5.previously city academy a type of independentsecondary school in England that is run with help and money from private organizations or people. Each school specializes in teaching a particular subject such as science, business, or technology. 〔英国由私人团体或个人捐助的〕公立中学
na type of secondary school in England that is independent, but which is supported by public money. Each Academy has a private sponsor which can either be an individualperson or an organization. Although many subjects are taught in an Academy, each school specializes in certainareas such as science, business, computing, or technology.
(1500-1600)Latinacademia, from GreekAkademeia school in Athens at which the ancient Greek thinker Plato taught, named for Akademos a hero in Athenian stories
ADJECTIVE | VERB + ACADEMY | PREPOSITIONADJECTIVE➤military, naval, police陸軍軍官學校;海軍軍官學校;警校▸➤training專科學校;職業學院VERB + ACADEMY➤attend, be at, enter, go to, join上專門學校;在專門學校學習;進入專門學校▸➤graduate from, leave從專門學校畢業;離開專門學校PREPOSITION➤at an/the academy在專門學校◇He specialized in naval history at the Naval Academy.他在海軍軍官學校專門研修海軍史。