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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To start doing something
start on
phrasal verb
[T] [start on something] to begin working on something or dealing with something 开始做(某事);着手做(某事)

We could have breakfast before we start on the painting. 我们可以先吃早饭再开始画画。

She ate all the cakes, then started on the chocolates. 她把所有的蛋糕都吃掉了,然后就开始吃巧克力。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /bɪˈɡɪn/
[T] to start doing something 开始(做某事)
begin doing something :

He began shouting abuse at them. 他开始对他们破口大骂。

begin to do something :

Suddenly the rain began to fall. 突然开始下起雨来。

be just beginning to do something (=to be at the earliest stage of doing something) 刚刚开始做某事 :

The buds were just beginning to open. 蓓蕾刚刚开始绽放。

 Synonyms and related words
[T] to start feeling or thinking something 开始(感到或考虑某事物)
begin to do something :

Now we were beginning to feel excited. 现在我们开始感到兴奋不已。

I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever find you! 我开始纳闷是否能找到你!

 Synonyms and related words
set about
phrasal verb [T]
[set about something] to begin doing something, especially in a determined or enthusiastic way (尤指坚定地或充满热情地)开始做,着手做

She set about the problem with her usual energy. 带着一贯的干劲,她开始处理这一问题。

set about doing something :

Donaghue set about resolving the problem of rehousing the victims. 多纳休开始解决受害者的房屋重建问题。

 Synonyms and related words
embark on
phrasal verb [T]

embark on


embark upon

to start a new project or activity, usually one that will be difficult and will take time 开始做,着手(通常是困难或是费时间的新项目或活动)
embark on/upon something :

After leaving college, Lucy embarked on an acting career. 大学毕业后,露西开始从事表演事业。

The new government embarked upon an energetic legislative programme. 新政府开始实施一项有力的立法方案。

 Synonyms and related words
get down to
phrasal verb [T]
[get down to something] to start doing something seriously or with a lot of effort 开始认真做;开始努力做

After lunch we got down to discussing the issue of pay. 午饭后我们开始认真讨论工资问题。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /stɑː(r)t/
[I/T] used for saying that someone begins to do something (某人)开始(做某事)

Please start when you are ready. 你准备好了就开始吧。

Have you started the washing-up yet? 你开始清洗了没有?

start by :

Let's start by defining our terms. 我们首先解释一下这些术语。

start with :

The class starts with some gentle stretching exercises. 这堂课从一些温和的伸展运动开始。

start doing something :

Everyone in the class started laughing. 班上的每个人都开始笑了。

start to do something :

I started to unpack my suitcase. 我开始打开衣箱整理衣物。

 Synonyms and related words
[T] to begin a period of time in a particular way (以特定方式)开始
start the day/week/year etc :

I usually start the day with a cup of coffee. 我通常以一杯咖啡开始我的一天。

New York started the new century with a massive fireworks display. 纽约以盛大的烟火表演开始了新的世纪。

 Synonyms and related words
[I/T] to be involved in something at the beginning (开始时)参加

Of the 36 horses that started the race, only four finished. 开始时有36匹马参加比赛,但只有4匹跑完了全程。

 Synonyms and related words
dive in
phrasal verb [I] informal
to start doing something in a very enthusiastic way 全身心投入;潜心钻研

Sometimes you've just got to take a chance and dive in. 有时候你得试着全身心投入。

 Synonyms and related words
get around to
phrasal verb [T]
[get around/round to something] to do something after you have intended to do it for some time 做(事先计划好的某事)

I meant to call you, but somehow I never got around to it. 我本想给你打电话,但不知为什么就没打成。

get around to doing something :

We must get around to cleaning those windows. 我们必须开始擦这些窗户了。

 Synonyms and related words
go to
phrasal verb [T]
[go to something] to start doing a particular activity or being in a particular state 开始做(某事);开始进入(某种状态)
go to sleep :

I was just going to sleep when the phone rang. 电话响的时候我刚要入睡。

go to work (on something) :

He then went to work on the car and had repaired it by lunchtime. 他然后就开始修车并在午饭前把车修好了。

go to war (with someone) :

The two countries have gone to war twice over the disputed territory. 这两个国家已经因这块有争议的领土两度交战。

 Synonyms and related words
take over
phrasal verb
[I/T] to begin to do something that someone else was doing 接手;接替;接任

Can you take over the cooking while I walk the dog? 我出去遛狗的时候,你能否替我做饭?

take (something) over from someone :

I'll take over from you for a moment. 我帮你顶一会儿。

take over as something :

Jane took over as director after Richard retired. 理查德退休后,简接任主任之职。

 Synonyms and related words
More Synonyms
verb /əˈtæk/
[T] to begin working on something or doing something with enthusiasm and determination 干劲十足地开始(做)

