insect/mosquito/bug etc repellent• Good pine shavings are best as they contain resin, which also acts as an insect repellent.• Vic says not to worry - did I think Father Firmin had insect repellent all those years ago?• Sam has bug repellent all over him.• I never went out without my insect repellent and waterproofsunblock.• So as soon as the bamboos were skinned, the fishermen coated them with a natural insect repellent.• But my purse contained torch, mosquito repellent, passport and all the papers needed to subdue bureaucrats from here to Delhi.• To protect people from being bitten they must be educated and persuaded to use insect repellents and mosquito nets.• I glued up the catflap. 1 sprayed the letterbox with insect repellent.