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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 209 COCA: 251


Word family
head1 /hed/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 top of body 头部 [countableC]HBHBODY the top part of your body that has your face at the front and is supported by your neck 头,头部
 He kissed the top of her head.
 Alan fell asleep as soon as he put his head on the pillow.
 They dived head first into the water.
 She was dressed in black from head to toe (=over all her body).
 He still has a full head of hair (=has all his hair, even though he is getting rather old).
2 mind 头脑 [countableC]MIND your mind or mental ability 头脑,脑筋
 The problem only exists inside his head.
do something in your head (=calculate something mentally) 心算
 I can’t do those figures in my head.
 Use your head to work out the answer.
come into/pop into your head
 Jackie said the first thing that came into her head.
get something into your head (=understand something) 理解某事,明白某事
 ‘It’s over, Jake, ’ she said. ‘Try and get that into your head.’
take/get it into your head (to do something) (=decide to do something, especially something stupid) 突发奇想(要做某事);心血来潮(要做某事)
 At about two in the morning, Alan took it into his head to go for a swim.
get/put something out of your head (=stop thinking or worrying about something) 不再考虑某事;不再为某事担心
 Try to put it out of your head for the time being.
put something into somebody’s head (=make someone think or believe something) 使某人思考某事;使某人相信某事
 What’s put that idea into her head?
get your head round something British EnglishBrE (=be able to understand something) 想通某事,理解某事
 I just can’t get my head round what’s been going on here.
3 calm/sensible 冷静的/明智的
a) keep your head to remain calm and sensible in a difficult or frightening situation 保持冷静
 We need a candidate who can keep his or her head even when clients get aggressive.
keep a clear/cool/calm head
 Get to sleep early tonight – you’ll need to keep a clear head tomorrow at the trial.
b) lose your head to become unable to behave calmly or sensibly in a difficult or frightening situation 慌了神,失去冷静,惊慌失措
 You’ll be OK as long as you don’t lose your head and forget he’s the real enemy.
c) have your head screwed on (straight/right) informal to be sensible and able to deal with difficult situations 明智,理智,有头脑
 He wondered what Gemma thought about it all. She seemed to have her head screwed on.
4 person in charge 负责人 [countableC]
a) a leader or person in charge of a group or organization 首脑,首长,领袖,主管人
head of
 You should discuss the matter with your head of department.
 A meeting of Commonwealth heads of state will be held next month.
head waiter/chef/gardener etc (=the person in charge of a group of waiters etc) 服务员领班/首席厨师/花匠负责人等
b) (also head teacher) British EnglishBrE the person in charge of a school 校长 SYN American English principal
 From now on all violent incidents should be reported directly to the head.
crowned head, head boy, head girl, headmaster, headmistress
5 front/leading position 前端/领头位置 [singular] the front or the most important position 前端;最重要的位置
6 crazy 发疯的 [countableC usually singular] used in particular phrases to talk about someone being crazy or very stupid 脑子〔用于固定短语中,表示某人发疯或很傻〕
7 a head/per head for each person 每人,一个人
Examples from the Corpus
8. river/valley/ [countableC usually singular] the place where a river, valley etc begins 〔河的〕源头;〔谷的〕起点
9 come to a head  (also bring something to a head) if a problem or difficult situation comes to a head, or something brings it to a head, it suddenly becomes worse and has to be dealt with quickly (使)〔事情〕到达紧要关头;突然恶化
Examples from the Corpus
10 flower/plant 花卉/植物 [countableC] the top of a plant where its flowers or leaves grow 〔茎梗顶端的〕叶球,头状花序
11 height/distance 高度/距离 [singular] the length of a head, used to measure height or distance 一头〔用于量度〕
12 COIN 硬币heads the side of a coin that has a picture of a person’s head on it 正面,带人像的一面
Examples from the Corpus
13 laugh/shout/scream etc your head off  informal to laugh, shout etc very loudly 大笑/高喊/尖叫等
Examples from the Corpus
14. have a good/fine/thick etc head of hair to have a lot of hair on your head 长着一头浓密的头发
15 get/put your head down informal
Examples from the Corpus
16 keep your head down to try to avoid being noticed or getting involved in something 避免引人注意;避免麻烦
Examples from the Corpus
17. as soon as your head hits the pillow if you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, you fall asleep as soon as you lie down 头一碰到枕头〔就睡着〕
18 be out of/off your head informal
19 go to somebody’s head informalPROUD
Examples from the Corpus
20. tool 工具 [countableC usually singular] the wide end of a long narrow tool or piece of equipment 〔长而窄的工具或设备〕较宽大的一端