We need to attack the problem now before it gets worse. 我们必须现在就花大力气解决问题,以免事态恶化。

She was just about to attack a plate of spaghetti when the phone rang. 她正要狼吞虎咽地吃一盘意大利细面条时,电话突然响了。

 Synonyms and related words
break into
phrasal verb [T]
[break into something] to start doing something 开始做
break into a run/trot/gallop etc :

The children saw the sea and broke into a run. 孩子们看见大海便开始跑了起来。

break into a smile :

We watched her puzzled face break gently into a smile. 我们望着她迷惑的脸上轻轻绽放出了笑容。

break into laughter/applause/song :

I almost expected him to break into song. 我差一点以为他会突然唱起歌来。

break into a sweat :

My legs were shaking with exhaustion, but Phil hadn't even broken into a sweat. 我疲惫得双腿直抖,但菲尔甚至连汗也没有出一点。

 Synonyms and related words
burst into
phrasal verb
[T] [burst into something] to suddenly start doing something 突然开始(做某事)

The audience burst into wild applause. 听众中突然响起雷鸣般的掌声。

burst into tears/song/laughter :

Terri keeps bursting into tears (=starting to cry) for no reason. 特里总是会无缘无故地突然哭起来。

 Synonyms and related words
burst into life to suddenly start working or becoming active 突然运转起来;突然活跃起来

Banks of electronic equipment burst into life. 一排排的电子设备突然运转起来。

 Synonyms and related words
buy into
phrasal verb [T]
[buy into something] informal to start to do something that a lot of other people are doing, or to believe something that a lot of other people believe 随大流开始做;随大流开始相信

You don't buy into all this nonsense, do you? 你不会随大流相信所有这些胡说八道,是吗?

 Synonyms and related words
verb /kʌm/
[I] to start doing something 开始
come into existence/operation/effect etc :

The new changes will come into effect next month. 新调整将于下个月开始生效。

come into view/sight (=to start to be seen) 进入视线 :

As we turned the corner, the top of the Eiffel Tower came into view. 我们转过了拐角就看见埃菲尔铁塔的塔尖。

 Synonyms and related words
dive into
phrasal verb [T]
to start doing something in a very enthusiastic way 全身心投入;潜心钻研

Let's dive into the improvements that you can make right away.

 Synonyms and related words
enter on
phrasal verb [T] formal
[enter on/upon something] to begin something or begin to take part in something 着手做(某事);开始参与(某事)
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
fall into
phrasal verb [T]
[fall into something] to start doing something by chance (偶然)开始

She fell into modelling quite by accident. 她很偶然地当了模特。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
fall to doing something
phrase literary
to start doing something 开始做某事
 Synonyms and related words
fling yourself into/at something
to start doing something with energy or enthusiasm 全力投身于某事

He flung himself into his work. 他全身心地投入到工作中。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ˈfɒləʊ/
[T] if you follow one thing with another, you do the second after you have done the first 使后接

She followed the success of her first book with another remarkable novel. 她在第一本书获得成功以后紧接着又写了一本引人注目的小说。

 Synonyms and related words
follow up
phrasal verb
[T] [follow up with] to do something in addition to what you have already done, in order to be certain of achieving your aim 采取后续行动;补充(以达到目的)

Follow up the phone call with a written confirmation. 致电后再追加一份书面确认函。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ɡet/
[I] informal to start doing something, making progress, or going somewhere 开始做;开始有进展
get going/moving :

They need to get going with this building work if they are going to finish before the winter. 他们如果想在冬天前完工,就应该开工了。

It's time you got cracking on that assignment. 到了你处理这项任务的时候了。

get to work :

Enough talking, let's get to work. 说得够多了,我们开始动手做吧。

 Synonyms and related words
get about
phrasal verb [I] spoken
get about the business of doing something to begin to do something 着手做某事
 Synonyms and related words
get busy
to start doing something 开始做

There's a lot to do, so let's get busy. 有很多事情要做,所以我们开始吧。

 Synonyms and related words
get/come to grips with something
to start to deal with a problem, situation, or job that you have to do 开始处理,开始应对(难题、困境或某项工作)

So far we have failed to come to grips with the magnitude of this problem.

