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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1256 COCA: 1892


Word family
sep·a·rate1 /ˈsepərət/ ●●● S2 W2 adjectiveadj [no comparative]  
1 DIFFERENTdifferent 不同的
 Use separate knives for raw and cooked meat.
 My wife and I have separate bank accounts.
2 not related to or not affected by something else 不相关的;不受影响的
 That’s a separate issue.
 He was attacked on two separate occasions.
separate from
 He tries to keep his professional life completely separate from his private life.
3 SEPARATEnot joined to or touching something else 独立的,分开的
 The gym and the sauna are in separate buildings.
separate from
 Keep the fish separate from the other food.
4 go your separate ways 
a) SEPARATEif people go their separate ways, they stop being friends or lovers 分道扬镳,断绝关系
b) TRAVELif people who have been travelling together go their separate ways, they start travelling in different directions 〔一起旅行的人〕分道而行,分手
Examples from the Corpus
separately adverbadv
 They did arrive together, but I think they left separately.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Family
sep·a·rate2 /ˈsepəreɪt/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  
1 be between之间 [transitiveT]SEPARATE if something separates two places or two things, it is between them so that they are not touching each other 隔开
separate something from something
 The lighthouse is separated from the land by a wide channel.
2 divide 分开 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SEPARATE to divide or split into different parts, or to make something do this (把)分成不同部分;(使)分离
 This will keep your dressing from separating.
separate from
 At this point, the satellite separates from its launcher.
separate something into something
 Separate the students into four groups.
 First, separate the eggs (=divide the white part from the yellow part).
3 stop living together 分居 [intransitiveI]SSFDIVORCE if two people who are married or have been living together separate, they start to live apart 〔夫妻〕分居;〔同居情侣〕分手
 Jill and John separated a year ago.
nseparate from
n I decided to separate from my partner.
nGRAMMAR: Reciprocal verbs
Separate is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people or things do something that involves both or all of them:
She and her husband separated.
You can also say:
She separated from her husband.
She and her husband separated from each other.
4 recognize difference 识别差异 [transitiveT]SEPARATE to recognize that one thing or idea is different from another 分清,把区分开来
5 move apart 分开 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SEPARATE if people separate, or if someone or something separates them, they move apart (使)分开,(使)隔开
6 make SB/STH different 使某人/某事物不同 [transitiveT]DIFFERENT to be the quality or fact that makes someone or something different from other people or things 使区别于,使与众不同
7 better/older 更好/年代更久 [transitiveT] if an amount separates two things, one thing is better or older than the other by that amount 〔数值〕区别,区分
8. separate the men from the boys informalDIFFERENT to show clearly which people are brave, strong, or skilled, and which are not 区分出强者与弱者;分出高下
9 separate the sheep from the goats British EnglishBrE (also separate the wheat from the chaff)DIFFERENT to find out which people are intelligent, skilful, successful etc, and which are not 区分好的和坏的;区别优劣
10separate somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
Examples from the Corpus
to make something separate 使某物分开
separate verb [transitiveT] to divide something into two or more parts or groups, or to divide one type of thing from another. You use separate especially when saying that the parts are different from each other 分成〔若干部分或若干类;尤指各部分之间存在差异〕
Motorola is planning to separate the company into two public companies.
The items are separated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
divide verb [transitiveT] to make something become two or more parts or groups 分成〔若干部分〕
The teacher divided us into groups.
The money was divided between them.
The house is divided into three apartments.
split verb [transitiveT] to separate something into two or more groups, parts etc – used especially when each part is equal in size 分成〔若干部分;尤指平分〕
The class was split into groups of six.
break something up phrasal verbphr v [transitiveT] to separate something into several smaller parts, especially to make it easier to deal with 〔尤为了便于处理〕把分解成若干较小部分
The phone company was broken up to encourage competition.
Police used tear gas to break up the crowd.
segregate verb [transitiveT] to separate one group of people from others because of race, sex, religion etc 〔因为种族、性别、宗教等原因〕隔离
Schools were racially segregated.
Some prisons segregate prisoners who are infected with HIV.
to become separate 分离
separate verb [intransitiveI] to divide into different parts, especially in a natural way 〔尤指自然地〕分离
A watery liquid separates from the milk during cheesemaking.
split verb [intransitiveI] to separate into two or more parts or groups – used especially when each part is equal in size 分裂,分开〔尤指各部分之间大小相同〕
What happens when an atom splits?
break up phrasal verbphr v [intransitiveI] to separate into several smaller parts 分解,碎裂
In spring, the icebergs begin to break up.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
separatesep·a·rate1 /ˈsepərət/ adjectiveadj
1things that are separate are not connected or related to each other in any way
The finance team left to start aseparate company.
Many advertisers are running ads for two or more separate products.
2under separate cover if something is sent under separate cover, it is sent through the post in a different envelope from other documents
The information you requested is being sent under separate cover.
separately adverbadv
Debt should be stated on the balance sheet separately from other liabilities.
separatesep·a·rate2 /ˈsepəreɪt/ verb [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
to divide something into two or more parts, or to cause something to be divided into two parts
The decision toseparate the business reflects the management’s current marketing strategy.
separate something from something
Rising competition separates the strong from the weak.
Origin separate2
(1400-1500) Latin past participle of separare, from se- apart + parare to prepare, get
BNC: 1256 COCA: 1892


