchy subject (=one that people may get upset about) 敏感的话题
nSteer clear of complicated issues or sensitive subjects.
na delicate subject (=one that may be embarrassing)
She carefully avoided discussing the delicate subject of money.
a taboo subject (=one that it is not acceptable to mention) 禁忌的话题
nFor them, death was not a taboo subject.
a subject of/for discussion 讨论的主题
TV is a favourite subject for discussion.
a subject of conversation 谈话的主题
She searched for a new subject of conversation.
a subject of/for debate (=a subject people discuss and disagree about) 辩论的主题
nThe reason for the increased risk of cancer is still a subject of debate.
a subject of controversy (=a subject people disagree about strongly) 争议的主题
nNuclear power is still the subject of considerable controversy.
na subject area (=a group of related subjects)
He has written a lot in this subject area.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Government
subject2 ●○○ adjectiveadj  
1 be subject to something 
a) if someone or something is subject to something, especially something bad, it is possible or likely that they will be affected by it 易受某人[某事]影响;可能会
 All flights are subject to delay.
 Prices are subject to change.
b) DEPEND ON/RELY ONif something is subject to something such as approval, it depends on that thing happening before it can happen 取决于某人[某事],视某人[某事]而定
 The funding is subject to approval by the Board of Education.
Examples from the Corpus
2 be subject to a rule/law/penalty/tax etc if you are subject to a rule, law, penalty etc, you must obey the rule or pay an amount of money 须遵守规则/须遵守法令/须缴纳罚款/须缴纳税款等
 Violators are subject to a $100 fine.
违者罚款 100 美元。
3 [only before noun] formalPG a subject country, state, people etc are strictly governed by another country 〔国家、人民等〕被他国统治的,受人管辖的
 subject peoples
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Government
sub·ject3 /səbˈdʒekt/ ●○○ verb [transitiveT]  
1.formalPGCONTROL to force a country or group of people to be ruled by you, and control them very strictly 使隶属,使顺从;征服
2subject somebody/something to something phrasal verbphr v SUFFERto force someone or something to experience something very unpleasant, especially over a long time 〔尤指长期〕使遭受,使经历,使蒙受
 Police subjected him to hours of questioning.
subject somebody to an ordeal/abuse/harassment
 Barker subjected his victim to awful abuse.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
subjectsub·ject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ adjectiveadj
1subject to used to say that something is affected, or can be affected, by something
Withdrawals are subject to a withholding tax of between 10% and 30%.
Dealers convicted of felony charges will be subject to suspension.
2subject to dependent on something else
The proposed transaction is subject to shareholder approval.
A deal has been struck, subject to contract (=it is not final until the contract has been signed).
3subject to averageINSURANCE used in insurance contracts to describe a situation in which a property has been insured for less than its real value, and the insured person has to pay for part of any loss
In the event of under-insurance, the settlement would be subject to average.
Origin subject1
(1300-1400) Old French Latin subjectus, from subicere to put under your control, from jacere to throw
IELTS BNC: 358 COCA: 670


