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Word family
Related topics: Textures, sounds, Tastes
sharp1 /ʃɑːp $ ʃɑːrp/ ●●● S3 W2 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp sharper, superlativesupl sharpest)  
1 able to cut easily 锋利的SHARP having a very thin edge or point that can cut things easily 锋利的,锐利的;尖的 OPP blunt
 Make sure you use a good sharp knife.
 Its teeth are razor sharp (=very sharp).
4  See picture on 见图 Page A12 Surfaces 表面
2 turn 转弯TURN a sharp turn or bend changes direction suddenly 急转弯的,方向骤变的
 We came to a sharp bend in the road.
sharp left/right
 Take a sharp left after the church.
3 increase/change 增加/变化SUDDENLY a sharp increase, rise, fall etc happens suddenly and is great in amount 〔增长、上涨、下跌等〕急剧的,猛烈的 SYN steep
 a sharp increase in prices
 a sharp fall in unemployment
4 difference 差别CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTAND sharp differences are very big and very noticeable 巨大的,明显的
 sharp differences of opinion
 There is a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics.
 His honesty is in sharp contrast to (=very different from) some other politicians.
5 pain/feelings 疼痛/感情HURT/CAUSE PAIN a sharp pain or feeling is sudden and severe 剧烈的,强烈的 OPP dull
 I felt a sharp pain in my back.
 I was left with a sharp sense of disappointment.
6 disapproving 不赞成的CRITICIZE speaking in a way that shows you disapprove of something or are annoyed 〔语言〕尖锐的,尖刻的 OPP mild
 a sharp rebuke
 John’s tone was sharp.
 The boss can be very sharp with people when she’s busy.
somebody has a sharp tongue (=they speak in a very disapproving way which often upsets people) 某人说话很刻薄
7 intelligent 聪明的INTELLIGENT able to think and understand things very quickly, and not easily deceived 敏锐的,聪明的,机灵的 OPP dull, stupid
 a journalist with an extremely sharp mind
8 keep a sharp eye on somebody WATCHto watch someone very carefully, especially because you do not trust them 密切注意某人〔尤指因对其不信任〕
 Keep a sharp eye on the kids at all times!
Examples from the Corpus
9 pencil 铅笔SHARP having a very thin point that can draw an exact line 很尖的 OPP blunt
 Make sure your pencils are sharp before we begin the test.
10 sound 声音CSLOUD/NOISY a sharp sound or cry is loud, short, and sudden 刺耳的,尖厉的
 a sharp cry of pain
 a sharp intake of breath
11 taste 味道CTSOUR having a slightly bitter taste 刺鼻的,辛辣的 OPP mild
 sharp cheddar cheese
 Add mustard to give the dressing a sharper taste.
12 clothes 衣服SMART/WELL-DRESSED attractive and fashionable 吸引人的,时髦的,入时的 SYN British English smart
13 shape 形状THIN PERSON not rounded or curved 尖突的,有突边的,线条分明的
14 image/picture 影像/图画CLEAR/EASY TO SEE if an image or picture is sharp, you can see all the details very clearly 清晰的,鲜明的 OPP fuzzy
15 good at noticing things 观察入微的NOTICE able to see and notice details very well 〔观察力〕敏锐的,灵敏的
16 music 音乐
17 WEATHER 天气sharp wind/frost COLDa very cold wind or a severe frost 刺骨的寒风/寒霜
Examples from the Corpus
18 sharp practice British EnglishBrEDISHONEST behaviour, especially in business, that is dishonest but not illegal 〔尤指商业中〕合法但不诚实的行为
Examples from the Corpus
19 be on the sharp end (of something) British EnglishBrE informalSUFFER to experience the worst effects of something 遭遇某事的最坏影响
sharpness noun [uncountableU]
sharp having a very thin edge or point that can cut things easily 锋利的,锐利的;尖的
a sharp knife
The dog’s teeth were very sharp.
nBe careful. That knife’s very sharp.
nYou’ll need some sharp scissors.
nPuppies mean to be playful, but their sharp teeth can give you a nasty bite.
jagged having an irregular edge with a lot of sharp points 参差不齐的,有尖突的
a jagged rock
The floor was covered with jagged pieces of glass.
spiky having a lot of thin sharp points 有许多尖刺的
a spiky cactus plant
The hedgehog uses its spiky fur for protection.
Some corals are quite smooth, others are sharp and spiky.
prickly covered in a lot of small sharp points – used mainly about plants 〔主要指植物〕布满刺的,多刺的
a prickly bush
prickly leaves
nThe hedge was all prickly.
serrated a serrated edge on a saw or knife has a lot of sharp points on it 〔锯子或小刀边锋〕有锯齿的
It’s best to use a knife with a serrated edge.
razor-sharp extremely sharp 锋利的
The cat had razor-sharp claws.
nnot sharp
blunt not sharp – used about tools, weapons, or pencils
All the kitchen knives were blunt.
a blunt pencil
The woman had been attacked with a blunt instrument.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Music
sharp2 adverbadv  
1 at ten thirty/2 o'clock etc sharp EXACTat exactly 10.30,2.00 etc 在十点三十分/两点整等
2 sharp left/right TURN British EnglishBrE if you turn sharp left or right, you make a sudden change of direction to the left or right 向左/向右急转弯
Examples from the Corpus
3 look sharp HURRY British EnglishBrE old-fashioned used to tell someone to do something quickly 〔用于催促别人〕赶快,赶紧
Examples from the Corpus
4. APMplayed or sung at a slightly higher pitch than is correct 〔演奏或演唱得比正确的音调〕略为偏高地 flat
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Music
sharp3 noun [countableC]  
1. APMa musical note that has been raised one semitone above the note written 〔音符的〕升半音
2. APMthe sign (#) in a line of written music, used to show that a musical note should be raised 升半音号〔#,表示升半音〕
Sharpn trademark  
na brand (=type) of electronic products, that includes televisions, stereo systems, and DVD players, made by the Japanese company Sharp
From Longman Business Dictionary
sharpsharp /ʃɑːpʃɑːrp/ adjectiveadj
a sharp increase, fall etc is very sudden and very big
a sharp rise in interest rates
Unemployment generally brings a sharp fall in income.
The group reported a sharp decline in full-year profits.
sharply adverbadv
During that month, the share price fell sharply.
House prices have risen sharply over the past year.
Origin sharp1
Old English scearp


