cry1 /kraɪ/ ●●● S2 W2 verb (cried, crying)1 produce tears 流淚 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HBH to produce tears from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt 哭,哭泣Don’t cry, Laura. It’ll be OK. 不要哭,勞拉,沒事的。
Upstairs, a baby began to cry. 樓上有個嬰兒開始哭起來。
Jamie looked like he’d been crying. 傑米看上去好像哭過了。
I just couldn’t stop crying. 我就是哭個不停。
That film always makes me cry. 那部影片總是讓我落淚。
cry over/aboutI am too old to be crying over some young guy. 我已過了會爲一個小夥子傷心哭泣的年紀了。
cry with/inShe felt like crying with frustration. 她沮喪得直想哭。
cry forShe could hear him crying for his mother. 她聽到他在哭着要媽媽。
cry your eyes/heart out (=be extremely sad and cry a lot) 眼睛都哭紅了/哭得傷心欲絕
Oliver, alone, began to cry bitterly (=cry a lot). 奧利弗獨自一人,開始傷心地哭了。
cry yourself to sleep (=cry until you fall asleep) 哭到睡着
2 say loudly 大聲說 [transitiveT] writtenSHOUT to shout or say something loudly 喊叫 SYN cry out‘Stop!’ she cried. “停下!”她喊道。
It was painful, and made me cry aloud. 這很痛,痛得我大叫起來。
cry to‘Goodbye then!’ he cried to her. “那麽再見了!”他向她喊道。
cry forI could hear voices crying for help. 我聽到求救的呼喊聲。
3 cry over spilt milk REGRET/FEEL SORRYto waste time feeling sorry about an earlier mistake or problem that cannot be changed 作無益的悔恨It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 木已成舟,哭也無用。
cry over spilt milk• It is now too late to cry over spilt milk.• It was disappointing, to say the least, but there's no point crying over spilt milk.• Nora Simpson didn't believe in crying over spilt milk. 4 for crying out loud spokenANNOY used when you feel annoyed or impatient with someone 豈有此理;天哪〔用於感到厭煩或不耐煩時〕For crying out loud, stop nagging! 夠了,别再嘀咕個沒完!
for crying out loud• It's right in front of you, for crying out loud.• A Ford sedan, the very symbol of middle-class moderation, offers electrically heated outside mirrors, for crying out loud.• Julian Tavarez is a middle reliever, for crying out loud.• The long lie is over Shake yourself for crying out loud.• When I were a lad, we used that sort of grunt in our toasters, for crying out loud.• Forget it, Rory, for crying out loud forget it. 5 cry foul to protest because you think something is wrong or not fair 抱怨,埋怨When the ads appeared, it was the Democrats’ turn to cry foul. 廣告刊登以後,就輪到民主黨抗議了。
6 animals/birds 動物/鳥類 [intransitiveI]HBLOW SOUND OR VOICE if animals or birds cry, they make a loud sound 〔動物〕大聲叫;〔鳥〕鳴叫I could hear gulls crying and the soft whisper of the sea. 我聽到海鷗在鳴叫,大海在低語。
7. cry wolf LIE/TELL A LIEto ask for help when you do not need it, so that people do not believe you when you really need help 喊狼來了;謊報險情,發假警報 8. cry into your beer informalSAD/UNHAPPY to feel too much pity for yourself, especially because you think you have been treated unfairly 〔尤因受不公正待遇而〕感到十分委屈 9 cry off phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE CHANGE YOUR MINDto say that you cannot do something that you have already promised to do 取消承諾,變卦 → cancelLeah and I were going to go to Morocco together, but at the last moment she cried off. 利娅和我原打算一起去摩洛哥,但到最後一刻她變卦了。
10 cry out phrasal verbphr v a) SHOUTto make a loud sound of fear, shock, pain etc 〔由於害怕 震驚、疼痛等而〕大聲喊叫 in/withEven the smallest movement made him cry out in pain. 哪怕是輕輕一動都會痛得他大叫起來。
John tightened his grip until she cried out. 約翰抓得緊緊的,直到她痛得大聲喊叫。
b)SAY LOUDLY 大聲說 SHOUTto shout or say something loudly 大聲呼喊;大聲說‘Why are you doing this?’ she cried out suddenly. “你爲什麽要這麽做?”她突然大叫道。
forI felt too terrified to even cry out for help. 我害怕得連呼救都喊不出來。
c) be crying out for something informalNEED to need something urgently 迫切需要某物The kitchen is crying out for a coat of paint. 廚房急需油漆一遍。
My parents had divorced and I was crying out for love. 父母離婚了,我迫切需要得到關愛。
cry out• Chris fell, crying out in pain.• "Careful!" she cried out. "There's a snake!" → not know whether to laugh or cry at laugh1(3), → cry for the moon at moon1(4), → a shoulder to cry on at shoulder1(5)n COLLOCATIONSverbsstart/begin to cryShe suddenly started to cry.