1topic or person under consideration主題;對象ADJECTIVE | VERB + SUBJECT | SUBJECT + VERB | SUBJECT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, complex, complicated, vast大話題;複雜的主題;龐大的主題simple簡單的主題excellent, fascinating, good, interesting絕妙的/吸引人的/不錯的/有趣的主題serious嚴肅的主題This chapter deals with a very serious subject.本章涉及的是一個極為嚴肅的主題。controversial, delicate, difficult, embarrassing, sensitive, touchy有爭議的話題;敏感的話題;棘手的問題;尷尬的話題taboo禁忌話題Work is a taboo subject when we go out for dinner.出去吃飯時我們禁談工作。closed已經談完的話題I don't wish to discuss it any further-the subject is closed.我不想再討論了,這個話題已經結束了。different, diverse, various不同的主題;多樣的話題I read books on different subjects.我讀的書各種題材都有。books on such diverse subjects as trains and ancient sculpture火車、古代雕塑等不同題材的書籍chosen選定的主題Each candidate has to speak for three minutes on her chosen subject.每位候選人必須就自己選擇的主題作 3 分鐘演講。favourite/favorite, pet (especially BrE) 喜愛的話題Once he gets onto his pet subject there's no stopping him.一旦談起自己喜愛的話題,他就滔滔不絕。control, healthy, human, normal, research, study, test (all science科學) 對照實驗對象;健康的實驗對象;人類受試者;正常受試者;研究對象;測試對象research on human subjects對人類受試者的研究None of the study subjects altered his or her diet in any other way.研究對象均未以任何其他方式改變飲食。VERB + SUBJECTcover, debate, discuss, talk about, touch, touch on涵蓋主題;討論主題;談論話題;提及主題We touched briefly on the subject.我們略提了一下這個話題。address, deal with, tackle, treat處理話題;探討主題I wasn't sure how to deal with the delicate subject of money.對於怎樣處理金錢這種敏感話題,我那時心裏沒底。examine, explore, have a look at, investigate, look at, look into, pursue調查問題;探討話題;考慮問題;探究問題We want to have a fresh look at the difficult subject of corporate fraud.我們想從新的角度探討一下公司欺詐這個棘手的話題。approach, bring up, broach, get onto, raise開始討論話題;提出話題drop放下話題Let's drop the subject since we don't seem to be able to agree.既然看來難以達成一致,咱們還是停止談論這個話題吧。stick to緊扣主題I wish he'd stick to the subject.我希望他緊扣主題。get off, wander off離題;跑題She was supposed to be speaking about sales figures, but she kept wandering off the subject.她本該談論銷售數字,但她老是跑題。bring sb back to, get back to, return to使某人回到主題;回到話題上Getting back to the subject of lighting, does anyone have any suggestions for improvements?回到照明這個話題上,誰有什麼改進的建議嗎?avoid避開話題change, switch (NAmE) 改變/轉換話題Don't change the subject.別轉移話題。SUBJECT + VERBarise, come up話題出現The subject of gambling has come up several times recently.賭博這個話題最近出現了好幾次。range from sth to sth話題從⋯到⋯an open forum on subjects ranging from entertainmnet to religion從娛樂到宗教等多種不同主題的公開論壇 SUBJECT + NOUNmatter主題內容I like the way she writes, although I'm not interested in her subject matter.雖然我對她寫的內容不感興趣,但我喜歡她的文風。PREPOSITIONon a/the subject在⋯話題上While we're on the subject of books, has anyone read 'The Corrections'?說到書籍,有人讀過《糾正》嗎?subject of⋯的主題the subject of the new painting這幅新油畫的主題PHRASESa range of subjects一系列話題We discussed a wide range of subjects.我們討論了一系列廣泛的話題。a variety of subjects各種各樣的話題She touches on a wide variety of subjects.她對各種各樣的話題都有所涉及。


2area of study學習領域ADJECTIVE | VERB + SUBJECT | SUBJECT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdifficult, easy難學的/簡單的科目compulsory, core, main必修科目;核心科目;主科additional, optional, special附加/選修/特設科目specialist專業科目technical專業技術科目students of technical subjects專業技術科目的學生research研究科目art, arts, science文科科目;理科科目academic學術科目VERB + SUBJECTtake選修科目What subjects are you taking (= studying) this year?今年你選修了什麼課程?offer開設科目The department offers seven different subjects in all.系裏總共開設 7 門課程。choose選擇科目study研究科目I have spent a lifetime studying this subject.我一輩子都在研究這一學科。teach教授科目those who teach core subjects like English教授英語等核心科目的老師fail, fail in, pass未通過科目考試;通過科目考試She was disappointed to fail in two of her four subjects.4 門課程中有 2 門不及格,她很失望。drop退選科目Students are free to drop the subject at age 14.14 歲時,學生可任意退選該課程。SUBJECT + NOUNarea學科範圍The syllabus is divided into five subject areas.教學大綱劃分為 5 個學科範圍。PREPOSITIONin a/the subject在⋯課程中He did well in every subject.他每門課都學得很好。PHRASESa choice of subject, a choice of subjects課程選擇His unusual choice of subjects made it harder to find a job.他選的專業太偏了,導致工作比較難找。a range of subjects一系列科目