1having a fine edge or point鋒利;尖利VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, feel, look, seem鋒利;感覺鋒利;看上去銳利;似乎尖利stay保持鋒利keep sth使⋯保持鋒利ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/頗為/非常鋒利exceptionally, wickedly (especially NAmE) 特別/極其尖利a display of wickedly sharp teeth露出極為尖利的牙齒surprisingly出奇地清晰The picture is surprisingly sharp and clear.這張圖片格外清晰。PHRASESas sharp as a razor銳利如刀;極為鋒利


2very great or sudden強烈;突然VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe急劇;突然ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/頗為/非常突然a fairly sharp rise in the cost of living生活費用頗為突然的上漲particularly特別劇烈


3able to think quickly思維敏捷VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, seem敏銳;似乎敏銳stay保持敏銳ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/頗為/非常靈敏


4angry; severe生氣;嚴厲VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe, sound尖刻;聽起來嚴厲Her voice sounded rather sharp.她的語氣聽起來很嚴厲。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/頗為/非常嚴厲suddenly突然尖刻起來'Stick to the facts,' said Romanov, his voice suddenly sharp.“實話實說。”羅曼諾夫突然厲聲說道。PREPOSITIONwith責備⋯She was very sharp with me when I talked during her lecture.我在她的課堂上講話,她狠狠地訓了我一通。
sharp adj.
sharp1 (a sharp knife) sharp2 (a sharp tongue) bitter1 (a sharp taste) cunning (a sharp operator) high3 (a sharp voice/knock) marked (a sharp contrast) sudden (a sharp rise/increase)


a sharp knife 锋利的刀a sharp tongue 说话尖刻sharp ♦︎ jagged ♦︎ serratedThese words all describe sth that has a very fine edge or point that cuts well, or that can make holes. 这些词均表示锋利的、尖的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a sharp / jagged / serrated edgea sharp / serrated blade / knifea sharp / jagged rocksharp / jagged teeth sharp having a fine edge or point, especially of sth that can cut or make a hole in sth 锋利的;锐利的;尖的You'll need a really sharp knife for this job.要完成这项工作,你需要一把十分锋利的刀。Careful-the kittens have razor-sharp teeth.当心-小猫的牙齿十分锋利。OPP blunt A blunt knife or object does not have a sharp edge or point. * blunt指刀等器具不锋利的、钝的This pencil's blunt!这铅笔不尖了!The police said he had been hit with a blunt instrument.警方说他遭到了钝器击打。 jagged ˈdʒægɪd with rough, pointed, often sharp edges 有尖突的;锯齿状的It is a stark landscape of black, jagged peaks.那是一片由黑色嶙峋的山峰构成的荒凉景色。The floor was covered with jagged pieces of glass from smashed bottles.地板上到处都是摔碎的瓶子留下的玻璃碎片。Typical collocates of jagged are edge, glass, knife, mountain, peak, rocks and teeth. * jagged的常见搭配词有edge、glass、knife、mountain、peak、rock和teeth。 serrated səˈreɪtɪd having a series of sharp points on the edge like a saw (= a tool used for cutting wood or metal) 锯齿状的Use a knife with a serrated edge for cutting bread.切面包要用带锯齿刃的刀。sharp2


