hitherto unknown• But Brindley's canal from the coal-mines at Worsley to Manchester had several featureshitherto unknown.• This has uncovered some interestingfindings - for instance the hitherto unknowndemand for 3.3Vchips from desktop system designers.• It now remains to ask whether there is any significance in this hitherto unknown fact.• Isabel trembled, half afraid, half shocked, at such shameless, hitherto unknown longings.• No details are given of this hitherto unknown organisation, but the platform put forward by the paper looks like pureThatcherism.• Recently a hitherto unknownphenomenon has appeared in Illela: propertyspeculation.• We are amid corruption of a hitherto unknown scale but not without some precedent.• This meant seeking out even more diversewines from hitherto unknownsources, which further taxed the new-foundart of blending.