1subject to sth likely to be affected by sth易受影響VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, seem易受⋯影響;好像易受⋯影響become變得易受⋯影響leave sb/sth, make sb/sth使得⋯易患⋯;使⋯易受⋯影響His illness left him subject to asthma attacks.他的病使他容易哮喘發作。ADVERBparticularly特別易受⋯影響frequently, increasingly經常/愈發易受⋯影響potentially可能易受⋯影響still仍然易受⋯影響At this stage these proposals are still subject to change.在這個階段,這些提議仍然可以更改。


2subject to sth under the authority of sb/sth受支配VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe受制於⋯Everyone was subject to the whim of the sheikh.所有人都聽命於酋長,由着他隨心所欲。become開始受制於⋯remain依然受制於⋯make sb/sth使⋯受制於⋯All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot.所有小修道院都直接由修道院院長管理。ADVERBentirely完全受制於⋯directly直接受制於⋯
IELTS BNC: 358 COCA: 670
subject noun
subject (change the subject) area2 (school subjects) citizen (British subjects)


 See also the entry for issue 另见issue条subject ♦︎ theme ♦︎ topic ♦︎ motif ♦︎ keynoteThese are all words for a thing, person or idea that is being discussed or described. 这些词均表示主题、话题。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配on a subject / theme / topica / an important / key / major / serious / general subject / theme / topica central theme / topic / motifto discuss / consider / deal with / examine / explore / look at / focus on / touch on / tackle a subject / theme / topic subject [countable] a thing or person that is being discussed, described or dealt with 主题;话题;题材;问题I have nothing more to say on the subject.关于这个问题,我没有更多要说的了。Nelson Mandela is the subject of a new biography.有一本关于纳尔逊•曼德拉的新传记。I wish you'd change the subject (= talk about sth else).我希望你能换个话题。How did we get onto the subject of marriage?我们怎么谈到婚姻问题了呢?We seem to have got off the subject we're meant to be discussing.我们似乎偏离了应当讨论的题目。The subject of gambling has come up several times lately.赌博这个话题最近出现过几次。 see also subject area 2 , subject matter message theme θiːm [countable] the main idea in a talk, piece of writing or work of art (演讲、文章或艺术作品的)主题,主题思想North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival.北美文学是今年艺术节的主题。Several familiar themes emerged from the discussion.讨论中出现了几个熟悉的主题。The stories are all variations on the theme of unhappy marriage.这些故事讲来讲去无非是各种各样的不幸婚姻。 topic [countable] a subject that you talk, write or learn about 话题;主题The topic for tonight's discussion is...今晚讨论的题目是⋯It might be better to avoid such a controversial topic.最好还是避开这样一个有争议的话题。The main topic of conversation was Tom's new girlfriend.交谈的主要话题是汤姆的新女友。 motif məʊˈtiːf; NAmE moʊˈtiːf [countable] a subject, idea or phrase that is repeated and developed in a work of literature or piece of music (文学作品或音乐的)主题,主旨,母题Alienation is a central motif in her novels.疏离是她小说的中心主题。 keynote ˈkiːnəʊt; NAmE ˈkiːnoʊt [countable, usually singular] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻 or politics 政治) the central idea of a book, speech, etc. (书、演说等的)要旨,主题,基调Choice is the keynote of the new education policy.新教育政策的基调是容许选择。a keynote speech / speaker (= a very important one, introducing a meeting or its subject) 主题发言;主题发言人
IELTS BNC: 358 COCA: 670
Something that you are discussing: referent, matter, issue...
Types and forms of word, clause or sentence: accusative, adjunct, allomorph...
Relating to the work of an artist: aesthetic, cherub, commission...
To be cruel or unkind to someone: abuse, mistreat, oppress...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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