pyr·a·mid /ˈpɪrəmɪd/ ●○○ noun [countableC] 2 [usually singular]MANAGER a system, society, company etc that is organized in different levels, so that there is a small number of people at the top and a much larger number of people at the bottom 金字塔式组织[体系] different levels of the management pyramid 金字塔式管理体系中的不同层次
At the bottom of the pyramid are the poor. 位于社会金字塔最底层的是穷人。
3 GROUP OF THINGSa pile of objects that have been put into the shape of a pyramid 金字塔形的一堆东西pyramid of a pyramid of oranges 一堆摆成金字塔形的橙子
—pyramidal /pɪˈræmɪdl/ adjectiveadj