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
get cracking
phrase informal
to start doing something or going somewhere immediately 赶快行动起来;立刻动身

We'll have to get cracking if we want to get there before dark. 我们如果想在天黑前赶到那儿就得赶快动身。

 Synonyms and related words
get down to business
to start doing something that you need to do 开始干正事;着手办实事;认真做起来

I have a plane to catch, so let's get down to business. 我要赶飞机,所以我们开始干正事吧。

 Synonyms and related words
get/go/set to work (on something)
to start doing something 着手做(某事)

Let's get to work on this right now. 我们马上开始做吧。

 Synonyms and related words
get into
phrasal verb [T]
[get into something] to start doing something regularly in a particular way 养成(某种习惯)

Try to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water every hour. 养成每小时喝杯水的习惯。

 Synonyms and related words
get into/hit your stride
to begin to do something confidently and well 开始上轨道;开始满怀信心地做

He soon got into his stride and produced several more books. 他很快就上了轨道,又接着出版了几本书。

 Synonyms and related words
get into the way of doing something
phrase British
to begin doing something regularly 开始有规律地做某事;养成做某事的习惯

We've got into the way of spending Christmas abroad. 我们已经养成在国外过圣诞节的习惯。

 Synonyms and related words
get started
to begin doing something 开始

We couldn't wait to get started on the next job. 我们都等不及要开始下一项工作了。

 Synonyms and related words
get stuck in
phrase British spoken
to start doing something, especially eating a meal or doing some work, with energy and enthusiasm 积极地开始做(某事)(尤指吃饭或干活)

Well, there's lots of work to be done, so let's get stuck in. 喂,有好多工作要做,我们快点动手吧。

 Synonyms and related words
get/take the bit between your teeth
phrase British
to start doing something with a determined attitude and a lot of energy 下定决心

Once he's got the bit between his teeth, there's no stopping him. 一旦他下定决心,就没有什么能够阻止他。

 Synonyms and related words
get the show on the road
phrase mainly spoken
to begin a particular activity 开始行动起来;开始干

OK, the boat's ready, so let's get this show on the road. 好吧,船已经备好,我们开始行动吧。

 Synonyms and related words
get to
phrasal verb [T] informal
[get to doing something] to start doing something 开始做(某事)

He got to thinking that it was all his fault. 他开始认为这都是他的错。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /ɡəʊ/
[I] to begin doing something 开始(做某事)

Nobody starts until I say ‘Go'. 大家等我说“开始”再行动。

be ready to go :

We've planned every detail and are ready to go. 我们已经计划好每一个细节,就等着开始行动。

get going (on something) :

It won't take me long once I get going. 一旦开始,我不会用很长时间。

 Synonyms and related words
go on
phrasal verb
[T] [go on something] to start doing a particular activity or being in a particular state 开始做(某事);进入(某种状态)
go on holiday/a cruise/trip/tour etc :

We're going on holiday next week. 下周我们去度假。

go on strike (=stop working as a protest) 罢工 :

Workers voted by a large majority to go on strike. 大部分工人投票同意举行罢工。

go on sale/display :

It will go on sale this summer. 它将在今年夏天上市。

go on a diet :

I really must go on a diet! 我真的得节食了!

 Synonyms and related words
hoe in
phrasal verb [I] Australian informal
to start doing something with energy and enthusiasm
 Synonyms and related words
verb [T]
to start something in a very active and successful way 成功地开始

a desire to jump-start the negotiations 使谈判顺利开始的愿望

 Synonyms and related words

jump start

noun [C]
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
launch into
phrasal verb [T]
[launch into something] to start something such as an explanation, project, or attack with a lot of enthusiasm (积极地)开始(解说、工程或袭击等)

He immediately launched into a detailed account of his trip. 他立即开始详尽地描述他的旅行见闻。

 Synonyms and related words
lead off
phrasal verb [I/T]
to begin something by doing or saying something (以发言或做某事)开始(某事)

The Prime Minister had invited the President to lead off the press conference. 首相请总统为这场新闻发布会作开场发言。

lead off with :

She led off the afternoon with questions from the audience. 下午时她先请听众们提问。

 Synonyms and related words
leap in
phrasal verb [I]
to do something immediately, and often with enthusiasm, as soon as you have the chance to do it

When they see a marketing opportunity, companies leap in.

 Synonyms and related words
leap into action
to suddenly start doing something 突然开始行动

As the King approached, photographers leapt into action. 国王一走近,摄影记者们纷纷拍起照来。

 Synonyms and related words
let rip
phrase informal
to start to do something with a lot of energy 开始卯足劲干

When the music started they let rip, dancing and jumping around.