21 put your heads together DISCUSSto discuss a difficult problem together 一起想办法,共同商量
Examples from the Corpus
22 go over somebody’s head UNDERSTAND
Examples from the Corpus
23. can’t make head or/nor tail of something UNDERSTAND informal to be completely unable to understand something 完全弄不清某事物,完全不能理解某事物
24. have your head in the clouds SPEND TIMEto think about something in a way that is not practical or sensible, especially when you think things are much better than they really are 想入非非;耽于空想
25. have a (good) head for figures/facts/business etc GOOD ATto be naturally good at doing calculations, remembering facts etc 擅长计算/记忆/做生意等
26. head for heights BALANCEthe ability to look down from high places without feeling ill or nervous 无恐高症,不惧高
Examples from the Corpus
27 a big head informalPROUD the opinion that you are much better, more important, more skilful etc than you really are 自负,骄傲,自命不凡
Examples from the Corpus
28 keep your head above water SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto manage to continue to live on your income or keep your business working when this is difficult because of financial problems 〔靠自己的收入〕勉强度日;〔因财务问题〕勉强维持经营
Examples from the Corpus
29 be/stand head and shoulders above somebody BETTERto be much better than other people 远远胜过某人
Examples from the Corpus
30 hold up your head  (also hold your head high) to show pride or confidence, especially in a difficult situation 昂首挺胸;抬起头来
Examples from the Corpus
31 be (like) banging/bashing etc your head against a brick wall CONTINUE/NOT STOP spoken used to say that you are making no progress at all in what you are trying hard to do 枉费心机,白费气力
32. bang/knock somebody’s heads together spoken used to say that two people or groups should be forced to stop arguing and start to behave sensibly 强行制止某人争吵并使其恢复理智
Examples from the Corpus
33 bite/snap somebody’s head off to talk to someone very angrily with no good reason 〔毫无道理地〕呵斥某人
Examples from the Corpus
34 turn/stand something on its head OPPOSITE/FACEto make people think about something in the opposite way to the way it was originally intended 倒过来想某事物;使人完全改变思考某事物的思路
Examples from the Corpus
35. give somebody their head LET/ALLOWto give someone the freedom to do what they want to do 放任[听任]某人自由行动
36 be/fall head over heels in love LOT/VERY MUCHto love or suddenly start to love someone very much 深深地爱着/突然爱上 〔某人〕
Examples from the Corpus
37 heads will roll spokenPUNISH used to say that someone will be punished severely for something that has happened 有人将要受到严厉的惩罚
Examples from the Corpus
38. on your own head be it spokenBLAME used to tell someone that they will be blamed if the thing they are planning to do goes wrong 责任自负,一人做事一人当
39 do your head in British EnglishBrE spoken informalCONFUSED to make you feel confused and annoyed 使人烦恼,使人讨厌
Examples from the Corpus
40 be/get in over your head to be or get involved in something that is too difficult for you to deal with 卷入处理不了的事
Examples from the Corpus
41. be over your head in debt American EnglishAmEOWE to owe so much money that there is no possibility of paying it all back 负债累累
42 go head to head with somebody DEAL WITHto deal with or oppose someone in a very direct and determined way 与某人正面交锋,与某人硬碰硬
Examples from the Corpus
43. heads up! American EnglishAmE spokenWARN used to warn people that something is falling from above 当心上面!〔警告别人上面有东西掉下〕
44. beer 啤酒 [countableC]DFD the layer of small white bubbles on the top of a glass of beer 啤酒泡沫
45. electronics 电子产品 [countableC]TCR a piece of equipment that changes information on something magnetic, such as a recording tape or computer hard disk, into electrical messages that electronic equipment can use 磁头
46 head of cattle/sheep etc [plural] a particular number of cows, sheep etc /羊等的头数
Examples from the Corpus
47. head of water/steam TPpressure that is made when water or steam is kept in an enclosed space 水压/蒸汽压力
Examples from the Corpus
48. get/build up a head of steam to become very active after starting something slowly 逐渐变得活跃
49 land 土地SG [singular] British EnglishBrE a high area of land that sticks out into the sea – used in names 岬(角)〔用于地名〕
50. infection 感染 [countableC]MI the centre of a swollen spot on your skin 脓头
51. give (somebody) head informal to perform oral sex on someone (与某人)口交
Examples from the Corpus
bury your head in the sand at bury(8), → knock something on the head at knock1(16), → off the top of your head at top1(18), → somebody can do something standing on their head at stand1(40), → turn somebody’s head at turn1(17), → two heads are better than one at two(8)
turn your head 转头
John turned his head to look at the boy.
