dollardol·lar /ˈdɒləˈdɑːlər/ written abbreviation dol. noun [countableC]1FINANCEthe name of the currency unit used in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, and some other countries. The symbol for the dollar is $Chewing gum importers face a fine of as much as 10,000 Singapore dollars (US$6,171).
2a piece of paper money of this valueHe gave the guy a dollar.
dollar bills
3the dollarFINANCE the value of US money in relation to the money of other countriesThe yen rose again against the dollar.
4the almighty dollar the idea that money is more important than any other thing, often used to criticize activities done only for profitresponsible executives who put public interest before the almighty dollar
→ see also half-dollar