2.APone of a group of white singers and dancers who pretended to be black while performing in popular shows in the 1920s 〔20世纪20年代白人扮成黑人表演的〕黑脸歌舞团演员
Examples from the Corpus
minstrel• His minstrelsongs led many people to insist he must be a southerner.• Others showed beaming brides and grooms, looking, thanks to the copying process, like black-faced riverboat minstrels.• You recall what that minstrel told us some weeks back, Ralf?• One of the minstrelsstrummed his banjo.• The minstrel stopped singing abruptly, and went outside.• The minstrelsparaded out in the same boisterous way they had come in.• For ten minutes he becomes a wanderingminstrel, illuminated by the bass-player following him with a torch from the stage.
(1200-1300)Old Frenchmenestrel“servant, minstrel”, from Latinminister; → MINISTER1