shake your head (=move it from side to side, especially to show disagreement) 摇头〔尤表示不赞同〕
‘It’s too much, ’ he said, shaking his head.
nod your head (=move it up and down, especially to show agreement) 点头〔尤表示赞同〕
The audience nodded their heads enthusiastically.
somebody’s head hurts/aches/throbs 某人头痛/某人的头抽痛
Her head was throbbing and she needed to lie down.
raise/lift your head (=look up) 抬起头
nTom raised his head to listen, then went back to his book.
bow/bend/lower your head (=look down) 低下头
nHe bowed his head and tried not not to look at her.
hang your head (=look down, especially because you are ashamed) 〔尤因羞愧而〕垂下头
nShe hung her head, not sure how to reply.
scratch your head (=especially because you do not understand something) 〔尤因不明白某事而〕挠头
nHe scratched his head and started looking through the drawers again.
ncock your head (=hold your head at an angle)
The big dog cocked his head to one side and raised his ears.
bare 赤裸的,裸露的
The sun beat down on her bare head.
bald 秃顶的;光头的
His bald head shone with sweat.
somebody’s blonde/dark/grey etc head (=with blonde etc hair) 某人长着金发/深色头发/灰白头发等的脑袋
I saw my son’s blond head sticking out from the car window.
head + NOUN
head injury 头部受伤
Wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injuries.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Football
head2 ●●● S2 W2 verb  
1 go towards行进 (also be headed) [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]GO to go or travel towards a particular place, especially in a deliberate way 〔朝〕前进,〔向〕去
2 FUTURE 未来be heading  (also be headed) [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] if you are heading for a particular situation, especially a bad one, it seems likely to happen 〔很可能〕遭受,碰到,面临
Examples from the Corpus
3 be in charge 负责 (also head up) [transitiveT]IN CHARGE OF to be in charge of a team, government, organization etc 主管,领导
4 at top 居于首位 [transitiveT]
5 at front 在前列 [transitiveT]FRONT to be at the front of a line of people 前列;带领
6. football 足球 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]DSF to hit the ball with your head, especially in football 用头顶(球)5 see picture at 见图 football
7head off phrasal verbphr v 
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
-head /hed/ suffix [in nouns] 
1 TOPthe top of something 顶端
2 BEGINNINGthe place where something begins 起源
From Longman Business Dictionary
headhead1 /hed/ noun [countableC]
1JOBthe leader or person in charge of a group, organization, or part of an organization
head of
The head of each division is responsible for its operating performance.
Stone was head of corporate finance at Coopers & Lybrand.
Work is divided into different areas and is supervised by section heads.
2JOB head receptionist/trader/cashier etc the most senior RECEPTIONIST etc
Any cash received must be double-checked by the head receptionist.
3COMMERCE have a (good) business head to be able to make sensible and PROFITABLE business decisions
4COMMERCE a head/per head for each person
A conference for 70 people will work out at around £30 a head per day.
Expenditure per head on training had been growing rapidly.
5head on if you deal with a problem head on, you deal with it in a very brave and direct way
The issue has to be tackled head on.
6COMMERCE head on if two companies compete head on, they each try to be successful selling the same product or service
Instead of trying to compete head on with stores like Our Price and HMV, he moved down-market, stocking cheaper CDs and tapes.
7have/be given a head start to have an advantage that helps you to be successful
have/be given a head start over
Banks will have a head start over their non-banking rivals in selling products in this new market.
8keep your head above water to only just manage to keep your company in business or live on the income you earn
These are savings that defence companies have to make to keep their heads above water.
9go over somebody’s head disapproving if you go over the head of your BOSS (=the person who you normally take orders from at work), you ask his or her boss something instead of asking him or her directly
My boss was angry because I went over his head to the department manager.
