ldoce_904_etrack1 /træk/ ●●● S2 W2 noun 1 path/road 小径/道路 [countableC]SGROAD/PATH a narrow path or road with a rough uneven surface, especially one made by people or animals frequently moving through the same place 〔路面起伏不平的,尤指踩踏出来的〕小道,小路,小径 The road leading to the farm was little more than a dirt track. 只有一条烂泥小路通往农场。
The track led through dense forest. 小径穿过茂密的森林。
a steep mountain track 陡峭的山路
→4 See picture on 见图 Page A4 Country 乡间 2 MARKS ON GROUND 地上的痕迹tracks [plural]MARK a line of marks left on the ground by a moving person, animal, or vehicle 〔人、兽等的〕足迹,痕迹;〔车辆的〕车辙 We followed the tyre tracks across a muddy field. 我们顺着车辙穿过一块泥泞的田地。
The tracks, which looked like a fox’s, led into the woods. 这些足迹看着像是狐狸留下的,一直通向树林里。
3 for racing 用于比赛 [countableC]DS a circular course around which runners, cars etc race, which often has a specially prepared surface 跑道 To run a mile, you have to run four circuits of the track. 跑一英里要绕跑道四圈。
→ dirt track(2) 4
train 火车 a) TTT[countableC, uncountableU] the two metal lines along which trains travel 〔铁路的〕轨道,铁轨 SYN railway line The track was damaged in several places. 铁轨有几处毁损。
n That particular section of track was laid last year.
b) [countableC] American EnglishAmE the particular track that a train leaves from or arrives at 〔火车站的〕站台 The train for Boston is leaving from track 2. 开往波士顿的列车即将从2号站台发车。
5 be on the right/wrong track CORRECTWRONG/INCORRECTto think in a way that is likely to lead to a correct or incorrect result 思路正确/错误 We’ve had the initial test results and it looks as though we’re on the right track. 我们有了初步的试验结果,看起来我们的思路是正确的。
be on the right/wrong track• Dole was on the right track when he talked about tolerance, but he mysteriously dropped it once he got the nomination.• I knew I was on the right track when I felt that thrill of pleasure at placing object, not painting it.• And other signs helped convince me that I was on the right track.• He hoped the man was on the right track and did his best to believe that he was.• The officers consequently had little idea whether they were on the right track or not.• A few people, though, were on the right track.• You are on the right track so follow your nose. 6 keep/lose track of somebody/something KNOW somethingto pay attention to someone or something, so that you know where they are or what is happening to them, or to fail to do this 了解/不了解某人的情况/某事的动态 It’s difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in genetics. 很难做到随时了解遗传学的全部最新发现。
I just lost all track of time. 我根本不知道时间。
7 music/song 音乐/歌曲 [countableC]APM one of the songs or pieces of music on an album (=collection of songs or pieces of music) 〔唱片、录音带或激光唱片上的〕歌曲;曲子 There’s a great Miles Davis track on side two. 在第二面有迈尔斯•戴维斯的一首名曲。
► see thesaurus at music 8. stop/halt (dead) in your tracks STOP MOVINGto suddenly stop, especially because something has frightened or surprised you 〔尤指因惊吓而〕突然停下stop/halt (dead) in your tracks• It had been stopped in its tracks by the Railway Inspectorate and a public outcry.• The people had stopped in their tracks, women were making their children stand behind them.• I stopped dead in my tracks, unsure of what to do next.• People stop in their tracks and stare.• Petey stopped dead in his tracks at the question.• Blue speaks her name, in a voice that seems strange to him, and she stops dead in her tracks.• A dreadful thought struck Jean, and she stopped in her tracks, right in the middle of the pavement.• An hour later they were halted in their tracks by a cataract not marked on the map. 9 cover your tracks HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEEto be careful not to leave any signs that could let people know where you have been or what you have done because you want to keep it a secret, usually because it is illegal 掩盖[隐匿]自己的行踪,隐匿自己的活动 He tried to cover his tracks by burning all the documents. 他烧毁了所有的文件,试图掩盖自己的所作所为。
cover your tracks• Instead of sharpening up their act, they sharpen up their prices and cover their tracks.• They moved constantly and furtively, covering their tracks and contacting nobody.• From this time it is hard to follow Tyndale's movements, for he covered his tracks to avoid possible arrest.• He knows the hunt is in full cry, so he covers his tracks.• It burst through the earth at the top and we had to cover its tracks.• But Giap taught them to move during rainstorms to deter pursuit, or wade through streams to cover their tracks.• A man does not spend his time hiding from the world without making sure to cover his tracks.• Have you left a clue or have you covered your tracks?
10 sport 体育运动 [uncountableU] American EnglishAmE a) DSOsport that involves running on a track 径赛运动 The next year he didn’t run track or play football. 第二年他没有参加径赛运动,也没有踢美式足球。
11 be on track spokenPROBABLY to be likely to achieve the result you want 有可能获得〔想要的结果〕 We’re still on track for 10% growth. 我们仍然有可能达到10%的增长率。
12 get off the track spokenCHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER to begin to deal with a new subject rather than the main one which was being discussed 偏离正题,离题 Don’t get off the track, we’re looking at this year’s figures not last year’s. 别离题,我们是在说今年的数字,而不是去年的。
get off the track• I almost wet in my pants before I got off the track to relieve myself.• After debating, I decided that I should not get off the track. 13 be on the track of somebody/something LOOK FORto hunt or search for someone or something 追踪[追寻]某人/某物 Police are on the track of the bank robbers. 警方正在追踪银行劫匪。
be on the track of somebody/something• Police are on the track of a gang that has robbed five mini-marts in the last month.• Were they really placed as milestones or could we be on the track of the elusive mark stones of great antiquity? 14 make tracks spokenLEAVE A PLACE used to say you must leave a place 离去 It’s time we started making tracks. 我们该走了。
15 direction 方向 [countableC]LINE the direction or line taken by something as it moves 〔物体移动的〕方向,路径,所经路线track of islands that lie in the track of North Atlantic storms 位于北大西洋风暴路径上的岛屿
→ off the beaten track at beaten(1), → one-track mind, → be from the wrong side of the tracks at wrong1(18)