1move/keep people/things apart分開ADVERB | VERB + SEPARATE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBcompletely完全分離carefully小心地分離clearly明確分離These two branches of the science have now become clearly separated.這門科學的兩大分支現在已經明確分開了。effectively事實上分離easily容易區分One cannot easily separate moral, social and political issues.道德、社會和政治問題不容易區分開。formally正式隔離legally合法隔離mechanically機械分割Mechanically separated meat made from cattle and sheep has now been banned.現在機械分割的牛羊肉已被禁止食用。geographically, physically, spatially地理上分隔;實體上分離;空間上分隔VERB + SEPARATEattempt to, try to試圖分離be difficult to, be hard to, be impossible to難以隔開;不可能分開It was impossible to separate the rival fans.要把這些敵對的球迷分開是不可能的。PREPOSITIONfrom與⋯分開The boys are separated from the girls.男孩和女孩是分開的。into分成⋯I separated the documents into two piles.我把文件分成兩摞。PHRASESsharply separated, totally separated, widely separated截然分開;完全隔離;涇渭分明The disciplines of science and engineering are not always sharply separated.理科和工科並不總是截然分開的。an island resort totally separated from the mainland一處遠離大陸的海島旅遊勝地The two groups became widely separated.這兩個團體變得涇渭分明起來。The two populations are widely separated geographically.這兩個群體地理位置相距很遠。


2stop living together分居ADVERB | VERB + SEPARATE | PREPOSITION ADVERBlegally合法分居recently最近分居He had recently separated from his wife.他不久前和妻子分居了。forcibly被迫分離Slave parents were forcibly separated from their children.身為奴隸的父母被迫與自己的孩子分離。VERB + SEPARATEdecide to決定分居PREPOSITIONfrom與⋯分居She is separated from her husband.她與丈夫分居了。


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe分開become分離開remain仍然分開keep sb/sth保持⋯分離The women are kept separate from the men.女人和男人被分離開來。consider sth認為⋯是分開的ADVERBsomewhat, very有點兒/非常不同I kept my two lives very separate.我把我的兩種生活分得很清楚。essentially, largely本質上/大體上分開The two groups are essentially separate and independent.這兩個團體本質上是各自獨立的。completely, entirely, quite, totally, wholly完全分開;徹底分離;完全不同The waste water is kept entirely separate from the rainwater.廢水與雨水保持完全分開。apparently表面上獨立previously以前獨立to merge the two previously separate businesses將兩個先前彼此獨立的企業合併geographically, physically地理上分隔;實體上分離PREPOSITIONfrom與⋯不同a lifestyle which is quite separate from that of her parents她迥異於父母的生活方式PHRASESgo your separate ways分道揚鑣They decided to go their separate ways after being together for five years.在一起 5 年之後,他們決定分手。
BNC: 1256 COCA: 1892
separate verb
separate1 (separate the white from the yolk) separate2 (separated by a wall) disperse (separate into search parties) divide2 (Politics is the only thing that separates us.) divorce (separate from your wife/husband)
separate adj.