10heads will roll spoken used to say that someone will lose their job or be punished for a mistake they have made
headhead2 verb
1[transitiveT] (also head up) to be in charge of a group, an organization, or part of an organization
She heads a building company.
2be headed if a page is headed with a particular word or sentence, it has it at the top
The three columns are headed ‘budget’, ‘actual’ and ‘variance’.
3head north/south informalFINANCE if a share price, currency etc heads north, it rises in value. If it heads south, it falls in value
Right now, the rouble is heading south.
Origin head1
Old English heafod
TOEFL BNC: 209 COCA: 251


1part of the body身體部位ADJECTIVE | VERB + HEAD | HEAD + VERB | HEAD + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbare光頭bald禿頭shaved剃光的頭blonde, dark, fair, grey/gray, greying/graying長着金髮的頭;長着深色頭髮的頭;長着淺色頭髮的頭;長着灰白頭髮的頭;白髮漸多的頭bent, bowed低下的頭She sat with bowed head.她低頭坐着。throbbing頭一抽一抽地作痛severed割下的頭顱The city gates were adorned with severed heads.幾座城門上都掛着割下的頭顱。crowned (figurative) 君主The message was sent to all the crowned heads (= kings and queens) of Europe.已向歐洲各君主發送了通知。VERB + HEADpoke, pop, put, stick探頭;伸頭He put his head around the door.他從門後探出頭來。bob, cock, crane, incline, jerk, tilt, turn頻頻點頭;抬頭;伸長脖子;點頭;猛然扭頭;側頭;轉頭She jerked her head in the direction of the door.她朝門口猛一扭頭。lift, raise抬頭bend, bow, drop, duck, hang, lower低頭He hung his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了頭。swing, throw back, toss來回搖頭;頭後仰;甩頭He threw his head back and laughed out loud.他仰頭大笑。nod, shake點頭;搖頭They nodded their heads in agreement.他們點頭同意。She shook her head in disbelief.她懷疑地搖搖頭。scratch撓頭;苦苦琢磨He scratched his head, not understanding a word.他撓了撓頭,一個字也聽不懂。Detectives have been left scratching their heads over the stolen painting. (figurative) 畫作被盜令警探們百思不得其解。bang, hit用頭撞;打中頭部pat, rub輕拍/按摩頭部clutch, hold抱緊頭;抱頭He lay writhing on the ground, clutching his head in pain.他痛得兩手抱頭在地上打滾。bury埋頭She buried her head in the pillow.她用枕頭捂住腦袋。cover遮住頭部lay, lean, rest頭部擱在/倚在/靠在⋯上She rested her head on his shoulder.她把頭靠在他肩膀上。shave剃頭He shaved his head and became a monk.他剃度出家了。HEAD + VERBache, pound, throb頭痛;頭砰砰地疼;頭抽痛bob, jerk, nod, tilt, turn點頭;猛然扭頭;側頭;轉頭Her head tilted to one side as she considered the question.她歪着頭思考着問題。droop, drop, fall, hang down, hang low頭低下His head drooped and tears fell into his lap.他耷拉着腦袋,眼淚滴落到了大腿上。rest頭靠在⋯上hit sth頭碰在⋯上I'm normally asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.通常我頭一碰到枕頭就能睡着。HEAD + NOUNinjury頭部受傷cold頭傷風PREPOSITIONabove your head在頭頂上The thunder burst with a grand crash above our heads.一聲驚雷在我們頭頂上方轟然炸響。over your head頭頂上方The soldiers were ordered to fire over the heads of the crowd.士兵們奉命朝人群的上方開槍。PHRASESfrom head to foot, from head to toe從頭到腳We were covered from head to foot in mud.我們從頭到腳都沾滿了爛泥。a fine, full, good, thick, etc. head of hair (= a lot of hair) 一頭秀髮、滿頭蓬髮等a woman with a beautiful head of chestnut hair長着一頭漂亮的栗色頭髮的女人have, hold, put, etc. your head in your hands雙手抱頭He put his head in his hands, exasperated.他惱怒地用雙手抱着頭。head first頭朝下;未經深思He dived head first into the water.他一頭扎進水裏。She got divorced and rushed head first into another marriage. (figurative) 她離婚後不久又匆忙再婚了。a nod of the head點頭The ambassador dismissed him with a curt nod of the head.大使敷衍地點了一下頭,示意他離開。a shake of the head搖頭She declined with a brief shake of the head.她輕輕搖頭,表示謝絕。


