Word familyverbupbearupbindupblowupbraidupbrastupbrayupbroughtupbuildupcatchupcheerupchuckupcoilupdateupfollowupgatherupgrowuphaudupheaveuphoardupholdupjetupknituplayupleadupleanupliftuploaduplockuplookupraiseuprateuprearuprolluprootuproseuprystupsellupsetupshootupskillupspeakupspearupspringupstandupstareupstayupsurgeupswayuptearupthrowupthrustupthunderuptieuptrainupvalueupwindupwroughtupboilupclimbupcloseupcurlupdragupdrawupfillupfurlupgazeupgouphangupheapuphoistuphurlupleapuprouseuprunupsendupswelluptiltupwaftupwellupwhirladjectiveupblownupburningupburstingupcoastupcomingupgradableupgrownupgushinguphanduphilluplighteduplockeduplyingupmarketuppiledupraisedupreareduprightupriverupscaleupsettingupstandingupstaringupstateupsweptup-tempouptightuptornuptrilledupturnedupcurvedupdrawnupflashingupflungupgoinguptiltednounupbreakupbringingupbuildingupbuoyanceupburstupcastupcomeup-countryupdoupflowupgangupgradabilityupgradationupgradeupgrowingupgrowthupgushupheavalupholderupholdingupkeepuplifterupliftinguplighteruplinkuplinkingupmakeupmakerupmakingupmanshipuprestuprightnessuprisalupriseuprisingupristuproaruprootaluprooteruprootinguprushupsetterupshotupsittingupstartupstrokeupsurgenceupswinguptakeuptalkuptickuptimeuptowneruptrendupturnupturningupvaluationupwellingupwrapupfillingupgraderupheapingupsweepadverbupbyupfielduphillwardupliftinglyuprighteouslyuprightlyupstageupstairsupstreamuptown
the upshot (of something)the final result of a situation(某事的)结果[结局]
The upshot was that after much argument they all agreed to help her.
Examples from the Corpus
the upshot (of something)• The upshot of the new system was more delay and expense for travelers.• Donald thinks otherwise - and the upshot may be that he will sue.• Anyway, the upshot is an awkwarddinner party seasoned with deception and mistakenidentity.• Anyway, the upshot of it all was that they were not actually spoilt for choice as to locations.• At all events, the upshot is clear.• In the upshot, £418 million were allocated against the authorities' claim of £480 million, a reduction of 15 percent.• This is the upshot of a more general principle of general equilibriumtheory known as Walras's Law.• Whichever road you take, the upshot is that you can shelter up to £16,000 from tax in this financial year.• Me, wondering what the upshot of all this will be.
Examples from the Corpus
upshot• Donald thinks otherwise - and the upshot may be that he will sue.• At all events, the upshot is clear.• What was the upshot of the trial?• The upshot of that experience was that I decided I didn't want to studymedicine after all.• The upshot is that small areas of the boundarylayer are turbulent.• The upshot of the interview is that Jimmy be referred for a psychiatricevaluation in order to assess the need for medication.• The upshot of the litigation was that the non-litigation costs, together with the litigation costs, were taxed by the taxing master.• The upshot was she got herself a room in a house full of artists round the corner.
(1600-1700)upshot“final shot in an archery competition”((16-17 centuries))