2.American EnglishAmESA someone born in or living in the northern states of the US – sometimes used in an insulting way by people from the southern US 北方人,北方佬〔指在美国北方诸州出生或生活的人,有时被南方人用作蔑称〕
3.SANBritish EnglishBrE an American – often used to show disapproval 美国人,美国佬〔常含贬义〕SYN Yank
4.American EnglishAmE someone from New England 新英格兰人
Examples from the Corpus
Yankee• I wonder how many times I was taken in by his Yankeesincerity, his B-moviehonesty.• The bombers were not near, but across the road from us were two Yankee soldiers.
(1700-1800) Perhaps from DutchJantje“Johnny”, used as a word for Dutch people who came to America in the 18th century