separate the white from the yolk/belief from emotion 把蛋清和蛋黄/信仰和感情分开separated by a wall/a thousand miles 隔着一堵墙;相隔1 000英里separate ♦︎ divorce ♦︎ disentangle ♦︎ filter sth out ♦︎ sort sth outThese words all mean to divide two or more things which are mixed together into different parts or groups. 这些词均表示分开、区分。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to separate / divorce / disentangle / sort out sth from sth elseto separate / disentangle the strands of sthto separate sth completely / be completely divorced from sthto be totally / easily separated / divorced from sth separate ˈsepəreɪt [intransitive, transitive] to divide into different parts or groups; to divide things into different parts or groups 分开;分离;分割;划分Stir the sauce constantly so that it does not separate.不停地搅动调味汁,免得出现分层。First, separate the eggs (= separate the yolk from the white).首先,把蛋黄和蛋清分开。It is impossible to separate belief from emotion.信仰和感情是分不开的。Make a list of points and separate them into 'desirable' and 'essential'.把要点列出来,分成“可取的”和“绝对必要的”两类。 see also separation division 1 , separate disperse divorce [transitive, often passive] (formal) to separate sb/sth, especially an idea, subject or person, from sth else 使分离,使脱离(尤指想法、主题或人)They believed that art should be divorced from politics.他们认为艺术应该与政治分离。When he was depressed, he felt utterly divorced from reality.他沮丧时便感到完全脱离了现实。 disentangle ˌdɪsɪnˈtæŋgl [transitive] to separate different things, especially arguments or ideas, that have become confused 理顺,分清,清理出(尤指混淆的论点或想法)It's not easy to disentangle the truth from the official statistics.把真实情况从官方统计资料中整理出来可不是件容易事。It is important to disentangle all the factors that may be causing your stress.把可能给你带来压力的那些因素理清楚,这一点很重要。 ˌfilter sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to remove sth that you do not want from a liquid, gas, light or sound, sometimes by using a special device or substance (把不想要的东西)过滤掉Wear a mask to filter out the smoke in the air.戴上口罩以过滤掉空气中的烟雾。We learn to filter out background noise when we are listening to something in particular.我们倾听某种具体的声音时要学会排除周围的杂音。
ˌsort sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to separate sth from a larger group (从⋯中)区分出来,辨别出来Could you sort out the toys that can be thrown away?你把可以扔掉的玩具挑出来好吗?It was difficult to sort out the lies from the truth.谎言和真话难以辨别。


separate the white from the yolk/belief from emotion 把蛋清和蛋黄/信仰和感情分开separated by a wall/a thousand miles 隔着一堵墙;相隔1 000英里separate ♦︎ seal sth off ♦︎ divide ♦︎ partition ♦︎ cordon sth off ♦︎ mark sth off ♦︎ fence sth offThese words all mean to split an area into more than one section, especially in order to prevent people from entering one section. 这些词均表示分割、隔开、阻隔。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to seal / divide / partition / cordon / mark / fence sth offto separate / divide / partition sth into different areasto separate / divide / partition sth into different sections / areasto separate / seal off / divide / partition / cordon off / mark off / fence off an areato seal off / cordon off a street / road / city centreto divide / partition / fence off landto divide / partition a countrythe army / police seal / cordon sth offa wall separates / divides sth from sth elseto be clearly separated / divided separate ˈsepəreɪt [transitive] to be between two people, areas, countries or things, so that they are not touching or connected 隔开,阻隔(两个人、区域、国家或事物)A thousand kilometres separate the two cities.这两座城市相隔1 000公里。A high wall separated our block from the playing field.我们的大楼和运动场之间隔着一堵高墙。 see also separation division 1 ˌseal sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

(of the police or army) to prevent people from entering a particular area (警察或军队)封锁,封闭Police sealed off the building following a security alert.安全警报发出后,警察封锁了这座大楼。
divide [transitive] to be the real or imaginary line or barrier that separates two people or things 是⋯的分界线;分割;把⋯隔开A fence divides off the western side of the grounds.一道篱笆把庭院的西面隔开了。The city was divided into four sectors.这座城市被划分成四个区。 partition pɑːˈtɪʃn; NAmE pɑːrˈtɪʃn [transitive, often passive] to divide sth, especially a country or city, into two or more parts; to separate one part of a room or area from another with a wall or screen 分割,分裂(国家或城市);隔开(地方或房间)The country was partitioned a year after the elections.大选后的第二年这个国家就分裂了。The room is partitioned into three sections.这间屋子被分隔成三个小间。 see also partition division noun 1 , partition wall noun ˌcordon sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

(of the police or army) to prevent people from entering a particular area by surrounding it with police or other guards (警察或军队)包围,警戒,封锁Police cordoned off the area until the bomb was made safe.警方封锁了这个地区,直到炸弹被安全拆除为止。 see also cordon row noun
ˌmark sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

to separate sth by marking a line between it and sth else 画线分隔;划开The playing area was marked off with a white line.运动场地用白线划了出来。
ˌfence sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

[often passive] to separate one area from another with a fence (用栅栏、篱笆等)隔开One end of the yard had been fenced off for the chickens.院子的一头用栅栏隔开养鸡。 see also fence wall
BNC: 1256 COCA: 1892
Separate and not related: separate, unconnected, unrelated...
Different and differently: conflicting, different, various...
Divorce and separation: access, accrual, alimony...
To be different from something: vary, distinguish, contrast...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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