2mind頭腦ADJECTIVE | VERB + HEAD | HEAD + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclear, cool, level清醒的頭腦;冷靜的頭腦She needed to keep a clear head if she was to remain in control.她要想繼續控制局勢就必須保持清醒的頭腦。good才智I have a good head for figures.我很有數學頭腦。VERB + HEADuse動腦筋I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying something).我希望你能動動腦子。enter想起It never entered my head that he might be lying.我從未想過他會是在撒謊。pop into突然想起It was the first name that popped into my head.那是我腦海中浮現的第一個名字。get it into理解;認為When will you get it into your head (= understand) that I don't want to discuss this any more!你什麼時候才能明白我再也不想討論這個問題了!For some reason she got it into her head (= started to believe) that the others don't like her.由於某種原因,她覺得別人都不喜歡她。put sth into把⋯塞進腦袋Who's been putting such weird ideas into your head?是誰向你灌輸這些怪念頭的?get sth out of, put sth out of忘掉⋯I can't get that tune out of my head.我無法忘掉那首曲子。Try to put the exams out of your head for tonight.今晚盡量別去想考試的事。bother操心Don't bother your pretty little head with things like that!別讓你那可愛的小腦袋為那樣的事費神了!clear清醒一下頭腦I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.我決定去走走,清醒一下頭腦。HEAD + VERBspin頭眩暈He could feel his head spinning after only one drink.他只喝了一杯就覺得天旋地轉了。PREPOSITIONin your head憑腦力I can't work it out in my head-I need a calculator.我心算算不出來,需要使用計算器。inside your head在腦海裏It was an accident, said a voice inside his head.一個聲音在他腦海裏說,那是一場意外。PHRASEScan't get your head round sth (= can't understand sth) (BrE, informal) 無法理解⋯She's dead. I can't get my head round it yet.她死了,可我還是不能接受這一事實。need your head examined頭腦不正常He looked at me as if I needed my head examined (= as if I were crazy).他看着我,好像我腦子出了毛病似的。your thick head (used to show that you are annoyed that sb does not understand sth用於表示因某人不理解某事而厭煩) (informal) 你這個木頭腦瓜When will you get it into your thick head that I don't want to see you again!你那木頭腦瓜什麼時候才會明白我不想再見到你呢?


3heads side of a coin錢幣正面VERB + HEADS | PHRASES VERB + HEADScall要正面I called heads and it came down tails.我要了正面,可落下來卻是反面朝上。come down, come up (especially NAmE) 結果是正面PHRASESheads or tails?要正面還是反面?


4of a group, organization, school, etc.團體;組織;學校ADJECTIVE | HEAD + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEassistant, deputy主管助理;副校長department, departmental部門領導nominal, titular有名無實的領導;名義上的領導He is only the nominal head of the company.他只不過是公司的掛名領導罷了。The Queen is titular head of the Church of England.英國女王是英國國教名義上的領袖。former以前的領導HEAD + NOUNcoach, gardener, teacher, waiter主教練;首席園藝師;校長;侍者領班boy, girl (= in a school) (both BrE) 男班長;女班長PHRASESa head of department部門主管the head of the family, the head of the household一家之主;戶主a head of government, a head of state政府首腦;國家元首a summit meeting of heads of state國家元首峰會the head of the group小組組長;集團首領 note at job


1go行進ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBnorth, northwards, etc.朝北走等We headed west for two days.我們向西走了兩天。down, off, out, up, etc.前往、離開、向⋯行進等back往回走Let's head back home.我們回家吧。home回家PREPOSITIONback to回到We headed straight back to school.我們直接返回了學校。for朝⋯走去He turned and headed for the door.他轉身朝門口走去。towards/toward前往⋯She stood up and headed towards / toward the exit.她起身朝出口走去。


2 ( head up) be in charge of sth主管VERB + HEADappoint sb to指定某人領導She has been appointed to head up the research team.她奉命領導研究小組。
TOEFL BNC: 209 COCA: 251
head noun
leader1 (the head of department/state) mind (use your head) professor (the school's head) turning point (come to a head)
head verb
go1 (head for home) lead2 (head a team)
TOEFL BNC: 209 COCA: 251

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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