monolith• Women, of course, are not a monolith, any more than men are.• Luisenlund Bronze Age monoliths and the riftvalley of Ekkodal.• Funny old motels like the No-Tel are making way for the blandbeigemonoliths of world-wide corporateculture.• The Hotel Dunbar was a pink and chocolate-colored brickmonolith on 42nd Street.• the collapse of the Communistmonolith in EasternEurope• My memos are spitballs in the face of the facelessmonolith where I work.• The great monolith of my ambition.• On the other side of the gorge stood a line of eight irregularly shapedmonoliths.• The main eye-catcher about the Plomosas is the sprawlingmonolith of Black Mesa.• Over to your right in the distance, half-hidden by a fold of land, is a broken circle of stone monoliths.
(1800-1900)Frenchmonolithe, from Latin, from Greek, from mono- ( → MONO-) + lithos“stone”