make somebody cryThe end of the book was so sad that it made me cry.
stop cryingEventually, he stopped crying and told me what happened.
phrasesfeel like cryingI feel like crying every time I think about that day.
cry your eyes/heart out (=be extremely sad and cry a lot)Lucy read the letter and cried her eyes out.
cry like a baby (=cry a lot and without control)I cried like a baby when I heard the news.
cry yourself to sleep (=cry until you fall asleep)That night he cried himself to sleep.
adverbscry loudlyShe fell on her bed, crying loudly.
cry quietly/softlyPeople sat crying softly among the wreckage.
cry silentlyWhen I looked at Jane, I saw that she was crying silently.
cry bitterly (=because you feel angry or hurt)I no longer felt brave or strong, and I began to cry bitterly.
cry uncontrollably (=without being able to stop)They were crying uncontrollably at the sight of his grave.
THESAURUScry to produce tears from your eyes 哭,哭泣Don’t cry – everything will be all right! 别哭,一切都會好起來的!
Men aren’t supposed to cry. 男人是不能哭的。
cry your eyes out especially spoken to cry a lot and for a long time 眼睛都哭紅了I cried my eyes out when I watched ‘Titanic’. 我在看《泰坦尼克號》的時候眼睛都哭紅了。
be in tears to be crying 在哭泣By the end of his story, we were all in tears. 他的故事講到結尾時,我們大家都淚流滿面。
be close to tears to be almost crying 快要哭了You could see that she was close to tears. 你可以看出她都快哭了。
weep literary to cry, especially for a long time 〔尤指長時間地〕哭泣His mother put her head on the table and wept. 他母親把頭靠在桌子上哭泣。
sob to cry, taking sudden loud breaths 啜泣,抽噎I could hear someone sobbing in the next room. 我聽到隔壁房間有人在抽抽搭搭地哭。
wail /weɪl/ to cry very loudly in a high voice 大聲號哭The baby started wailing for its mother. 寶寶開始大聲哭着要媽媽。
whimper /ˈwɪmpə $ -ər/ to cry quietly and weakly 輕聲抽泣She began rocking to and fro, whimpering softly. 她開始前後搖着身體,嗚嗚地輕聲抽泣。
hold/fight back the tears to make a big effort not to cry 忍住淚水She told her story, struggling to hold back the tears. 她強忍着淚水叙述她的遭遇。
your eyes water if your eyes water, they have tears in them, for example because of smoke, wind, or when you are cutting onions 〔因爲煙、風,或切洋蔥時〕流眼淚The onions were making my eyes water. 洋蔥嗆得我眼睛直流淚。
to start crying 開始哭泣burst into tears to suddenly start crying 〔突然〕哭起來The man shouted at her and she burst into tears. 那男人對她叫嚷,她哭了起來。
break down to start crying after trying hard not to cry, especially when talking about something very upsetting 忍不住哭出來He broke down and begged for forgiveness. 他失聲痛哭,乞求原諒。
nWhen I saw what had happened to him, I just broke down and cried.