tiny• Inflation increased a tiny 0.2% in November.• The proportion of babies that suffer from the disease is tiny.• Have you seen Vic's apartment? It's tiny.• I've made one or two tinyalterations, but otherwise the house is the same as when I bought it.• A tiny amount laced in a letter can be lethal.• You only need to use a tiny amount of salt.• They look so funny together. She's really tiny and her husband's about six foot five.• She's tiny, but she belts out these old blues songs like you wouldn't believe.• There's been a tinydecrease in the number of people out of work.• Luke put out his hand and touched the tinyfingers of his baby daughter.• Only a tinyfraction of our profit comes from book sales.• These tinyhavens are where the wildlife you see in your neighborhood retreat.• She looked again at the tinyhut.• She was holding a tiny little baby in her arms.• The box was full of tiny little blue and white beads.• Millions of people buy lotterytickets, but only a tinymajority ever win anything.• A tiny old ladyanswered the door.• She gripped hard with her knees and tried to roll with the tinyplodding hooves.• He noticed that when she saw him, a tinysparkle came into her eyes and her lipstrembled a little.• The smallest goat went over the bridge first, and his hooves made a tiny trip-trap sound.• a tinyvillage in the mountains• Rory sucked at the tinywound and spat, trying to remove any dirt.
tiny little• Sure the mechanics are similar, but those tiny littleextrasmount up to a whole lot more than their actualsum.• There were some fish-hooks attached to the cord higher up, tiny little fish-hooks.• I know you are only a tiny littlegirl, but there is some kind of magic in you somewhere.• He had terrifiedtiny littlehopeless eyes.• She came closer, with tiny littlejumps, until they were hugging close.• This is a tiny little one-bedroom apartment, Bernie.• She was so beautiful that I just melted and we went to this tiny little room, where she washed me.• She was a tiny little thing but very strong and very well qualified.