cross1 /krɒs $ krɒːs/ ●●● S2 W2 verb
1 go from one side to another 从一边到另一边 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]CROSS to go or stretch from one side of something such as a road, river, room etc to the other 横跨,横渡,横穿cross to He crossed to the window. 他穿过去走到窗边。
cross (over) the road/street/river etc It’s easy to have an accident just crossing the road. 单是过马路也容易发生意外事故。
He was hit by a car when he tried to cross over the road near Euston station. 他在尤斯顿车站附近过马路时被一辆汽车撞倒了。
cross the Atlantic/the Channel etc the first steamship to cross the Atlantic 横渡大西洋的第一艘汽船
An old bridge crosses the river. 一座老桥横跨河上。
cross over She crossed over to sit beside Dot. 她走过去坐到多特身边。
► see thesaurus at travel2 cross a line etc 穿过界线等 [transitiveT]CROSS if you cross a line, track etc, you go over and beyond it 穿过,越过,跑过〔终点线等〕 He raised his arms in triumph as he crossed the line for his 100-metres win. 他以胜利的姿态高举双手跑过终点线,赢得了这场百米赛。
3 two roads/lines etc 两条路/线等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]CROSS if two or more roads, lines, etc cross, or if one crosses another, they go across each other 交叉,相交 The by-pass crosses Wilton Lane shortly after a roundabout. 这条旁道绕过环岛后不久就和威尔顿巷相交。
4 legs/arms/ankles 腿/手臂/踝 [transitiveT]HBH if you cross your legs, arms, or ankles, you put one on top of the other 交叉,叠放 She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed. 她盘腿坐在地上。
5 cross somebody’s mind [usually in negatives]THINK something/HAVE A THOUGHT if you say that an idea, thought etc never crossed your mind, you mean that you did not think of it 〔想法、思想等〕从某人脑中掠过,在某人脑际一闪而过 SYN occur to somebody It didn’t cross her mind that she might be doing something illegal. 她没有想到自己在做的可能是犯法的事。
the thought has (never) crossed my mind (=used to tell someone you have thought of the thing they are suggesting, or have never thought of it) 我(从未)有过这个念头
cross somebody’s mind• It crossed my mind that I was the only female coach on the committee, but that made me more determined than ever.• Several times it had crossed his mind to check on the car, but he never actually did it.• "It never crossed my mind to give up, " he said. "It became an obsession."• "Why didn't you call me?" "The thought did cross my mind while I was shopping this afternoon, but then I forgot all about it. 6 cross somebody’s face writtenEXPRESSION ON somebody'S FACE if an expression crosses someone’s face, it appears on their face 某人脸上掠过〔某种表情〕 A look of surprise crossed her face. 她脸上掠过吃惊的神情。
cross somebody’s face• A look of horror crossed Ken's face. 7 cross your fingers used to say that you hope something will happen in the way you want 希望如愿,但愿,祈求 She hung the washing out, then crossed her fingers for a dry day. 她把洗好的衣物挂了出去,心里祈求天别下雨。
The exam’s at two. Will you keep your fingers crossed for me? 两点钟考试,你为我祈祷好吗?
cross your fingers• Always ready to knock on wood, throw salt over my shoulder, bite my tongue, cross my fingers.• Careta held up a hand and crossed his fingers.• Jessica skipped and prayed and crossed her fingers.• As the others crossed their fingers and held their breath, he gently eased away the back plate.• At this point, they can only stand back, cross their fingers and hope for fireworks.• People vote, cross their fingers, and hope for the best.• This will pass, I told myself, crossing my fingers; everything passes.• A memo said that doctors were told "with crossed fingers" that the company was doing safety studies.• Scientists and engineers have buttoned their lip, and crossed their fingers that the reckoning wouldn't come in their own day. 8 breed of plant/animal 种植植物/繁殖动物 [transitiveT]HBMIX to mix two or more different breeds of animal or plant to form a new breed 使〔动物或植物〕杂交 → crossbreed a flower produced by crossing several different varieties 由几个不同品种杂交而成的一种花卉
cross something with something These cattle were crossed with a breed from the highlands. 这些牛和来自苏格兰高地的一种牛进行了杂交。
9 somebody’s paths cross (also cross paths)MEET if two people’s paths cross, or if they cross paths, they meet, usually without expecting it 两人不期而遇,两人偶然相遇 If our paths crossed I usually ignored her. 如果我和她在路上偶遇,我一般都不理睬她。
We didn’t cross paths again until 2001. 我们直到2001年才重逢。
somebody’s paths cross• Our paths did not cross again until 1941.
10. cross that bridge when you come to it WORRIEDused to say that you will not think or worry about something until it actually happens 船到桥头自然直,问题发生了再想办法解决cross that bridge when you come to it• "What if they refuse?" "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." 11. cross my heart (and hope to die) TRUEPROMISE spoken informal used to say that you promise that you will do something, or that what you are saying is true 我保证;我发誓(否则就不得好死)cross my heart (and hope to die)• I didn't take it, cross my heart!
12 make SB angry 使某人生气 [transitiveT]ANNOY to make someone angry by opposing their plans or orders 惹…生气;和…作对 He hated anyone who crossed him. 谁要是和他作对,他就恨谁。
13. sport 体育 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DS to kick, throw, or hit the ball across the playing area in a sport such as football, hockey etc 〔在足球、曲棍球等运动中〕横传〔球〕 14. cheque 支票 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrEBFB to draw two lines across a cheque to show that it must be paid into the bank account of the person whose name is on it 〔在支票上〕画两条平行线〔表示该支票必须转入受款人的银行账户〕 15. letters 信 [intransitiveI] if two letters about the same subject cross in the post, each was sent before the other was received 〔两封来往信件〕相互错过,相互交错 16 cross swords (with somebody) ARGUEto argue with someone 与(某人)争论[辩论],与(某人)交锋 I’ve crossed swords with him on a number of issues. 我在一些问题上和他有过争论。
17. cross yourself RRCto move your hand across your upper body in the shape of a cross as a sign of the Christian faith 用手在胸前画十字〔为基督教信仰的象征〕cross yourself• He glared, and crossed himself.• Remembering, the rector crossed himself.• Then take out thin, twiggy wood and branches that cross each other - you're aiming for a goblet shape.• The novelist and his wife cross themselves again and turn back into the night.• The soldier leaped away, crossing himself and gibbering; some ancient prayer, perhaps, or a magic sign.• Father Tim crossed himself, joyfully Harry Nelson, however, was devastated.• He crossed himself, sat in the bow and ordered the men to row in.• Greatly relieved, he muttered under his breath and crossed himself several times. 18. cross somebody’s palm with silver especially British EnglishBrEGIVE to give money to someone when you want them to tell your fortune 付钱请某人算命 19 cross something ↔ off (also cross something off something) phrasal verbphr v DEAL WITHto draw a line through one or more things on a list because you have dealt with them or they are not needed anymore 划掉,删去〔已经处理或无用的列表项目〕 Whenever I buy something, I cross it off the list. 每当我买到一样东西,就把它从清单上划掉。
20 cross something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v WRONG/INCORRECTto draw a line or lines through something you have written or drawn, usually because it is wrong 划掉,删去〔通常为错误的内容〕 I crossed out ‘Miss’ and wrote ‘Ms’. 我把“小姐”划掉,改成“女士”。
21 cross over phrasal verbphr v b) MXDIE British EnglishBrE old use to die 死,死去 → dot the i’s and cross the t’s at dot2(4), → cross the Rubicon at Rubicon