a sharp knife 锋利的刀a sharp tongue 说话尖刻 See also the entry for short 3 另见short条第3义sharp ♦︎ terse ♦︎ curt ♦︎ brusque ♦︎ clipped ♦︎ abruptThese words all describe speaking in an unfriendly way and/or using few words. 这些词均表示说话无礼的、简短生硬的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sharp / curt / brusque / abrupt with sba sharp / terse / curt / brusque / clipped voicea sharp / curt / brusque / clipped tonea sharp / terse / curt replya curt / a brusque / an abrupt mannerrather sharp / curt / brusque / abrupt sharp (usually disapproving) (of a person or what they say) critical or harsh (人或言语)尖锐的,严厉的sharp criticism尖锐的批评He was very sharp with me when I was late.我迟到了,他狠狠训了我一通。Emma has a sharp tongue (= she often speaks in a harsh or unkind way).埃玛说话很尖刻。 sharply


'Is there a problem?' he asked sharply.“有问题吗?”他厉声问道。
terse (sometimes disapproving) (of sb's speech or writing) using few words and often not seeming polite or friendly (说话或文章)简要的,简短生硬的The President issued a terse statement denying the charges.总统发表了一份简短声明,否认那些指控。 curt (usually disapproving) (of a person's manner, actions or writing) appearing rude because very few words are used, or because sth is done in a very quick way (人的举止、行动或文章)短促而失礼的,唐突无礼的She dismissed him with a curt nod of the head.她随便点了一下头就把他打发走了。She ignored the curt order.她对简单粗暴的命令不屑一顾。A curt note of rejection arrived from the company director.董事传来了一张便条,就这样随便拒绝了。 brusque bruːsk, brʊsk; NAmE brʌsk (usually disapproving) (of a person or what they say) using very few words and sounding rude (人或话语)短促而无礼的I'm sorry if I was a bit brusque with you.如果我曾经对你出言怠慢,请见谅。 clipped (sometimes disapproving) (of a person's voice or words) clear and fast but not very friendly (人的声音或话语)干脆而生硬his clipped, military tones他那短促的军人腔调 abrupt (sometimes disapproving) (of a person's manner or actions) appearing rude because very few words are used, or because sth is done in a very quick way (人的举止或行动)粗鲁的,莽撞的,生硬的,唐突的She was very abrupt with me in our meeting.我们会面时她跟我说话非常生硬。He indicated Isabel with an abrupt movement of his head.他晃了一下脑袋,头指向伊莎贝尔。NOTE 辨析 Terse, curt, brusque or abrupt? Terse describes the language sb/sth uses and can sometimes be approving. * terse描述某人所使用的语言简洁,有时可含褒义The manual was terse and practical.那说明书简短而实用。a terse and gripping thriller简短而又扣人心弦的惊险小说 Brusque describes people or their manner but always refers to them using few words. Curt and abrupt can also describe actions. * brusque描述人或其举止,但总是指说话短促。curt和abrupt也可描述行动a curt / abrupt nod / gesture唐突无礼的点头/手势 Terse and curt can be used for written words as well as speech. * terse和curt既可描述口头讲的话也可描述书面文字a terse / curt letter of dismissal一封简短冷硬的解聘信
Describing roads, paths and areas of land: arterial, fast, impassable...
Physically painful and describing pain: achy, acute, agonising...
General words used to describe emotions: acutely, affective, basic...
Describing or relating to breathing: breathless, bronchial, chesty...
Describing loud and noisy sounds: loud, noisy, shrill...
Clear to the senses: obvious, apparent, show up...
Feeling angry or annoyed: angry, annoyed, upset...
Unfriendly: unfriendly, cold, hostile...
Different and differently: conflicting, different, various...
Modern and fashionable and up-to-date: modern, contemporary, advanced...
Instructions and annotations in music: adagio, allegro, andante...
In or on time: punctual, promptly, sharp...

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