 Synonyms and related words
let's roll/let's get rolling
phrase spoken
used for saying you want to start doing something 我们开始吧

Come on, it's noon, let's roll. 快点,都中午了,我们开始干吧。

 Synonyms and related words
make a move
to start doing something to achieve an aim or solve a problem 开始行动;着手

No one made a move to help. 没有人过来帮忙。

 Synonyms and related words
make a start
to begin doing something 开始做(某事)
make a start on :

I'll make a start on the washing-up. 我要开始洗碗了。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /muːv/
[I] to begin doing something in order to achieve an aim or solve a problem 采取行动

The police moved swiftly to prevent a riot. 警察迅速采取行动防止骚乱。

 Synonyms and related words
plunge in
phrasal verb
[I] to suddenly start doing something with energy and enthusiasm, but sometimes without thinking about it first (有时未加思考便)投身(某事中),冒进

Your help will not always be appreciated at first, but plunge in anyway. 最初你的帮助并不都会得到感激,但是不管怎样,投身进来吧。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
plunge into
phrasal verb [T]
[plunge into something] to suddenly start doing something with energy and enthusiasm, but sometimes without thinking about it first (积极)投入,参与,卷入

This was not the time to be plunging into some new business venture. 这时还不是涉足新行业的时候。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
put your shoulder to the wheel
to start doing something with all your energy and determination 全力以赴

We need to put our shoulders to the wheel if we're going to finish this on time.

 Synonyms and related words
rock and roll
verb [I] informal
to start happening, or to start doing something 开始发生;开始做某事

The Internet in Asia is ready to rock and roll. 亚洲的因特网已准备开始运行。

 Synonyms and related words
rush/jump/plunge headlong into something
to start doing something with a lot of enthusiasm but without thinking about it first 热情莽撞地投入某事物;不顾一切地做某事
 Synonyms and related words
set out
phrasal verb
[I] to start doing or working on something in order to achieve an aim (目的明确地)开始做
set out on :

When we set out on this project, we knew it would be difficult. 我们开始做这个项目时,我们就明白它会很困难。

set out to do something :

They set out to build their own house. 他们开始建造自己的房子。

 Synonyms and related words
set to
phrasal verb [I] old-fashioned
to start doing something in a determined or enthusiastic way 下决心做;大干起来

After the party we all set to and cleared everything up. 聚会结束后,我们都开始动手,把一切都收拾干净。

 Synonyms and related words
set to work
to start working, especially in a determined or enthusiastic way (尤指坚定地或充满热情地)开始做,开始干
set to work on :

I set to work on the mountain of paperwork on my desk. 我开始看桌子上堆得山一样高的文件。

set to work (on) doing something :

After lunch, they set to work fixing the roof. 午饭后,他们开始修补屋顶。

set to work to do something :

He quickly set to work to build a shelter from the rain. 他马上开始建一个遮雨的棚子。

 Synonyms and related words
spring to life
to begin to be active 开始活跃起来

The team's sluggish attack sprang to life in the second half. 该队沉闷的进攻在下半场突然有了生气。

 Synonyms and related words
start off
phrasal verb
[T] to make something begin 使开始

We don't want to start off a riot. 我们不想引起一场骚乱。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
swing into action
to start doing something quickly and effectively, especially something that you have been trained to do 迅速行动起来(做某事,尤指自己受过训练的某事)

As soon as the first customers sit down, the team in the kitchen swing into action.

 Synonyms and related words
take the plunge
to finally do something important, difficult, or dangerous after thinking about it (思考之后)最终决定奋力一搏,决定冒险一试

He took the plunge and asked her to marry him.

 Synonyms and related words
take to
phrasal verb [T]
to start doing something as a habit 开始养成…的习惯
take to doing something :

Recently he's taken to wearing a cap. 近来他有了戴帽子的习惯。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
take up
phrasal verb [T]
to start doing something regularly as a habit, job, or interest 开始养成…的习惯;开始从事;开始对…产生兴趣

I took up smoking when I was at school. 我上学时开始抽烟。

Chris has taken up jogging. 克里斯养成了慢跑的习惯。

take up a post/position :

The new surgeon will take up her post in May. 新的外科医生将于5月份上任。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
tear into
phrasal verb [T]
[tear into something] to start doing something with a lot of energy or enthusiasm 全力投入

The girls tore into their chores and were finished within an hour. 姑娘们全力以赴,家务活一个小时内就做完了。

 Synonyms and related words
throw yourself into something
if you throw yourself into an activity, you start giving all your energy or attention to doing it 全身心投入某事

After my girlfriend left me, I threw myself into my work. 与女友分手后,我全身心地投入到工作中。

 Synonyms and related words
turn to
phrasal verb
[turn to something] to start to do or to use something in an attempt to help yourself when you are having difficulty dealing with a situation (在面对困境时)开始做,开始使用
turn to crime/drink/drugs :

He turned to drugs after his wife left him. 妻子离开他之后,他开始吸毒。

 Synonyms and related words
weigh into
phrasal verb [T]
[weigh into something] to become involved in something such as a discussion in an enthusiastic way 参与(例如热烈的讨论)

The Institute of Directors has weighed into the campaign.

 Synonyms and related words
come to grips with something
to start to deal with a problem, situation, or job that you have to do 开始处理,开始应对(难题、困境或某项工作)

So far we have failed to come to grips with the magnitude of this problem.

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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